View Full Version : x-valve info

12-08-2002, 10:19 AM
i know alot of people want to know info about the x-valve, and what info is out there is all scattered, but i want to know more spacifics as well, so i'm gonna call AGD (hopefully tomarrow, maybe tuesday) and see what info i can get from them, and i thought i might as well ask for a whole, not just ask for me, so when i do this, want me to do another post on the info i get? anything else you guys want to know about besides when they'll be out, how much they'll be? cause those are my 2 main questions, and the only answeres i've gotten to them are, they'll be out in small quantites in a couple weeks (that was a couple weeks ago) and that they would be a little more expensive than the retro valve. oh and also, any 1 know some 1 i should try to contact directly when i call (besides tom, he's a busy man, i'm not gonna bother him w/ little stuff)

12-08-2002, 11:37 AM
information that is known:

• Aluminum retro valve
• will come with lx installed
• AGD will be offering trade in program for discounted price on the x-valve.
• first batch will be black in color
• called last weds. and they said would be hitting http://store.airgun.com in 1-2 weeks

common questions that have been unanswered:

• exact cost (w/ and w/o trade in)
• exact release date
• quantity of the first batch
• how long untill the second batch are released
• what colors AGD will be offering them in

just trying to consolidate. if you know any of the above info is wrong, please correct me.

12-08-2002, 01:15 PM
thank you Xerces for clearin that stuff up, i think all that is right, and that for the most part is what i'll be asking, but unless i get some interest, i'll just be selfish and keep the info to my self, and let you guys find out when the offical release stuff comes out, any 1 still want me to post the info after i get it?

Creative Mayhem
12-08-2002, 01:21 PM
HEy I'm all for the sharing of info. When you get it let me know. If this thread doesn't spark anyone else's intrest, PM me and we'll keep the ifo all to ourselves:D

C Mayhem

12-08-2002, 08:57 PM
well guys, seems like it's just us three who care, so i'll pm you 2 w/ the info i get

12-08-2002, 09:01 PM
I care too! :D

12-08-2002, 10:12 PM
I suspect there is a lot more interest than just the people posting. Some of us have wait for such things as $$$$$

12-08-2002, 10:21 PM
I would like to know so u can pm me to.

12-08-2002, 10:38 PM
ask if their will be a way to trade in a standard E-mag valve for an alluminum e-mag valve....thats a big questin i have

12-08-2002, 10:46 PM
I'm interested as well. If you could could you find out the price if a retro valve with lvl10 already installed would go for that would be great.

12-08-2002, 10:47 PM
*like 5 year old* pm me pm me!!

12-09-2002, 12:56 AM
I've heard that the front half of the valve is supposed to be a 'wear part' and will need to be replaced every so often, any one know if theres any truth to this? if one has to go replacing a worn out front half of their valve periodically, id make having an all aluminum valve not worth the extra money, or the weight saved. I don't see this being fact, as I can't see it being worth while.

That and I don't see it discussed here, so it leads me to further believe the rumor ive heard is just that.


12-09-2002, 06:39 AM
well ok, i'll do another post on the info i get, now that people are interested, for those of you who want more spacifics, i'll pm you

Originally posted by Xzion
I've heard that the front half of the valve is supposed to be a 'wear part' and will need to be replaced every so often, any one know if theres any truth to this? if one has to go replacing a worn out front half of their valve periodically, id make having an all aluminum valve not worth the extra money, or the weight saved. I don't see this being fact, as I can't see it being worth while.

That and I don't see it discussed here, so it leads me to further believe the rumor ive heard is just that.


interms of the wearing of the front of it, it makes sense, steel rubbing against aluminum, but if you keep it oiled, i don't think it will be all that big of a problem, and i think AGD already thought of that

12-09-2002, 01:47 PM
This is just an FYI. The valve exchange will cost approximately 200.00 with exchange of a complete Retro with level 10. This can be E-Mag or normal Retro. This seemed pretty high to me but hey supply and demand rules and the supply is a lot smaller then the demand.

