View Full Version : dont take your tank to get it hydroed at deep six forthe ohioans out there

12-07-2002, 01:14 AM
wel here the story

i took my tank to deep six specialists to get it hydroed when i went there to get it back from their they went to go fill it and i have a 68/45 tank and the guy set my tank on the shelf with the hose from the fill station hooked up and he went over to higher the pressure to fill it and when he put it up to 4500 the tank blew off the shelf and hit the ground now my tank has tons of scratches and scuffs marks and then on the bottom it look like a knife went in a lil bit and pulled up ome of the wrapping anyways when it fell off he turned and was like oops sorry im like omfg so anyways

do u giez think i should sue them now or go talk to them and try to get a new tank from them of do something about it an dif they dont should i sue them

tell me what i should do

byt he way i need a lvl10 and a i frame my mom and dad are getting it for me for my birthday so yol ahve to wait a few days before christmas

12-07-2002, 09:23 AM
oh yeah go talk to them... thats just wrong. id be pissed if the messed up my tank

12-07-2002, 09:26 AM
tell them they either have to give you a new tank or you will bring this before a judge. they messed up you shouldnt have to pay for it.

12-07-2002, 09:28 AM
agreed, thats just wrong that they didn't offer it to you when it just happened, they should def have to cover it.


12-07-2002, 12:26 PM
from what I could understand of your post (not much...)... I'd say they better replace your tank, that kind of negligence can only be fixed by paying the consequences.


12-07-2002, 12:51 PM
Have your parents, or someone else who can write complete sentences, file a claim in small claims court. Unless there is a sign posted somewhere, or something you signed, you may be able to show that the person filling the tank was negligent and they should replace it.

Or the owner may receive notification, realize he can't afford to not be at his shop all day, and just give you a check.

12-07-2002, 01:18 PM
You may also want to find out if the employee filling the tank was even authorized/certified to do so.


12-07-2002, 01:22 PM
well, dont take it to court or anything unless u really have to...that will only really cost u and the store owner more money, and probably hurt your relationship with that dude. just try to work it out with him first, any1 that is trying to make a business succesful is only goin to want the customers to be happy, so they will come back again. But there is no way that u should have to pay anything unless there is somethin u arnt tellin us...

12-07-2002, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Restola
Have your parents, or someone else who can write complete sentences, file a claim in small claims court. Unless there is a sign posted somewhere, or something you signed, you may be able to show that the person filling the tank was negligent and they should replace it.

Or the owner may receive notification, realize he can't afford to not be at his shop all day, and just give you a check.
I agree... and before and after pictures would help as well... but live an learn on that one.

I would also suggest sueing the Public School System. If u giez no wut I meen.

12-07-2002, 01:29 PM
now now, we need to supporrt Publik Edgeimacation.

12-07-2002, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by bowser************
well, dont take it to court or anything unless u really have to...that will only really cost u and the store owner more money, and probably hurt your relationship with that dude. just try to work it out with him first, any1 that is trying to make a business succesful is only goin to want the customers to be happy, so they will come back again. But there is no way that u should have to pay anything unless there is somethin u arnt tellin us...
While I would agree to see if you can take care of this without going to court, I don't agree with the costing both parties more money.

Small claims court costs virtually nothing and if you win you can also recover your filing fees, and other expenses you incurred in direct relationship to the case. And as for the relationship with the “dude”… who cares. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t go to a shop to make friends. I go to purchase products and services. I will be friendly, but my “relationship” with the owners is not my first priority.

Personally, I would not have even left the store without giving the owner/manager a chance to do the right thing. And if he/she didn’t, I would not hesitate filing in Small Claims court. It would be their choice, not mine. But I most certainly would not come to AO and ask what I should do.

Where on earth was his folks?

12-07-2002, 01:37 PM
well shartley i jus think that if u try to be nice and everything when u need somethin then they will try to do good and make u happy so u come back. then u get better service

12-07-2002, 01:42 PM
Yeah I agree with Shartley on this one. You should have brought it to the owners or managers attention before you left cause now if you try and go back and have them do something about it they could claim that when you left with the tank it was fine and they had no part in the damage no matter if you know they did or not. Now I'm not sure if the people who run that shop would do that or not but there is always that chance and then proving your case is gonna be pretty hard unless you have some hard evidence cause in theory you could have dropped that tank somewhere else for all they care.

12-07-2002, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by bowser************
well shartley i jus think that if u try to be nice and everything when u need somethin then they will try to do good and make u happy so u come back. then u get better service
LOL Sorry, that is not how it works in MY book.

I don’t call making them take care of a mistake they made as “you needing something”. ;) And who cares if THEY are happy? You are the customer, not the other way around. You should not have to be nice so THEY give you better service, or take care of their mistakes, they should give you good service as well as not made the mistake to begin with.

