View Full Version : Calling all Classic RT owners interested in "No-Rise" bodies...

11-30-2002, 05:06 PM
I know this is a long shot.. But.. perhaps if there are enough of us Banjo-Bolt RT users interested in getting No-Rise bodies, we could get tom to make a small run?

Kinda doubtful with the apparent flop of the "Slug Bodies"(which we were left out of again.. :( ).

But anyway.. If you use an old school RT, and would fathom getting a No-Rise.. Post here, and hope Tom sees this.

11-30-2002, 05:21 PM

11-30-2002, 07:09 PM
i would probably get one around christmas time if i end up liking how my rt shoots

Matt Crawford
11-30-2002, 10:18 PM
Umm...the no rise body should work on any rt... If the normal Emag Vertfeed body is the same(which it is besides the ball stack) it will work.But it looks kinda ugly.

If I'm wrong...please tell me.

11-30-2002, 10:30 PM
unfortunately the classic RT bodies are not interchangeable like the recent RTP bodies/emags/ etc.

11-30-2002, 11:51 PM
I would buy one right now if they had them. :D

12-01-2002, 12:00 AM
I just acquired a "Bajo Bolt" RT (#RT00236), and played with it last night!!! I fell in love with it!! I would love a norise RT body!! I would get one for my E-mag also (yes, I know you have to mill out the back to clear the air inlet), but wouldn't it be just sexy!!

Matt Crawford
12-01-2002, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by wimag
unfortunately the classic RT bodies are not interchangeable like the recent RTP bodies/emags/ etc.

But the emag bodys will go on classic RT's.(Unless there was something strange with my emag body) Cause I put a Vert feed emag body straight from AGD on my Classic RT and it worked fine.

12-01-2002, 01:04 AM
Indeed, you can put a newer body on the old RTs, but it's just not the same thing!! I guess you have to own an RT to get it!!!

Matt Crawford
12-01-2002, 01:54 AM
ok, sorry my bad I read it like you were trying to say it would not work....This is what happens when you dont get much sleep...

BTW I know what you mean about the RT thing, I own a classic RT.I dont use it much(sad too, such a nice gun deserves to be used once and a while).If Tom started making them I might buy one for mine...The Highrise powerfeed body looks really ugly now...

12-01-2002, 01:48 PM
There was a post in the tech forum a while back comparing the mainbodies... I I thought i remember it saying you couldn't put emag/rt-pro bodies on it due to a different size valve.. and something else thta is escaping my mind..

12-01-2002, 10:12 PM
put me down for a chrome one cause i would definately buy one no doubt about it. hopefully this will happen. AZZKIKR

12-04-2002, 05:40 AM
I would love to have a "No Rise" main body on my RT!!