As for the front half being a wear part. Well, what exactly is going to wear? The bolt rides on the power tube tip which is brass. The bolt should not be in contact with the power tube (not much that is) so why would this change. If it did ride on the tip it would leave some sort of scarring on any type of material not just aluminum. More then likely just a rumor as it was not mentioned to any of the current X-Mag owners.

My main question is when will the front half be available in aluminum for sale. The reg is already aluminum so all you need is the front and you have an X valve. Throw your choice of anno on it and you're done. Basically you have all the guts and all you need is the case to put the guts in and I doubt that is going to cost 200.00.

If I hear more I will pass it along. And my source is reliable in case you have concerns.

12-09-2002, 02:30 PM
I understand supply and demand, but I'm going to complain any way. $200 dollars! Plus they get to keep my old Retro valve? That's rediculous! So does that mean An X-valve is worth $400 plus? Why? It's a retro valve with cheaper metal!

Snakestang, thank you for the info, but I really hope its innacurate. AARRGGG! This is so frustrating. Yet another highly unavailable AGD product. Flame me if you want but a valve that costs more than some of AGD's markers, or many other markers, is just absurd.

12-09-2002, 05:23 PM
Yeah I would say $200 is a bit high myself, even if the demand is real high and the supply is low. I mean if you already have a retro valve w/lvl 10 then you're not really getting any better performance other than a little bit of weight loss. And it's not $200 worth of weight you're talking off the gun. I'm hoping that those numbers are wrong.

12-09-2002, 05:40 PM
You forget that it also comes with LX prepackaged.

That means you are paying $115 for the valve and $85 for the LX.

12-09-2002, 05:40 PM
wow, if its that much for a retro trade in, i cringe thinking about how much it is going to cost with a classic vlave trade in, or even by itself. if they want that much for it, im just going to find a used retro. we'll see though.

12-09-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
You forget that it also comes with LX prepackaged.

That means you are paying $115 for the valve and $85 for the LX.

Not if Snakestang is correct:

Originally posted by snakestang
The valve exchange will cost approximately 200.00 with exchange of a complete Retro with level 10.

12-09-2002, 06:52 PM
well for those of you who have the email notification on, i have created a new thread for this, w/ the (un)offical info. here's the new post


12-09-2002, 08:32 PM
the front of the reg is a wear part because of the feild strip screw. evetually you will strip out the threading with a steel feild strip screw in a alum reg body. there gonna be expensive on trade because what do they do with your old rerto valves? if its like the current program they get melted down. the only gain they get from the trade in is one less unit on the market to warentee. if the price on it is $400 i dont see that is unreasonable, right now a retro sells for 250 new IF YOUR LUCKY, then add LX (65 IF YOUR LUCKY). then add the extra utility you gain from having an aluminum valve that can be annoed and is much lighter (for each person to decide) and the fact that they need to warentee a valve knowing you will strip the threads in then flame them all over the web for, even tho they will replace it with the cost of one "star" if that program works for these valves. (this is a value that Tom gets to decide). that all comes to about $350-$400 then you add in the fact you are gonna have a new toy before anyone else,you will be the first on the block to own one and you will have a nice low serial number. they have not set a price yet (as far as i know) and the one they use for the first year or so will be higher. if no one is willing to pay ~$400 for these they will probably just end the program. there not gonna continue a product if the demand is low (look at the z-grip). such is life....

12-09-2002, 09:07 PM
Why couldn't they just tap stainless threads into the valve?

12-09-2002, 09:13 PM
I dont see the wear from screw being signifigant unless you're screwing and unscrewing multiple times every day. im sure if this problem occurs, AGd will be quick to resolve it in a manner that makes everyone happy.

12-09-2002, 09:23 PM
as far as tapping stainless threads, easier said then done, it would mean they would have to ADD threads, not just CUT them, which cutting is alot easier for obvious reasons, the would have to either have a small steel section they they drill and tapped, or would have to add a helix coil (not always that reliable, if you've ever seen 1, you would know why, i have 1 in my carbine) and unless you're taking you're gun apart 80 times aday, and the screw is lined up correctly, then wear isn't that much of a problem (look at your power tube tip which is brass into steel) and besides, what do you guys use to take your feild strip screw out? vise grips?

