View Full Version : E-Mag is it for me?

08-28-2001, 06:00 PM
Hey everyone im lim and its nice to meet you all! Whell my frinds and I are gona start a team this summer and i wil play front and whell i can diside on a gun to get! I hav read abought E-Mags on this fourm and they sound great but i would like to know any input you have on how good they are for a front player or if i should just get a Mini RT. The other issue is money im 13 and it takes a long time to get a lot but my birthday is in sept. and fig i can get some then an save all my X-Mas money and prob have enough! Whell laterz

08-28-2001, 06:12 PM
yo,im 12 and i just started a team. if i were you,i would buy an automag68 classic first,cause a E-mag is like 1,000 dollars. you can get a fiber n2 tank for free if you but it at paintballgear.com,thoguh.but im gonna get an automag68 classic very soon caust its a good gun. hope i helped http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-28-2001, 06:21 PM
thanks man

08-28-2001, 06:23 PM
plus it's heavy for little guys

08-28-2001, 06:39 PM
Given the fact that you're 13..you're still young yet..go for the 68classic. Excellent gun, good price. Put a good barrel on there and a drop combined with N2 and you're a force to be reckoned with. After that save your money to buy the Emag if you want..then keep your 68 as a backup..that's what I'm doing..I'll have my Emag here in about a week and a half.

08-28-2001, 06:45 PM
its not heavy for lil guys i started with my e-mag when i was 14... yeah i guess im back at the forums i cant resist, its an addiction! Ill just avoid the moderators

08-28-2001, 07:42 PM
Vil3 that's the attitude!!


08-28-2001, 07:42 PM
Does anyone else think that young guns with super guns is sort of destroying the sport for less fortunate players? I mean, it's making the tournament scene harder to break into. It's been established that it's the player not the gun, but if you have 5 newbs with E-mags laying the field down, how is the kid with the Spyder going to take any ground?

08-28-2001, 07:44 PM
SUN im not a n00b i play tourneys so dont always think younger ppl are neccessarily noob's

Black Powder E-Mag (right Powerfeed)
Dye Boomstick 14"
Kapp Dropforward
NitroDuck 68ci 3000psi
WDP Lok Sok (Grey)
12v Rev
www.geocities.com/viil3/Team.html (http://www.geocities.com/viil3/Team.html) (my Team Site)

08-28-2001, 09:02 PM
I'm not calling you a "noob". I'm just saying that young guns with super guns is going to destroy the tournament scene. Some kid with a Spyder won't understand that he is a better player, he'll only understand that his opponent has a gun that cost about 20X his, and the ROF reflects this.

woody 2
08-28-2001, 10:09 PM
i disagree with that...to an extent... I don't know why so many people are bothered by ounger or newbies with superguns, if they want em then i consider it a smart choice for them b/c you save a TON of money by buying a top-of-the-line gun that you are gonna keep initially rather thna working your way up...when u work up you lose tons of money from selling all your past guns, and you also can become better by developing with one gun and becoming very comfortable with it, when i was 12 ig ot my model 98, about 14 got my mag, then at age 15 got my impy. I wish i had just save dalotta moneya nd went out and brought a nicer gun (then again i prolly wouldnt have known how INTO the sport i would become) so this decision can go either way, but i personally thin kit save smoney, mags are infamour for HORRIBLE resale value and you shuold take note of the fact that noone knows anything about an e-mags resal value well becaus ei guess all the owners are to happy with em to sell em. But i think you should go foe the e-mag...if your wanting one now, once your 68. mag gets old a few months old....you will regret not skipping that initial step of getting the better gun first. trust me it will help you later. and also. It seems to me that you know that you are going to be very "into" paintball so DEFINETELY get the E-MAG!!!

08-28-2001, 10:40 PM
If i were you i would get the emag just so you don't have to spend more money in the long run if you want to eventually get one.

08-29-2001, 01:20 AM
Hey, if he wants to work his way up, get the E-Mag, and find a used stock AIR valve and pop it in the E-Mag body, run it on Mechanical mode, and he will have a 68 automag to work up with in an E-Mags body. as far as I know a stock AIR valve will work in an E-Mag body, perhaps im mistaken though. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lol.gif

08-29-2001, 08:12 AM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by SUN WARRIOR:
Does anyone else think that young guns with super guns is sort of destroying the sport for less fortunate players? I mean, it's making the tournament scene harder to break into. It's been established that it's the player not the gun, but if you have 5 newbs with E-mags laying the field down, how is the kid with the Spyder going to take any ground?</font>

Pure agression and outplaying the other team.

