View Full Version : shocker 4*4 vs. automag

12-06-2002, 06:47 PM
my friend on my team who has a shocker challenged me to a game 1 on 1 in the woods when I get my mag. We are pretty much equal in skill. I am kinda worried with the full auto but that thing is a hog. Any suggestions. I am ordering it on Tuesday so we should play about a week and a half from now.
PS- My old gun is an A-5 which pretty much sucked but the mag should be great!

12-06-2002, 07:02 PM
I wouldn't play someone with F/A, because that's:

A. Cheap
B. Shows a lack of skill
C. Would not be fun
D. Did I meantion cheap and lack of skill?

That's pointless, and just shows that he can shoot a lot of paint. I can win pretty much most 1 v 1 games if they are shooting slower than I am as long as they aren't TOO much better.

12-06-2002, 07:14 PM
well i just talked to him on the phone. he says 3-shot burst so I said ok. The 4*4s are bulky though so I think I will have the advantage

12-06-2002, 09:12 PM
one of my friends used to have a shocker... those things are really pretty good guns, sure they are a gas hog but that thing is damn near SILENT! If he gets the jump on you there might be 8 rounds falling near you and you WON'T be able to tell where they are coming from...

The mag on the other hand is a little louder then most other guns I've played with... he'll definately be able to tell where you are.

Thats really the only thing I would worry about. Gun doesnt factor THAT much in 1 vs 1. I know my friend and I would go out pump vs pump, then my SFL emag vs his pump... We are around equal skill, and I only got him around 50% of the time. Skills over kills...

Good luck!

12-06-2002, 09:23 PM
watch out there extremly accurate and shoot far

12-07-2002, 12:12 AM
elpimpo, i hope your joking

12-07-2002, 12:23 AM
what r u talking about i have one. go look at any web site that shows accuracy and you'll se what im talkin about.

12-07-2002, 11:49 AM

12-07-2002, 02:00 PM
It is easy, keep him shooting draw his fire and sooner then later he will run out of air or paint.
I do it all the time with a friend who owns a tippmann with a RT kit on it and it is such a gas hog he will run out of air before paint. funny stuff he just cant figure it out:D

12-07-2002, 02:27 PM
That's pretty cheesy that he has to rely on 3 shot burst mode. Tell him to grow some balls and play fair.

12-07-2002, 04:23 PM
I played a friend with a shocker 1v1 a couple times. I was using my 'mag. He got me the first time and I got him the next. They are definatly air hogs. Keep moving and make sure you keep him in sight. No matter how quiet the gun is if he gets the drop on you your done.

12-07-2002, 09:48 PM
i don't know about you, but the only problem i have w/ 1v1 games, i get too tired too quick, cause i'm out of shape, then again when i play 1v1 games, it's speed ball, all that snap shooting and running around gets to me after a while. so that's another thing i would warn you about if you plan on the "run around untill he's out of ammo" stragety, plus, when i run out of paint in a game, i still stay in, i at least serve as a decoy for my team mates (yea i know that doesn't help in a 1v1 game) but it would at least draw your fire untill you're out of paint, and then have to call it a draw.