View Full Version : lvl 10 cold weather chopping

12-09-2002, 09:24 AM
Hello all,

I am writing to ask opinions on how to correct a chopping issue I am having with my Lvl 10 E-Mag. During normal weather conditions (40 degrees plus) the marker works perfectly but if the temperature drops much below that I begin to have problems with paint chopping. I use Nelson Hot Spot paint which has a relatively thick shell. If I reduce my firing rate the chopping subsides. I am using a warp feed and 12v revvy which is the set up I have been using for the last 5-6 months. But it is only recently (since the weather has turned) that I have started having a problem. Prior to the cold weather I would chop about one paintball out of three cases worth. One of my team mates has an identical set up to mine and has similar results. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar issue and what they did to correct it. I would like to get the marker set up so that it can operate properly over the range of temperatures I typically play in (30s to 90s)but I am not sure if that is possible. Thank you in advance for any information/ideas you can share.

12-09-2002, 10:51 AM
I would think, correct me if im wrong, that the chopping is because the bolt is literally sticking due to the extremely cold weather ... out here in Arizona that doesn't happen at all but I've played in sub 40's up north and my bolt started sticking a bit and it would chop the ball ....

I would assume thats the only major reason, but if I'm wrong someone please correct me.


12-09-2002, 11:37 AM
I also had a pretty nasty chop yesterday morning at practice. Temp was 40 degrees. Not sure exactly WHAT happened. . . I was clearing some lanes for my front guy, just hammering away on paint. . . and *spluuughsh!!!* the gun chopped a ball, left half of it in the powerfeed, and the other half of it caused the bolt to lodge into the barrel. I had to take a squeege and ram it down the barrel just to get the gun to fire. That was a REAL mess.

Other than that, (and the occasional double feed--> barrel break which i think had to do with my warp setup) lvl 10 performance has been great.


12-10-2002, 01:11 AM
Well now that its getting cold we were expecting to see more chops simply because the paint is being made fragile and in the cold weather it gets WAY worse.

Keep your paint in a warm car until you need it and store it at home in a humidified room. Are you using the middle or the long spring? That will make a difference too.


12-10-2002, 08:40 AM
I would like to thank everyone for their responses. I am currently using the Middle Spring and my set up is exactly that described in the quick start instructions. I believe part of the issue is the affect of the cold weather on the battery output thereby reducing the feed of my 12v Revvy (?). I am remedying this by purchasing a Halo to sit atop my Warp. Would changing the spring lead to better performance from the level 10? Usually my system works flawlessly so I have never had to "tinker" with it and I am just wondering if there is anything more I can do to optimize it's capabilities to prevent ball breakage. I tried to go with a slighter thicker shell paint for the cold games as I was aware of the problems caused by cold weather. Thanks again for the input and I appreciate any assistance you can offer.

12-11-2002, 01:28 AM
follow the instructions on the side of the box that your paintballs are shiped from the factory in...it states that you must keep your paint above 50 degrees for best performance.

keep your paint in a cooler run your car with the heat on in between games and switch out your pods for warm ones in the cooler so that you paintballs are not so brittle, also keep your gun in the heated car in between games as well

Paintball neglect maintence is your cause has nothing to do with the gun setup if you have a level 10 in it...if you want to load the ball with the most gentle forward stroke switch to the longest spring but this will use more air pressure to push the bolt againest the stiffer spring

good luck...

12-11-2002, 08:13 AM
Thanks again for the responses. I will try switching to the longest spring and see if that helps.

The field I play at has a heated "set up" area so the paintballs are room temperature until they hit the field. I will try switching out filled pods between games to increase the odds I will be using "warmer" paint.

Thanks again for the assistance.

12-11-2002, 09:49 AM
I am the friend that Ratmage mentioned earlier with the same setup. A few more details.....The field speed is 265fps (indoor), I think this is a little lower than the recommended range for the L10. I did try the longer spring and couldnt get the marker to operate consistenetly at the correct velocity. I would get a pull the tigger "click" pull the trigger "Bang", "click", "bang" etc. When I upped the velocity adjuster I can get the click bang to go away but the velocity is to high to play.

Any other suggestions?