View Full Version : REVIEW - T-Balls rubber paintballs

12-02-2002, 11:50 AM
I got my two tubes (50 each tube) in the other day. Pretty nice. They're a squishy rubber, not real hard, but they specifically tell you NOT to fire at people/animals/etc.

They supply a small bottle of what looks like oil (they call it T-lube) so I'm not sure if it's just like standard marker oil or what. But you put 3-5 drops in the tube with the balls, shake it up and they're coated. Not slimy or anything but real slick.

They're a small bore, smaller then the blue freak insert (.685 I think?) they just rolled right through for me.

I first tried them in the warp/revvy combo, and one got jammed PAST the exit hole in the warp. Like at the top of the feed wheel. I had to take apart the whole warp to get it out.

I hand fed them into my marker and they worked great. Seems like they'll come in handy for target/practice shooting. Or after working on the marker/etc..

I had used some old washclothes folded up to shoot at, they stopped the balls without a problem, however i had a few bounces that sent them all over the room, definately wear a mask even when working with these. I take no responsibility for someone shooting their eye out.

I'd suggest setting up some sort of netting/catch for them when you shoot. Perhaps a bucket or box with something in the back to pad the shots so they don't bounce? I've got some old camo netting I'll use and setup something so I can shoot at without worrying about bounces/etc.

They seem like a good idea, I'll have to keep playing with them in the warp to see if it was just a freak thing that they got jammed or what. I'll get some pics of them when I get home too and put em up.

Has anyone else used these? I bought em from a link that was posted a few weeks ago, just wondering if anyone else had any problems with them in a warp?

Edit: Now with picture goodness!

Here is how they come packaged. Oil and balls in one nice neat tube.


Close up of the lube bottle:


Squishing between my fingers:


Instructions for lube:


Careful where you shoot!


This is what happens in the warp:


All-in all I'd say yeah, they're great for snap shooting and velocity adjusting etc. For rapid firing and using the warp, I wouldn't reccomend them at all. They just squish too much. And I can see how sniper1rfa could have chopped one.

They worked fine in my 12v revvy, fed into the cocker and RTPro without a problem, of course I wasn't firing as fast as I could. I'll have to test some more with that and see how they do.

12-02-2002, 04:42 PM
Good review. My local paintball store has those and i was wondering how good they were. If you do buy them here, they take your personal info. Just incase of a "accident" involving them. anyways, i think i might buy a tube, just to see how well they shoot. i wonder if they hurt :)

12-02-2002, 04:54 PM
where can you but them??

12-02-2002, 05:06 PM
cool, yeah i think those things would hurt alot, especially if you turned up the velocity!:eek:

12-02-2002, 07:46 PM
The best use I can think for them is: Snapshot drills around the house!! O, and do mind the Ming Vase!!! Anyway, where can you buy them???

12-02-2002, 07:53 PM
I got mine from here (http://www.xpaintball.com/rufdawtbal.html)

Real fast shipping too. I've got some pics, I'll update the post above with em when I get em over to the pc.

12-02-2002, 08:01 PM
nope, my warp dont like'em. they are squishy enough to pop up on top of the diverter plat and jam the warp. in fact, they are just too squishy. i chopped one. :eek:

im am dissapointed, to say the least, and am now looking for some decent nylon balls of the correct size. they are way too rubbery/squishy, and have too high a coef. of friction. they jam up in my rev too (yes, i want them for rapid firing, so i can analyze why a gun is chopping, without having to clean it).

12-02-2002, 08:55 PM
well i got mine, and im waiting for them to be shipped down to chile, i origionally posted that link btw.. any ways... i cant wait to get them... i expected them to be squishy, and this is just what i want, also, with squichy i can tune my lvl 10 even further to the point where it wont squish the ball.... now i ask, whay about these inside of a halo????

also im waiting om my sfl from AGD to get its ace board in...:(

12-02-2002, 11:09 PM
Thank you for the link, folks!! All I'm planing for them is to practice my snap shooting with my Phantom!!

12-03-2002, 02:17 AM
Any idea how many times you can shoot these without them deforming permanently?

