View Full Version : Please help - I need statistics and demographics on paintball

08-29-2001, 02:35 PM
Unfortunately there is probably not going to be any real warehouse of information that I can think of due to the state of infancy and splintered manner in which paintball conducts itself in the world arena.

Here are a few suggestions on where to get some info.

1 - the various paintball leagues such as NPPL, Zap Amateu open and other such entities.

2 - Industry leaders. You might be able to get information on them from Hoovers.com. This site will list information such as key officers, financials and number of employees. Brass Eagle is listed but nothing came up on an Airgun Design or Tippmann search.

3 - Insurance companies. Not sure if they would tell you anything. The one problem I have with claiming that paintball is less accident prone then bowling or golf is what they consider to be a paintball specific injury. Do they leave out hose who say, twisted and ankle ot even broke an arm? These injuries can happen just about anywhere. If they do, then does that hey only are caounting eye, face or mouth injuries that are obtained due to using a marker with out proper safety equipment?{read: stupidity}

Also, I would like to know where the concept that most players are in the sport for only a year. For that statement to be anywhere remotely reliabel there would of had to of been a major study done on the sport and it would of had to of canvased almost 90% of the entire worlds population. Think about it. If you are asked if you play paintball and you say no do you think the interviewer will ask if you ever played paintball? This seems like a very generalized statement.

Another thing. The extreme Sport thing. I honestly don't consider paintball to be an extreme sport. I liken it to a more engaging version of chess. But that is semantics.

Out of couriousity, what is this study for? I would be interested in seeing the results.

One best, though very expensive way to do it would be to create a survey questionnaire, send copies to various industry leaders, organizations, fields and shop as well as publications. Ask them to distribute them to their patrons. Include a self addressed and stamped envelope so that the surveys can be mailed back to you. Next, create a multi-functional database and query engine from which you can extrapolate the various forms of information, in the form of industry accepted histograms to answer just about any such question pertaining to paintball.

This is what I do every day of my life. Is it any wonder I play a game where I can shoot at people?

08-29-2001, 04:50 PM
You might try www.DurtyDan.com (http://www.DurtyDan.com) he had some stats up at one point, if you search around then you can probably find them.

08-29-2001, 11:09 PM
It's very hard to find any kind of meaningful figures on the paintball world in terms of either the players or the industry.

The only nuggets of data I have come across are that paintball is the number 4 "extreme sport" in the U.S., that it's safer in terms of injuries than bowling, and I think an Admin on this board stated that the average player is in the game for about one year.

Could anyone point me in the right direction? I have even looked at the SEC filings of some paintball companies, and at patent documents, but still not very much information.


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