View Full Version : I'm working on a new type of loader or an addon to your loader tell me what you think

08-25-2001, 03:33 PM
Ok here how its going to work does anyone remeber having or their kids having those old hotwheels things that were soft foam wheels that when the car got to them the car got sandwhiched and it pushed the car along again real fast and it just kept goin...??? Well this is how its kinda going to work its going to be placed at the base by the tank like the warp but it will be very small and could even be made at the base of the loader itself... Anyways when the ball gets to the foam wheels type things they will force the balls up the tube into the chamber(warp type idea)or will just force them staight down into the chamber(bottom of loader idea)...And with the foam wheel they will be hard enough to propell them but soft enough so that no damage will be caused or disforming it at all... Oh yeah it will also come straight with a switch you mount in your grip so that it also spins with every pull!!!! Tell me what you think of my idea and i will post pics of this once i complete one them if anyone would like to buy my first functional one that works well or the plans lol i will sell them once i finish it oh and im getting a patent as soon as i finish it lol i really shouldnt have posted this yet but oh well lol thanks guys i hope this thing works out great!!!!!Bye

12" 32° Carbon
16oz Co2
CP lightning DF
Macro Lines
_ _ _ _____________ _ _ _
If you can only win by using the spray and pray method then you need to jet down to K-Mart and pick your self up a Big-A$$ can of skill!!!!~ME~
Run fast,Slide Low,Shoot Straight
Accuracy Prevails over Speed
Oh yeah check this place out it's super funny
www.stickballmovies.com (http://www.stickballmovies.com)

68 Mag
08-25-2001, 03:39 PM
Well, it's an interesting concept, and I wish you the best of luck. If you get the price low enough, I might be interested in buying one.

08-25-2001, 03:39 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Plastic_Mercenarie_39:
does anyone remeber having or their kids having those old hotwheels things that were soft foam wheels that when the car got to them the car got sandwhiched and it pushed the car along again real fast and it just kept goin...??? </font>
Hell, I still have one of those!!
And nextime, PLEASE type in sentenses. I dont know why, but it is really annoying when you dont.

If you run, you will only be marked tired

[This message has been edited by Paintballer86 (edited 08-25-2001).]

08-25-2001, 10:11 PM
intresting concept, im a bit skeptical though becuz of the the wheels having to be kinda big.


My Mag can beat your spyder w/ no paint.~~~me

Dont worry if it wasnt for losers like u, There couldnt be winners like me.~~~me

My mag is my mag, not yours, so go get your own one and be happy like me. ~me

08-25-2001, 11:04 PM
Not to rain on your idea.

You would need the wheels made of something that is easy and quick to clean. It would suck to have a ball break and have paint everywhere.

Just thought I'd mention it.

08-25-2001, 11:16 PM
Yes, it is a great idea. But i do have to agree with boot. Would the wheels be the only thing in the "hopper" moving the balls? If took those wheels and instead made them out of a rubber paddle (like on an old river boat), i think that would be a great help. Make the gaps in the "blades" just bigger than a PB. I wish you luck.

08-25-2001, 11:25 PM
Paintballer86: Were you a member of "The Unseen?" I saw the eye on your sig... that was from Horton, so I figured you might be.

If you are, I'm "The Bug". I still talk to Munroe, he talks with a few others, including Lemon, and has the newsletter we wrote up and most of the Board Posts.

If you know what I'm talking about, and are still interested in talking to him and a few of the others he kept in contact with, drop me a line at [email protected]

08-27-2001, 12:47 PM
You also posted this a few days ago in Tech. But since you got very little response I'll let it be. Also... here is the link to that one.


MAGgot Man
08-27-2001, 11:39 PM
Not meaning to seem rude or anything...but all that sounds like is a double sided warpfeed to me. Why would you need 2 wheels to propel something that is already round?

Sorry again to rain on your parade if I did. Just some things to think about.

Harleys and Paintball...aint life Great?
Retro PF Mag
9v Rev
Benchy 2x
47ci 3000 Nitro
Custom Drop forward