View Full Version : Does an aftermarket bolt and/or back half alter performance?

08-27-2001, 09:35 AM
I know this has come up many times but my friend won't believe me that aftermarket back half and bolts do not alter performance. I have heard a million times that they don't make any difference in recharging faster or being able to shoot faster. I know people have tested their theories, so come on guys, help me out.

[email protected]

Mike Couves

08-27-2001, 09:42 AM
personally speaking, I have not really seen a difference in the AIR chamber housing for the reg, but I did notice a gentler feel of the ANS bolt. The only REAL difference I saw was when I filed the sides down on my on/off valve to add airflow for recharge to reduce rundown. the comon 8 hole mods were for the older mags, but level 7 which is the current production for a few years now, has fixed that concern.

My mag is custom, my RT Pro is bone stock internals. no changes.

just my $.02

RTP00440, Benchmark Offset Adj. HPA Cradle, Pro-Connect, 12"AA, 12"DYE SS, 12"Boomie, 14"JJ Ceramic, 68/4500 NitroDuck Tuffy, 12Revvie, Warp.
Team ArchAngels
No Skill, No Talent, All Heart" ~ Oh Pawlak

08-27-2001, 09:43 AM
Since it's been answered so many times before. And if you do a simple search of the forum it will result in many hit. The answer is NO. There is no increase in performance with aftermarket parts.

Jason "Muzikman" Beam

68 Automag
68 Automag (Pumpmag) w/ 6-Pak+
Automag RT


[This message has been edited by Muzikman (edited 08-27-2001).]

08-27-2001, 09:47 AM
Is it just Mags that he's talking about?

On Mags, the bolts do not make a difference in preformance, but on other markers such as Cockers, some bolts have higher flow rate and are better for LP, ect.

08-27-2001, 10:03 AM
Yeah just regular Mags like Mini's and Auto's. Thanks for the help so far guys.

[email protected]

Mike Couves

08-27-2001, 09:49 PM

-mitch fong

08-27-2001, 09:49 PM

[email protected]

Mike Couves

08-27-2001, 10:20 PM
Take a Mag valve and unscrew the regulator portion of the valve. Pull out the reg. valve pin and drop it into the hole that it goes into holding the reg. body so the pin points straight up. Now look at the gap inbetween the sealing surface of the reg. valve pin and the reg. seat. That's the airflow gap going into the regulator. Now ask yourself how you can flow more air out of eight holes than one hole when you are restricted to that gap inbetween the reg. valve pin and the reg. seat.

As for bolts, the only other bolt design for Mags is the ANS bolt. It really doesn't matter if you push the air out of a bunch of small holes or three large ports, the air is still being put on the outer area of the ball. If anything, the ANS bolts are restrictive because of the small holes. I haven't calculated the combined volume of all of the holes in the ANS bolt as compared to the three ports in the AGD bolt, but I'll bet the AGD bolt can flow more volume. People buy ANS bolts because they have the foamie on them. If you want a foamie bolt, get an AGD foamie and you'll have a bolt that is cheaper than what most places charge for the ANS bolt and it won't wear like the ANS bolts do. I can show you pictures of how torn up ANS bolts get because they aren't as hard as AGD bolts.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Just spend your money on a good gun, nitro, revy barrels and Warp and then put the rest of your money towards playing.

08-27-2001, 11:40 PM
BlackVCG, where does the actual pressure regulation happen in the Mag reg? If the air before the seal/regulator pin hole is at 700 psi, a smaller hole is enough. The air coming out of the regulator (going to the on/off valve) is at ~300-400 psi.

BTW, I think that Tom or Rob said in another thread that the worst bottleneck is the regulator piston.

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