View Full Version : Tsk tsk.... empty HALOs

11-30-2002, 06:03 PM
Don't you guys hate it how when a HALO B is empty, it whirls around and is somewhat loud? Today I was shot out because my opponent heard this sound; therefor, I wasn't able to bunker him with an empty hopper because he knew I didn't have anything left to shoot.

Have any of you found a remedy for this? Please note that I immediately switched off the HALO within 3 seconds of the whirling.


11-30-2002, 06:08 PM
My Revy makes a sound too, but I don’t know how it compares to a Halo….. and I actually LIKE it. It lets me know I have about 7 shots left. I quickly reach up and turn it off until I load my hopper again.

But that is just me…. :D

11-30-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by shartley
My Revy makes a sound too, but I don’t know how it compares to a Halo….. and I actually LIKE it. It lets me know I have about 7 shots left. I quickly reach up and turn it off until I load my hopper again.

But that is just me…. :D

Ah, well you can clearly hear that HALO from 16-22 feet away... Couple that with the fact that to turn off the HALO, it's kinda tricky. So, not only do I have the HALO making loud noises, I also have to put effort into turning it off. =)


big E kingpin
11-30-2002, 06:16 PM
i still have like 6-7 shots once mine starts spinning free, but mines on a warp :D . i usually look at it once i think ive shot somewhere around 150, and just top it off. if i recall, the directions say not to let it empty, i dont remeber why, i havnt seen any problems yet

11-30-2002, 06:44 PM
Don't run out of paint. :D:D;)

11-30-2002, 07:05 PM
Both of my revvys are louder than my HALO B. I haven't done any scientific testing, but I'd bet money on it. Not sure how they compare to richochets. I don't think there's much to do about this. I know that Halo B's are supposed to be significantly quieter than HALO A's, but you already have one. I keep mine pretty much topped off, but I play front, so most games I only need to reload once or not at all, and this isn't that big a deal for me.

12-01-2002, 12:47 AM
Are you sure you have a HALO B? In order to turn off the HALO B, you just need to hold on the on/off button for a couple seconds and then release it. Nothing tricky about that... All I can suggest is watching your paint level and turning it off before it starts free spinning and you know you're not going to be able to get anymore paint.

12-01-2002, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
Are you sure you have a HALO B? In order to turn off the HALO B, you just need to hold on the on/off button for a couple seconds and then release it. Nothing tricky about that... All I can suggest is watching your paint level and turning it off before it starts free spinning and you know you're not going to be able to get anymore paint.

Yes I'm sure I have a HALO B. And no, to turn it on, it seems like you have to hold it down half a second and release; any more or any less and it does not work. It's more of a second or 1.5 seconds of holding it down to turn off. ;-)

And you couldn't really turn the HALO off if you see you have 10 rounds left and your pods are empty because then those 10 rounds wouldn't feed down into your gun because the way that HALO is structured. If it worked that way, there must be some sort of manual override that will let even black shelled paint gravity feed down in.


12-01-2002, 09:36 AM
Just as soon as you hear it spinning, go for broke and bunker them anyway. Don't give your opponent time to think about it. I've bunkered two people that way, in one game. I've never been shot out because of the sound from my Halo. If your games are going that stagnent that they can hear it, then somethings wrong. :cool:

12-01-2002, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Just as soon as you hear it spinning, go for broke and bunker them anyway. Don't give your opponent time to think about it. I've bunkered two people that way, in one game. I've never been shot out because of the sound from my Halo. If your games are going that stagnent that they can hear it, then somethings wrong. :cool:

Heh, I did get up to do that right after I switched it off and dry fired a few times at them, but since there were actually two of them (one had a 45 degree angle to my right, and one had a 30 degree angle to my left), when I got up to bunker one guy, I got clipped on the left side of my neck by the other guy.

Anyone figure out what that little switch or two down by the feedneck of the HALO is for though?


12-01-2002, 10:13 AM
My Halo B is the quitest loader I have ever used.

