View Full Version : I'm doing a saftey class on paintball for complete newbs, anything I should know?

paint magnet
11-29-2002, 04:26 PM
Alright, I've been asked to do a safety lesson for my JROTC class because we're planning a paintball trip soon. I of course know to cover all the basics like keep your mask on all the time, use a BBD, don't cheat, etc etc. Does anyone have any tips on how to make this go smoothly? BTW, this is at the school where a kid shot his eye out with a paintball(long story but he deserved it, don't ever look down the barrel of a marker w/o goggles, and don't try to shoot cops, houses and trick or treaters and you'll be fine)

11-29-2002, 04:29 PM
i remember that story when the guy was looking down the barrel and shot himself....

anyways, www.warpig.com has a lot of good articles on safety and general paintball stuff. check them out.

11-29-2002, 04:44 PM
use him as an example of something not to do..

11-29-2002, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
keep your mask on all the time

Make sure you go over this a million times, then a million more.

11-29-2002, 07:10 PM
The mask thing is CRITICAL!!!!!!!11
The other thing i see as the mmost important is that they need to make sure there gun is not capible of firing in the staging area, barrelplugs, turned feed plugs, degas, whatever it takes. Ive seen to many guns go off in the stage area, i value my eyes alot so i uselly wear my mask in it(vforce arnt really noticable) or go to a unpopulated area of it because of careless people. Make sure they know that once they go into the playing area the mask is a part of them not to be removed in any situation. If they break their leg they keep it on, no exceptions.

:) have fun

11-29-2002, 07:54 PM
Keep your fingers off the trigger. I've seen many noobs playin with the trigger in the staging area!!! I have had one shoot me in the leg when they were "playing" with the markers. They stayed away from me the rest of the day after I gave them a royal azz-chewing.

11-29-2002, 07:59 PM
i would use some standard rifle/shotgun/small arms tips. always treat the gun as though it is loaded. even if you know for a fact it isnt and can see clearly into the breech to and are able to see no paint present. never point your gun at someone, jokingly or not. barrel cover/safety/ or not. make sure to degas and uncock when not using for longer than about 10 min.(as in lunch break or buying more paint, not between fields)

11-29-2002, 09:01 PM
keep barrel condoms and safetys on when not playin

11-29-2002, 09:07 PM
Say you can never be sure when your out of paint.. one time I was filming this home made video with my friend when I still had my tippy, and we were doing special effects by shooign the little action figures adn calling them meteors, and I was out of paint, so just to be funny I dryfired at my friend a couple times (turned the gun upsideown first to make sure no paintwas in it) and sure enough, after I stopped dryfiring, I did one more fire and pop I hit him right on the cheeks.. no, I dont mean the cheeks on your face eaither :eek:

paint magnet
11-30-2002, 12:22 PM
Ok, thanks for the tips. I think I'm going to bring a grape, representing the human eye, and a Diablo ball representing a paintball and do a little demonstration

11-30-2002, 01:37 PM
if you have any old apgs(like last year or further) one of those has a great article on what exactly happens when your eye is hit by a paintball, i think it may be some where on warpig as well but i am not forsure. you may wanna look on apgs site and see if they have that article archived or something.

something you need to make sure you go over is reff calls and hand signals. almost everytime i play theres newbs who will shot up the reffs not nowing that nuetral player player means don't shot at them because the ref is checking them.

11-30-2002, 04:10 PM
To all Newbs:

Don't blame and whine Brass Eagle for your crapy gun, just go out and buy a Mag :D

11-30-2002, 05:22 PM
WARNING: This is not a toy!!

Sir Chopsalot
11-30-2002, 06:43 PM
oh another example of never knowing if a gun is out of paint or not, we were playing paintball in my friends backyard field thingy and we were done so for some reason he wanted to waste his air. So he put his hand over the barrel and fired it about 20 times and then the last ball in the hopper that he had no idea was in there went in and he shot himself in the hand.