View Full Version : Level 10 ,, Why get it ??

12-08-2002, 11:06 AM
Hi, I have the retro valve and the intelli which is nice and gives me NO PROBLEMS but was thinking of the level 10 next to get. After reading a real lot on it it sounds like buying an autococker...I am just curious if I would be wasting 80 bucks on it since my retro works great and there is no problems with leaks etc. Thanks.

12-08-2002, 11:19 AM
If you have problems chopping balls then get the LX. If not then you don't need one. I have one in my main gun (micromag 2000 RT) and am thinking about one for my backup gun. Last time I played I heard the bolt reset twice, indicating to me that I would have chopped before the LX. I think alot of it depends on your paint.

12-08-2002, 11:19 PM
Thanks for the reply. Once in a while I do break paint I try to use the better paint. The j&j barrel is a big help. I like to tinker with stuff so maybe down the road I will go LX.

12-09-2002, 08:13 AM
Honestly, I would get LX even tho I didn't chop paint. It allows you to use ANY paint that you would like, worry free.

Not to mention that it makes the gun feel a LOT differant. that ounce or so they shaved off the bolt makes a huge differance.

...that and you can stick your finger in there and show off to all the 'cocker-users :)

I highly recommend checking it out.