RDB123 it sounds like you have a Halo A, especially if you have that little lever by the feed neck. That's a detent for balls in the feed neck and was supposed to help it with certain regulations I think, it's not needed now as far as I am aware and no Halo B's have it.

I'm not sure how you can expect to bunker someone if you have no paint :)


12-01-2002, 10:16 AM
Is anyone thinking of working on a on/off switch (like revy) for the Halo?

Wouldn't be a bad idea.....

12-01-2002, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by manike

I'm not sure how you can expect to bunker someone if you have no paint :)


manike, I just barrel tagged mine. :)

12-01-2002, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by manike
I'm not sure how you can expect to bunker someone if you have no paint :)

At my field we have a 20' rule.... once you are within that range the guy you run up on is out. Cuts down on a ton of welts :p

12-01-2002, 10:22 AM
Well Simon I have indeed tried to bunker people without paint. You make a run trying to draw fire for your team mates to move freely and then you end up making it up there so all you got left is acting. So all you can do is scream bloody murder "surrender!" over and over, and hope he does. If you took em by surprise you sometimes can get em to throw a hand up. Seen it happen. Not my luck though.

My Halo B is at least as quiet as my Revy is, maybe quiter. I just reach up and mash on that face plate and it turns off. It takes a little longer to turn it on but it takes just a second ot get it to flash red and go off. Then I still have a few shots left. There are actualy more in the neck of this thing than in a revy. A couple more.

12-01-2002, 10:31 AM
No one surrenders here :D :rolleyes: Just not the done thing :D

Asking people to surrender here results in yourself getting shot from very close range... usually in the groin as they look up at you :eek:

I don't bunker new players if at all possible, just get an unexpected angle on them and shoot them out somewhere that won't hurt. Like on the gun or boot usually.

Barrel tagging is fun, but rarely allowed here. It's considered physical contact and not allowed... but I do it in the states. :)

manike (who'd rather shoot someone at 21' then run into 20' zone and have them auto eliminated :) )

12-01-2002, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by manike
No one surrenders here :D :rolleyes: Just not the done thing :D

Asking people to surrender here results in yourself getting shot from very close range... usually in the groin as they look up at you :eek:

I don't bunker new players if at all possible, just get an unexpected angle on them and shoot them out somewhere that won't hurt. Like on the gun or boot usually.

Barrel tagging is fun, but rarely allowed here. It's considered physical contact and not allowed... but I do it in the states. :)

manike (who'd rather shoot someone at 21' then run into 20' zone and have them auto eliminated :) )
I find that to be the case around my neck of the woods too. Surrender? LOL Yeah, right. Folks would rather go down shooting, at least that way they have a chance to eliminate the person coming at them.

And I learned THAT lesson real quick. Getting lit up from someone you are trying to NOT light up because you are being “nice” is no fun. So I never offer surrenders any more…. Unless I have not even begun to make my move… but once in motion, sorry…. someone is going to get painted.

Barrel tags, again, not anything I do… they can always claim you didn’t tag them… but paint does not lie (unless they wipe).

This does not mean I am a “mean” player, or anything like it. Because I am not. I am just realistic…. ;)

12-01-2002, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by manike
My Halo B is the quitest loader I have ever used.

RDB123 it sounds like you have a Halo A, especially if you have that little lever by the feed neck. That's a detent for balls in the feed neck and was supposed to help it with certain regulations I think, it's not needed now as far as I am aware and no Halo B's have it.

I'm not sure how you can expect to bunker someone if you have no paint :)


Hmmmm, are you sure? The button to turn mine on and off is a little circle maybe half a centimeter in diameter.... I was under the impression that the HALO A power button was the whole back panel itself.....


And yes, just run over and start screaming "bang bang bang you're alllllll dead!" and jump up and down like a monkey on LSD and they usually surrender.

12-01-2002, 11:52 AM
All Halo's have the same little black rubber button on them to turn them on and off. I have both right here.

If you have the detent, you are likely to have a Halo A.

If your drive cone only has two paddles on it then it's a Halo A.

If your drive cone is not sprung loaded it's a Halo A.

Does that help?


