View Full Version : Would this work?

12-09-2002, 02:40 PM
I freak out every time I fill my 4500 psi tank. My idea would be to make a padded Kevlar bag that can be wrapped around the tank while it is being filled. Kind of like a bulletproof vest. Not sure how usefull it would be, but I sure us paranoids would buy it:)

12-09-2002, 02:43 PM
Why are you more scared of being hit with 4500 pounds of pressure than 3000 pounds?

And why are you only scared while it's being filled? You're carrying 4500psi under your arm even when it's done being filled..

12-09-2002, 02:49 PM
I'm scared of all HP tanks:eek:

And I think I'm not alone.

12-09-2002, 02:55 PM
im a little scared of them too, but im reassured by the burst valves :) and especially that if the tank blew up and someone passed the burst valves, it would just fly off the reg or the reg fly off the bottle (is why it never points at people in my hands... or, at least not me :)) and not the actual bottle itself... I mean it could, but you would have to put a nice hole in it first and then the actual bottle wouldnt EXPLODE:) Just keep reassuring yourself you make yourself believe that they are safe :)

12-09-2002, 03:02 PM
I think proper safety and awareness is a good thing… I however think that over reacting to things is not a good thing. And this type of product IMHO would only add to paranoia and feed off of unreasonable fears.

There is more risk of being hurt driving your car than having a HPA tank filled…. But we don’t see folks driving down the road wearing a crash helmet and 4 point harness. ;) Reasonable safety is what is required…….

Plus, what is up with all the concern lately about HPA setups? We have had them for years and we have never had folks post about being scared of them like we see lately.

12-09-2002, 03:29 PM
isnt that the reason for the carbon fiber wrap,

so if the tank does blow it will be contaned by the wrap?

i could be wrong.

12-09-2002, 04:06 PM

the fiber wrap is just a lighter, smaller, and stronger way to contain the air instead of a lot of heavy steel

12-09-2002, 04:10 PM
so you are saying that when a CF tanks blows up it will shrapnel like a steel tank,

I dont think so

12-09-2002, 05:11 PM
Plus, what is up with all the concern lately about HPA setups? We have had them for years and we have never had folks post about being scared of them like we see lately.

Your right of course, but the sound of that tank filling is mighty unnerving.

12-09-2002, 05:29 PM
You could sell a Kevlar "Tank Cover", that should realy keep scratches and such off the tank.

Would probably be to expensive to be practical though.

12-09-2002, 05:35 PM
carbon fiber wrapping is not just for making it lighter, it is a safety precaution. when broken it will crack and air will slowly leak out, instead of exploding. unless you are using the steel tanks, the kevlar bag would be a waste. tehre is always that chance that something like that might happen, but when they design tanks, safety is #1. the only thing to really be afraid of when filling tanks is you have some new guy and it goes flying off the hook. then the worst that can happen is it hits you or hits something else, but it wont 'explode' in the traditional sense.

12-09-2002, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Vendetta
Your right of course, but the sound of that tank filling is mighty unnerving.
Ahh… then we see a different problem, don’t we? I have the perfect product to solve THAT issue.....

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D Seriously though, to me it sounds a bit like a balloon being filled. And I have always worried more about the balloons popping than anything going wrong with my tank. I also don’t stand right next to it while it is being filled anyway. The person/business doing the filling should take any and all responsibility for its safe fill, not me. After all, that is what they are being paid for…. :)

12-09-2002, 05:50 PM
The guy that fills tanks here puts our ref shields (not ordinary ref shields - borrowed riot shields from the police station, they say they're bullet proof. We've not tested them) over the tank when he's filling it. It was a recent development though since that incident a while back had him wondering about his own methods... We're (I'm usually in the back room hanging around when he's filling mine)not worried about anything exploding though.

(Sidenote - the first time he put the shield over the tank he was filling, the fitting popped off. Some might see it as a bad idea, but it worked for us, and no harm done.)

Just remember as far as exploding goes - tank covers and burst disks are your best friends.

12-10-2002, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

the fiber wrap is just a lighter, smaller, and stronger way to contain the air instead of a lot of heavy steel

actually he's right, most fiber tanks, if not all are actually aluminum. but thin, too thin to hold 3000 lbs of preshure. The fiber is actually just holding the whole thing together. You cut too many fibers they will come unraveled and the tank is more likely to blow up on a fill, that's why if you dent a tank, have it hydroed and they can patch the fibers with resin while they are at it... it's the ONLY SAFE way of dealing with a dented tank. PERIOD

12-10-2002, 08:27 AM
I don't really think it would work anyway. If there's enough pressure to rip a steel tank apart, you'd need ALOT of kevlar to contain every bit of it. Even then, you's still probably suffer blunt impact damage from the steel bits. I guess it all depends on HOW the tank ruptures...if the whole thing fragments into shrapnel, it might work. If it blows just below the reg, you still have the same deadly rocket...it's just wrapped in kevlar. There's also the possibility of the cover getting blown off the tank by the pressure release....that would depend on the kevlar's permeability, which I'm not too familiar with. Maybe I'm just rambling :(

12-10-2002, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by datapimp69
so you are saying that when a CF tanks blows up it will shrapnel like a steel tank,

I dont think so

you do know theres an alumnum sleeve inside all of that carbon wrap right?, the wrap isnt even that thick and i bet if exploded it would have shrapnel, shrapnel doesnt have to be metal all it has to do is hurt:eek: ;)