You seem to miss the total issue. If you go to them and they mess up, you should not have to be nice so they give you better service. LOL That is backward thinking. ;)

12-07-2002, 01:55 PM
i dont mean just to be nice now, but in general. if, for example, u had them install somethin on ur gun, would u rather have them slap the stuff on and go right on to the next customer, or take some time and make sure everthings workin just right? would u rather deal with someone whos friendly most of the time, or some kid who acts like he owns u?

and, i try to be as nice as i can to every1 because it seems like everywhere u look people are gettin more and more selfish and less respectful to others.

but lets just put aside the argument now, i dont like postin all the time.:cool: im done here. adios

12-07-2002, 02:18 PM
I don't think that we're saying that you should be a jerk right off the bat when you first go into a place looking for a service cause we all now that that doesn't get you anywhere. The fact is that because of their neglagence(sp?) the tank is screwed up and now there is no reason that Black_Dragun2578 has to be a nice customer. I know if they did that to my tank I'd be real mad especially if the guy filling just left it sitting somewhere unattended while filling it.

12-07-2002, 03:04 PM
thanks for psting and giving me your opinions on what to do i bought this tank used about a month ago there was no scratches when i took it to the place to get it hydroed then when they called and told me it was ready my dad was around the corner from the place so i called my dad and told him to pick it up...so he did and he said when he got their there was no scratches or anything on it but then when the guy went to go fill it he set it on the shelf to go higher the psi on the scuba tank when he had highered it had dropped on the floor and got all these scratches on it

i will probably go in sometime soon and ask them to either buy me a new tank or something and if they so it will pass hydroe i will make them pay for the hydroe and then they will see if it will or not when i know it wont it is in bad condition if they were to not do anything about it i will take them to court

again thanks for posting

12-07-2002, 03:28 PM
Dont you geiz jut haet morronos?

Lol... Anywho, glad you are getting it worked out...

12-07-2002, 04:14 PM
ill be going this week to figure things out i might just have them straight up buy me a new tank

12-07-2002, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Black_Dragun2578
thanks for psting and giving me your opinions on what to do i bought this tank used about a month ago there was no scratches when i took it to the place to get it hydroed then when they called and told me it was ready my dad was around the corner from the place so i called my dad and told him to pick it up...so he did and he said when he got their there was no scratches or anything on it but then when the guy went to go fill it he set it on the shelf to go higher the psi on the scuba tank when he had highered it had dropped on the floor and got all these scratches on it

i will probably go in sometime soon and ask them to either buy me a new tank or something and if they so it will pass hydroe i will make them pay for the hydroe and then they will see if it will or not when i know it wont it is in bad condition if they were to not do anything about it i will take them to court

again thanks for posting

I never knew so much could be said in two sentences. :eek:

12-07-2002, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD

I never knew so much could be said in two sentences. :eek: HAHAHA, thats hilarious!!!!

12-08-2002, 01:34 AM

12-08-2002, 11:49 AM
don't worry about court untill you have explored other options. go back and talk to the man, seeing as you are obviously very young, bring one of your parents to listen in to make sure the guys not trying to pull one over on you by using big words and forceful speech. or have one of your parents talk to him, and listen in to make sure they know exactly what happened. court is a waste of everyones time and effort.

12-08-2002, 12:03 PM
First of all kid, if you go to court, make sure you have a parent like print out the problem if you have to do some kind of typing, I dont think the judge wants to read this:

"geiz dudge teh porner fo teh tore boke me tnak it wont boken bfor he meenie dopped it fon tee foor i wnt joo da dudge ot mke de menie by m3 a neu one geiz bcuse it wanot myu faut"

So, learn how to type too.

Also, you better do this soon, cause if you wait a week, you have no proof they did it. And also, Id oubt you can take it to court, as you have no proof.

12-08-2002, 12:28 PM
lol you guys are tearing him out for spelling. anyway why did you bring it to be hydro'd after a month of owning it, and it had no scratches on it anyway?

12-08-2002, 01:12 PM
he bought the tank used

12-08-2002, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
he bought the tank used

But that does not explain his ubberly messed up spelling....

12-08-2002, 01:21 PM
o i missed the used part i thought he bought it a month ago :rolleyes:

12-08-2002, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Black_Dragun2578
he set it on the shelf to go higher the psi...

"High" is an adjective or noun in my dictionary.

Raise, now there's a nice verb.

but good luck with the situation, your dad must have no spine to not argue about a scratched tank, especially after he saw it fall. Did you tell him that there were no scratches on it before you gave it to the guys that hydroed it?

12-08-2002, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Restola
Have your parents, or someone else who can write complete sentences, file a claim in small claims court.


12-08-2002, 06:38 PM
i just talked to my dad he said he will be taking me to talk to the guy and he said we will get this figured out even if we have to go to court i hope we dont have to go to court but i will get if figured out

hey CRog u meessed up spelling too lol sorry but i have been writing this stuff to quick seeing as im not suppose to be on the computerso i havent had the time to check it