I have an emag and I still get shot(that may not be saying much for me http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif ) 10 bps or 5 doesn't make that much of a difference when the other team has your head down, they can bunker you with 1 bps. Besides, I have an emag with a warp and a flatline 68 and it is soo much heavier than my standard mag(my standard mag doesn't have a warp, so take it with a grain of salt). If they can carry around a fully loaded out warped emag, then they are awful strong 12 year olds.
This isn't a flame, just a statement so as not to discourage anyone from going against an emag/angel with their gun whatever it be. For if you are better than the other person you will most likely win.

Death smiles on us all. The only thing we can do is smile back. --Maximus

08-29-2001, 08:59 AM
welcome back Vil3.

08-29-2001, 09:09 AM

So...you dont want me to delete your user data? I got side tracked after lunch yesterday and never got around to it... was going to do it this morning until I saw this...

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]

Weapon of Choice - "Mr. Orange" Orange/Yellow Fade E-Mag w/WarpFeed and 3000psi 88cui Flatline
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

08-29-2001, 09:28 AM
You don't seem to get it. Pure afression will overcome superior equipment, but most players that are just starting out in young gun tourneys will be too intimidated by their oponents weaponry to even think about becoming "fearless and agressive". The first tournament experience is the most important, and if a kid has a realy lousy time because some little bratty kid is shooting $1200 gun that mommy and daddy bought he probably won't want to come back. That's why we're seeing the emergence of blow back only tournaments; specifically geared towards young gun players.

08-29-2001, 09:34 AM
I guess I don't. I always tell kids when they are up against an electro it isn't the gun it is the person behind the gun, but even 14 and 15 year olds don't believe me. I want tournaments where you can only play with a hopper full of balls. So no matter how fast you shoot you can only shoot about 200 shots.

08-29-2001, 10:54 AM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by SUN WARRIOR:
I'm not calling you a "noob". I'm just saying that young guns with super guns is going to destroy the tournament scene. Some kid with a Spyder won't understand that he is a better player, he'll only understand that his opponent has a gun that cost about 20X his, and the ROF reflects this.</font>

ROF has nothing to do with who is a better player. Case in point. While I am not exactly a tourney player I am also not a newbie. I have an emag. An d was getting the feces tagged outta me last friday night by kids half my age with spyders and even rental tippmans. It's that player and his use of strategy and tactics. ROF only help in keeping heads down and in all honesty, hearing one ball per second slam against the side of my bunker is just alikely to keep my head down as 20 balls per second.

08-29-2001, 01:17 PM
Slayer, you get it. The tournament scene by itself is intimidating. Say all you want about only being able to shoot 200 rnds, younger players ALWAYS base skill on equipment, that's just the way it is. I know. My 12 year old brother frequents the field with me, and is always awestruck by the little kid toting the splash Annoed Angel in the aluminum case. He imdeiatley thinks that he is better player and quite often says "woah, look at the gun! We had better stay away from him!". I'm starting to beleive that it really doesn't matter, because most of the time the kids with super big guns have only been playing for a year tops, and that time has been with a field rental or a buddy's gun. Once they amass enough money (or beg mommy and daddy enough) they buy a top of the line marker. Then acquire an atitude that since they own a better marker that they are inherently a better player; and thus mini TWiB is formed.

08-29-2001, 03:02 PM
Exactly. Just one question. TWiB?

08-29-2001, 05:37 PM
Well posted just to get some simple info then BAM ppl get in to the whole "ROF and Noob" issues. whell just to put some ppls harts to rest now i shot a phantom and i love it but i just want a speedball gun and i have tryed the hole "work your way up" thing and now im stuck with a talon and 98c. pls abought the hole beg you mommey and daddy thing go ask you mom how much you did it and then come back and flame someone else for it. whell i have worked for 4m now saving and i plan to save till X-Mas and whell i guess i will be a "trash talken noob with rich mommey and daddy and no skill what so ever!" http://www.automags.org/ubb/rolleyes.gif " for all the ppl that helped me out tanks much but for all of the flamers go spend more time playen the best game the world not yelling online bought it! http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by flyingaurd (edited 08-29-2001).]

08-29-2001, 11:56 PM
It does not matter what kind of gun you have. A guy that played with us last time used a pump with one 12 gram and like 8 balls in the feed tube and got 4 people that game. We all found it halarious because half the people there had intimadators and the rest had mags. It was funny...but it makes you realize hat it's not the marker, it's the player.

Double Trigger
ANS Shark Gill
14" SP All American
16" Custom Products
20 oz. (Flatline 68 for Christmas!)

Elves...they do it all http://www.mpz.co.uk/cwm/contrib/blackeye/linkcoolMIR.gif