12-09-2002, 09:26 PM
Hardrock, theres a difference between low demand, and people refusing to pay a high price. Look at the slug bodies. A lot of people want them, but couldn't see the point in paying such a high price for an unfinished part. As a result AGD lowered the price.

Are you honestly going to say you're happy to pay $400 for that valve. We're all here to be honest and tell Tom what we think. I think its a disservice to pretend we're EXCITED to pay $400.

I'll be the first to say, production costs or not, I think $400 sucks! We all love AGD, but we're still customers, and what we think counts! It's bad enough that they're going to be so unavailable, but lets not lay down and roll over every time some thing new comes out, with out any regard for the price.

12-09-2002, 10:07 PM
eh personaly im not a fairy and can handle an extra couple of ounces for good old stainless steel. if i ever miss my bunker because i was draggin my gun behind me i will know its time to give up the sport. I think even the most determined tourny player can handle the extra weight. I heard people who work at agd talkin about the X valves and i was told "the feild strip screw threads will eventually strip out; you wont see a 12 year old x-valve like you will an AIR valve" i was told that about the X-mags. i was also told the x-mag comes with 2 start and they will replace that front part of the valve for the price of a star when they do come apart after both start it will cost the owner the std rebuild fee. what i do not know is if the policy has changed (this was at am open, i attended the tech class and worked the booth). i also do not know it the x-valve itself comes with any stars, i assume part of the price is because they know sometime within the next 15 years every x-valve they sell will come back for a new front half. the only reason for the x-valve is because people cried about the weight, lord weight is no problem when your lookin at that 18 inch stainless dye, why is it a problem for the valve? there is no room in the valve for a helix coil, you till tap your way right into an air passage. personally i think if the origional air valves had been alum right now you people would be cryin for a "hard chrome, or stainless reg" why? because no one wants a stock marker they want a hyperretrosuperfreeflowlowpressureautosemiburstele ctro26wayspoolin marker...even when stock is good the freak enough...you guys have agd chaising there tails tryin to please you...and why? you never really wanted them to make the x-mag, what you wanted were more after market toys so you all could be just like the cocker guys....thinkin your marker was the only one of its kind or the angel guys with the "one of a kind puke green and jism ano fly c&c dust led on lsd with a wang shaped volumiser"...but the end all is if those 2 ounces really ment as much to you as you claimed in your posts "why are mags so heavy?" or "why not aluminumn?" and a LX is really what you want; why cry now when you see the price tag?? you want everything for free? your livin a dream....personally i think the x-valves will be a flop, and i feel bad because its gonna be a flop that cost agd more time and money and proves mag ownerns are a cheap fickle bunch. sorry for any spelling errors and the novel i wrote.

12-09-2002, 10:37 PM
[office space voice] Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays. [/office space voice]

:p :p :p

12-10-2002, 06:36 AM
no need to dis AGD here, some of us are gonna buy it, cause it's cheaper, 225 for a retro w/ lvl 10 installed, not 200 for the valve, then another 80 for the lvl 10, and besides, all the valves will be anoed, the anodization process makes them harder, will also make the threads harder, i don't think they'll stip out that easy. in terms of were in the front 1/2, well that's why we oil our guns isn't it? so it's not actually ridding metel on metal, there's a film of grese between the two you have hardened al., on steel, they aren't all that much different (try scratching a nice anoed peice then try raw al.)

12-10-2002, 06:56 AM
Why couldn't they just tap stainless threads into the valve?
Cypres I think what you mean is why couldn't they install
a hardened stainless steel theaded insert, sort if like
this one,http://www.allamericanproducts.com/toolng/651-70.gif

12-10-2002, 08:38 AM
Yes, like that. What did people think I meant. That way screwing in stainless steel to aluminum would only happen once.