View Full Version : Skyball!!!!

12-02-2002, 06:34 PM
Skyball is coming!!!!!!!!! I know its a long way off, but 2002 was a real kick and i'm really psyched up for 2003. If any other AO members are going post here, maybe we can organize something. I'm gonna be in Toronto for the week before the event and would like to play at a feild in that area at some point during the week to warm up for the big event.

12-02-2002, 07:04 PM
Well then you want to play at Area 51.


The best place in the city to play. There will be teams pacticing there the week before the event. So if you call and ask, they can setup practices for you.

And tell them Douglas of Team Dragoons sent you :D


12-03-2002, 05:41 AM
I'll be going to 2003 Skyball since I hear so many good things about that tourny... looking forward to it! Count me in for the practice before at Area 51 or wherever it's decided. Keep me posted or email me at email@beayoungs.com!

Thanks! And see you at Skyball!


Creative Mayhem
12-03-2002, 10:34 AM
I'm only 45 mins out of Toronto, and any AOer's are more than welcome to stay at my place if you want to keep costs down. Just let me know. I am so in for the pre-tourney warm up!:D I do however, need a team to play with at Skyball, seeing that my current team is not going.:(

C Mayhem

12-03-2002, 11:27 AM
when is it going to be?

12-03-2002, 11:34 AM

12-09-2002, 04:21 PM
yeah my team might be going to skyball but we are rookie division mayhem(guessing you wouldnt wanna be with us) if we do go we'd let you play if you wanted

12-09-2002, 04:31 PM
I'm trying to see if I can make Skyball next year. Strange dates... Thursday to Saturday right? Guess it means I can fly back to England Sunday and get in at a sensible time Monday...

When will you guys be heading in?


Creative Mayhem
12-09-2002, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
yeah my team might be going to skyball but we are rookie division mayhem(guessing you wouldnt wanna be with us) if we do go we'd let you play if you wanted

Hey a team is a team. It wouldn't matter if I was playing with a bunch of chimps. Well, maybe it would. You're not a bunch of chimps are you?:D

I'll play with ya!:D PM


12-09-2002, 06:15 PM
well were not chimps but one of my players is a stoner(hes good though) hope you dont mind a bunch of teens sponosored by a gun shop and a hardware store!!11 :D (also we only have 3 jerseys lol) and im still not sure if were going

Creative Mayhem
12-10-2002, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
well were not chimps but one of my players is a stoner(hes good though) hope you dont mind a bunch of teens sponosored by a gun shop and a hardware store!!11 :D (also we only have 3 jerseys lol) and im still not sure if were going

Keep me posted.... I'll be there no matter what! :D

Manike, I live 30-35 mins from the Skydome so I will be there everyday, I think most are getting there a 1-2 days before.


12-10-2002, 03:10 PM
Ok, here's my thoughts on this. Since a bunch of us are going to skyball, and want to practice with our teams before hand, why don't we organize an AO day? I checked out the website for area 51 (good recomendation Dragoon) and it looks like a great feild. I'll try to get the ball rolling as soon as possible, I'll even bring the pie (i'm not sure what everyones obsession with pie is, but if it will draw more people.....):rolleyes:

12-10-2002, 03:16 PM
Well if there's gonna be pie, count me in. I've been planning on going for a while, just haven't worked out the details or checked my work schedule yet. There might even be a few other Michiganders heading out (they keep saying they want to go).

12-10-2002, 05:04 PM

lets pack up the van, and go..

it in feb right?

my b-day is in feb.

maybe thats just enuff of a reason to go.

12-10-2002, 05:19 PM
sounds like a plan, if I can get clear of work, I'm game.

12-10-2002, 05:28 PM
YAY. you are all taking a step into my part of the woods eh?
well I will love to go to an AO day in Toronto if i have some cash for then. I am going to Skyball too, even if i dont play.