12-01-2002, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by manike
manike (who'd rather shoot someone at 21' then run into 20' zone and have them auto eliminated :) )

finally, someone who agrees with me

but yeh, to turn OFF a Halo B, all you do is hold the button till the LED turns Red and then release. you can hold it for a week if you want. same thing to turn on a B(but till greed). the only difference was turning ON a halo A which was a bia-tch. had to push it, wait about a second and then push it again. terrible design

12-01-2002, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by manike

...If your drive cone is not sprung loaded it's a Halo A....

Yes it does. Looks like mine is a HALO B; maybe mine is malfunctioning or something because it is pretty damn loud. Even louder than most revvys I've seen. Oh well.

Thanks guys.

12-01-2002, 12:12 PM
A HaloB should be very quiet, it should also not constantly when it is empty like the HaloA and revy...

Just currious, what color is the guts of the Halo and does it have a little sprint sticking out in side or beads?

12-01-2002, 05:29 PM
...I replaced my beads with "Hippie" beads. Now mine is layed back and passive... :D

12-01-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
A HaloB should be very quiet, it should also not constantly when it is empty like the HaloA and revy...

Just currious, what color is the guts of the Halo and does it have a little sprint sticking out in side or beads?

Yes it has that spring sticking out. I just tested it in my house.... I stuck the HALO B in one room with the door open, and then i progressively walked away.... I could hear it pretty clearly from 60 feet away. That's weird that mine continues to whirl around nonstop when there is no paint left.... weird. I bought the thing from Xerces and he said it was a HALO B. The inside of it is all black as well.

Thanks for your input guys.

12-01-2002, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by rdb123
Yes it has that spring sticking out. I just tested it in my house.... I stuck the HALO B in one room with the door open, and then i progressively walked away.... I could hear it pretty clearly from 60 feet away. That's weird that mine continues to whirl around nonstop when there is no paint left.... weird. I bought the thing from Xerces and he said it was a HALO B. The inside of it is all black as well.

Thanks for your input guys.
Listening to something inside is not an accurate indication of how it sounds outside on the playing field. And when you are using it, your head is next to it. I am sure it is nowhere near that loud on an open field and from another player's position.

12-01-2002, 07:51 PM
That is a HaloA....
The HaloB is blue in side, uses Beads instead of the spring and is a non-sprung drive cone. Hence the reason it continues to spins. And yes the HaloA's were VERY loud.

Again, to sum it up...you have a HaloA loader, not a B and it is loud. Get the A to B upgrade, problem solved.

12-01-2002, 07:53 PM
Its an A...

50 cal
12-01-2002, 08:05 PM
Uuh....fill your hopper before doing someone?

12-01-2002, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
The HaloB is blue in side, uses Beads instead of the spring and is a non-sprung drive cone.

Halo B has the sprung drive cone. They all do. If you can push the drive cone backwards and feel the spring and it then jumps back around it has B parts in it.

Not all B's are blue inside. One of mine is not... But it is a very early edition B.


12-01-2002, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Listening to something inside is not an accurate indication of how it sounds outside on the playing field. And when you are using it, your head is next to it. I am sure it is nowhere near that loud on an open field and from another player's position.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the room I placed it in connects to a huge open room that has balconies looking down on it. So it somewhat replicates the nature of the sound on the field.

Lol, but yeah, even if it doesn't fully mimic the conditions on the field, I'm sure this is loud enough that you can hear it from 10 feet away and know what that means =)


12-01-2002, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by manike

Halo B has the sprung drive cone. They all do. If you can push the drive cone backwards and feel the spring and it then jumps back around it has B parts in it.

Not all B's are blue inside. One of mine is not... But it is a very early edition B.


Darn.... looks like this is a HALO A then.... I tried moving around the drive cone (which has two paddles on it), and the only movement I could get was rotation. I couldn't get it to move in any other fashion.

I bought this from Xerces so I guess he was mistaken.

Thanks guys.

12-01-2002, 08:28 PM
Definitely Halo A if the cone has just two paddles and not five. Also due to no spring loading.

Get the 'B' Upgrade. Worth it :)
