View Full Version : Metal Gear Solid 2: "Sons of Liberty": Real Life or Fiction?

12-06-2002, 03:07 PM
First off I just wanna say that this game is the best game I have ever played(twice). Second, does anyone think parts of the plot could be at all true? Like the Patriot's Wisemen Committee for example. It is possible, however remote, that the US is controlled by a "behind-the-scenes" group. Think about how much information really IS digitized nowadays: Social Securtiy numbers, credit card numbers, Top-Secret military data(which is way the Internet came into being in the first place; different agencies wanted to be able to communicate with each other faster and be able to send classified documents more securely). One of my favorite quotes from the game was, "Without free will there is no difference between submission and rebellion." Could things in life be run the way several individuals want it to be. Such things as terrorist attacks would be pointless to stage, but could thinks like a business filing for bankrupcy(sp?) be completely thought out ahead of time? simply to allow another business to overwhelmingly succeed?

Okay, you may think of me as being paranoid or someone who LOOOOVES conspiracies but I'm not. I just think that certain aspects of the game could be, in a sense, true to life. What do you guys think?

12-06-2002, 03:31 PM
hehe.. not about your post but, did anyone else notice when you beat it once, and you go to beet it again, and your in the part at the end of the first part, and all the soldiers are watching the guy talk, well, the second time i beat it, they were al in boxers.. anyone else get that>?

12-06-2002, 03:36 PM
Hehehe....well, I know a LOT if stuff the Gov't keeps secrets on...but, it isnt to "control" the populace. Our Gov't isnt worried about the average person, and the ecnomy isnt controlled by a small group. Well, bill Gates maybe....
These kind of posts I find amusing. People look for conspiracies in almost everything. I am not bashing anyone; hell, I have been guilty of it too. But, where I was deployed to, was pretty much a clearing house for intelligence. The Govt does keep a lot of secrets, but, it is for the good of the country. McCarthyism is dead...
Of course, I couldve been paid and/or threatened to write this too. ;)

Creative Mayhem
12-06-2002, 04:21 PM
I like chicken, but why? I don't know what it tastes like.....:) Damn computers, ruining my dinner.:mad: :D

C Mayhem

12-06-2002, 04:30 PM
Hahaha, well put oldsoldier.

12-06-2002, 04:40 PM
yea its just like the matrix except without all the little green number symbol things i wonder if in the real world wat paintballs taste like how do i not no that chicken is wat paintballs taste like and chicken tastes like paintballs did that make any sense cuz all i think i did was confuse my self :confused:

12-06-2002, 05:57 PM
read the author who wrote fight club's books, you'll like em (i cant remember his name).

12-06-2002, 06:16 PM
first of all.... LOL! Secondly, yeah there were some decent ideas there, but the entire plot was way too complex. That's why I think the 1st Metal Gear Solid was much better than the second....the second just had way too complex a story line. Anyway the whole plot and ideas in MGS2 were made to sound realistic...

12-06-2002, 06:33 PM
i think you could be right. heres the government now as we know it (or DON'T know it)

Think of it in layers:

<-----here what we know

<-----heres where all those conspiracy theories come in

<-----and here is what the government doesn't want us to know, and we never will

12-06-2002, 06:54 PM
who didnt know that the cia controls the government for crying out loud :D

12-06-2002, 08:22 PM
Well, I have been inside the DaRPA building...and it aint nothing like in the game. Lol...it is a little military building. Nothing special. Hell, we have found the place unlocked several times, and had to call the chief in to lock the door. But, they do have some cool stuff. they helped design the landwarrior program...of course, they wont let us test stuff again. I think we shocked the the engineers when they saw what kind of stuff we actually put our equipment through...

12-06-2002, 08:44 PM
lol. maybe your both wrong and its like deus ex :D

yeah i think they should be happy to see what you put things thru if they still work after

12-06-2002, 09:02 PM
actually, about 2 or 3 years ago there was a guy who had done research for 2+ years straight, tracking down people who were in "control" of the world economics, relations, pretty much anything important, he was extrememly paranoid after he started doing the research, was always really careful with his breifcase, who he talked to, etc, he started leaking some stuff to his friends and eventually it got to the media, well my local media atleast, (BC radio, very respected station, not physcos), i know your all thinking nut case, but just before he claimed he was going to name names he was found dead, shot in the head, breifcase with everything he had been doing was gone. im not making this up, it really happened, ill try and find some old articles.


12-06-2002, 10:37 PM
the plot is OLD man....umm remember the movie "the skulls"

This ones been flying around. i doubt it...

12-07-2002, 12:45 AM


12-07-2002, 12:59 AM
the information came from a well respected canadian radio station, its not exactly "some story" i picked up somewhere. your welcome to disprove me but dont just throw stones, give me proof.


12-07-2002, 09:51 AM
(Just wants to say that that is the best damned game ever on PS2... Morrowind is the best for PC)