View Full Version : Level 10's Great but issue with Warp

12-07-2002, 07:37 PM
Ok folks,

So I go out to play today in about 35 degree weather for the first time with Level 10.

Shooting Jt Maxium all is great.

Toward the end of the day I switch over to some Worr Paint and have some barrel breaks (I hate Worr Paint by the way)

Change barrel and play next game. Fired a string on the break and bam a chop. Well I get to the bunker and look at my gun and nope it wasn't a chop. The Warp has busted a paintball in the ball stack. It was the second ball down from the breech.

Anybody ever had that happen to them before?

And I've decided I'll never shoot Worr Paint again. Ever.


12-07-2002, 10:12 PM
Worr Paint is the most brittle paint I have ever seen, even on a nice warm California day!! That's what I used to truly test the LX!! The breaks you had were probably in your hopper, before it even reached the warp, or maybe even in your pods since this paint was breaking in my pods by just running!! Your descision to not use Worr Paint is, in my opinion, a wise one!! Still, it's nice to know LX handles even this garbage with ease!!

12-07-2002, 10:27 PM
a friend of mine used some cheap PPC house paint (we were checking its viability, btw it failed, read on.). Although there were no complaints about accuracy (freak set) the only complaint was that the balls broke too easily.. he took a hopper hit or maybe he jiggled the balls in the hopper while running or something, but what happened was all the sudden his emag stopped shooting and he saw that a ball was stuck in the warp.

could have been your paint. but I think you noticed this possibility too.

btw i use bigball and so does my friend with an emag/warp no problems every with bigball.