View Full Version : Is there any way to disable.......

11-29-2002, 11:42 PM
disable the blow out valve in the gun so my valve does not constantly leak out the back when I use my LX; I just want a way to stop the leak; b/c its annoying and everyone comes up to me and say "hey you gotta leak" and frankly it gets on my nerves;

any help will be appreciated

11-30-2002, 12:25 AM
go to one shorter bolt spring...that should fix the problem

11-30-2002, 12:32 PM
problem solved, earlier but thanx for the response

12-01-2002, 07:19 PM
well tell us what you did to fix it pal so if someone else has the problem it will help them

12-01-2002, 08:01 PM
hey Ican'tbelieveit; your from richmond; awesome; where do you live? where do you play?

oh and the person who told me how to do this, also told me not to share the way I fixed it up

12-02-2002, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by LawFox32
oh and the person who told me how to do this, also told me not to share the way I fixed it up

LOL. I hope you didn't play with the reg piston assembly.


12-02-2002, 09:50 AM
sweet friend ya got there...thats not the way we do things at AO, but oh well

12-02-2002, 11:20 AM
if you did tamper with the reg. piston...DO NOT USE IT!

tampering with the reg. piston is potentially hazardous to your health!

12-02-2002, 11:55 AM
Note: The following modifications are NOT approved or endorsed by AGD and could possibly endanger you or others.

Bah, you guys are a bunch of wussies :)

The mag valve is set to vent at a relatively low pressure. You aren't in danger if you modify the reg piston. Most guns don't even have a safety release like a mag, does that make them dangerous? Tom's blowoff feature is an ADDED safety feature, not a NECESSARY one.

That being said, modifying the piston should be done with the FULL knowledge that doing so CAN lead to a potentially dangerous over-pressurazation, which could lead to parts flying out of the gun at dangerously high velocities. Always understand any modifications and their potential safety hazards before doing any work to your paintball gun, if you do not feel secure in your ability to safely modify your equipment, seek out a qualified airsmith to do any modifications.

The quickest way to fix the problem is also adds the most risk. It would involve simply blocking the vent. You could do this pretty simply, I won't go into details since I don't reccomend this method.

The better way would be to crank the set screw inside the piston down a turn. Doing so would increase the pressure at which the piston vents. It's kinda tough to do as the screw isn't designed to be moved, and the piston is hard to get a hold on.

I've been meaning to bug Tom about making a new piston with a higher vent pressure. I'm not sure if he'd go for it or not.

Also, if you are worried about over-pressurization due to failure of your tank's reg, use macroline. The fittings and/or line will blow out at between 1200 and 1800 PSI, I'd guess. While a piece of macroline popping your hand can be slightly painful (It's happened to me), it's not what I would call "dangerous" unless you had your naked eye next to the fitting, I suppose.

Note: The preceeding modifications are NOT approved or endorsed by AGD and could possibly endanger you or others.

12-02-2002, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
...thats not the way we do things at AO, but oh well

This is what I was thinking.

12-02-2002, 12:58 PM
Thordic has it right; I took out the reg piston; put it in a vise; and heated the sucker for a while and turned the set-screw in about half of a turn; and I now can use my LX at the softest and it doesn't blow off; I talked to Tunaman and he told me how to do it; it was very nice of him; but he said to prevent any friction with Tom he said to no tell anyone it.

and yeah Thordic; I had macro blow with my hand on it; it was uncool but its a good point

12-02-2002, 01:13 PM
Tuna and I were trying to figure out the reg piston problem because of my stupid reg piston :) You have benefited from the fact my reg piston blows.

Its like when a butterfly flaps its wings in Chile...