12-03-2002, 02:19 AM
Just an observation. They slipped past the diverter plate on that warp, but it still has an old metal plate. Has anyone tried them with the plastic diverter plate warp?

12-03-2002, 06:26 AM
i'm no warp expert, but based on that pic, a ball has gone slightly passed the feed tube, they lubricated enough for the warp? i mean urethane disks on rubber balls? sound like those 2 would want to stick together, kinda like 2 rubber bands rubbing together, you may need to lube them up a little more to get them to work in a warp....but again, just an observation and thought

Bob Mundon
12-03-2002, 09:40 AM
sounds like something you could use for self defense, since the police uses almost the exact same thing, except i think they stopped using them since if you hit someone in their windpipe it could easily kill them

12-03-2002, 09:56 AM
I'm not so sure I'd want to shoot anyone with these, let alone get shot by them. THat would hurt alot! I did order 100 rounds of the foam paintballs (the same ones they use in Lazerball) so hopefully we'll see how those go. People are shot by those and perhaps they'll work better then these in the warp/revvys.

I'll keep ya posted.

12-03-2002, 12:24 PM
mine has the plastic plate. it does the same thing. always the same side too (the same as the side on his warp...).

and they dont jam, per se, but they feed real slow.


i just put some through my raptor. it seems that the second ball is squishy enough to slow the hammer down and prevent a recock, instead of just bobbling up the feed tube a little. My raptor is really fine tuned, and will only recock with paint in it, so this is understandable, but annoying nontheless.

as for velocity...

real paint (raptor). 271, 281, 265, 276
T-balls (raptor). 258, 260, 276, 268

real paint (mayhem w/velocity problem). 230, 232, 225, 228
t-balls. 223, 224, 215, 219

not bad...

12-05-2002, 08:35 PM
well, i had some fun today...

i set up a course type dealy in my basement (target, anything soft. e.g.: life vests, hanging clothes...) . lemme tell you, these things are FUN! very good for practicing too.i figured out some of my problems anyway...

but yeah, no amount of lube let them work with my warp, so i had to switch to centerfeed.

oh yeah, rufus dog's motto should be: "our lube smells like 'garum', a roman sauce made from rotten, decaying fish."

12-05-2002, 08:38 PM
Sniper any deformation you noticed after shooting these a few times?

12-05-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by sniper1rfa

oh yeah, rufus dog's motto should be: "our lube smells like 'garum', a roman sauce made from rotten, decaying fish."

hahah maybe we should send him an email..

I think the lube is regular oil, almost seems like marker oil.

12-05-2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Bob Mundon
sounds like something you could use for self defense, since the police uses almost the exact same thing, except i think they stopped using them since if you hit someone in their windpipe it could easily kill them

this is a lie, police rubber bullets are just that, metal ball bearings coated with rubber, they are not soft rubber paintballs....

12-06-2002, 10:40 AM
no deformation, but a few of them did crack along the seam (i think i chopped those, as my bolt goes foward with a record breaking 175 lbs of force).

as for the lube, it gets kinda cruddy in the barrel, but a few plugs of TP took care of it. and yeah, its seems like normal lube, it just makes my 400 pack smell strongly of something rotting. think 20x brass eagle. :p
WFM: your smell this bad too?

12-06-2002, 11:22 AM
Check out http://www.amusepro.com/PhazerBalls.htm I haven't yet had the opportunity to try them out. This is the company that I have been talking to in regards to my retirement plans (I'm 30). Maybe now would be a good time to have them send me a sample.

I'll post if I can get samples.

12-20-2002, 11:43 AM
Those look like grapes, hehe.

Someone mentioned on another forum that they put a mask out there and shot these rubber balls at them and it went right through the lense. Sounds like it could be dangerous if not used safely and responsably (Like anything else done in paintball).

12-20-2002, 12:08 PM
hmmm I've got an old mask lense that's all scratched, ill put it in and take some shots at it to see what happens..

I'll have to get some pics for that..

12-20-2002, 12:24 PM
These things fricking HURT!

bounced one off the wall. DEFINATELY wear a mask when using these things.