View Full Version : Tips on Freak System

12-09-2002, 04:20 PM
Would you rather take Teardrop tips or All American Tips for a Freak System and why?



12-09-2002, 04:25 PM
I like the look on the Teardrop better. There is no performance difference either.

12-09-2002, 04:28 PM
the TD looks better and i heard the AA was a bit less air efficient

12-09-2002, 04:31 PM
14" AA with SS back, nothing looks better..

All Amercan ;)

12-09-2002, 04:41 PM
I find all A's easier to clean.

12-09-2002, 04:58 PM
I also find that they are easier to clean.

12-09-2002, 07:14 PM
I like the clean lines of the AA and I think it's a little easier to clean.,


12-09-2002, 11:14 PM
Freak tips, cause I like the look. But the AA's are easier to clean, but hey - what's 3 minutes gonna cost you?


12-10-2002, 02:20 AM
Easier to clean? I just run mine under a faucet...at the end of the day. Allegedly the teardrop clears paint from the barrel faster...no idea. I squeege, then swab. Done. The only time the barrel gets truly cleaned is at the end of the day. So all this stuff about easier to clean....phooie!;)

12-10-2002, 02:33 AM
Well please allow me to expound on my earlier statement.

When I say "easier to clean", I mean while on the field. i.e. I can flip the gun over, fire a few clearing shots, stick my hand over the end of the barrel, fire a couple more times to get the ports clean, then I can wipe the barrel down again. Then I have no worries about paint in the porting possibly leaking back into the barrel area and getting the pballs to do some wierd little twists.

Whereas with the teardrop, you can not effectively get into each area of porting in a timely manner due to it not being smooth.

12-10-2002, 06:21 AM
dont go with a freak on a mag, the insert can cut small bore paint and medium bore. Its because the ball drops in the barrel then it changes to the freak insert, which is an extra step and the ball can snag on the insert. Go with a CP Pro Kit if you want inter changeable bores

12-10-2002, 10:20 AM
Why not get a truly custom freak front? I'm going to be (hopefully) getting a freak front made from the BE Eagleworks Rainmaker barrel. I just need to find it, get the money, and send it to Doc.

12-10-2002, 11:52 AM
Well, I plan on putting this on a Pewter SFL Emag so what you guys think would be aesthetically better?


12-10-2002, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by speedyejl
dont go with a freak on a mag, the insert can cut small bore paint and medium bore. Its because the ball drops in the barrel then it changes to the freak insert, which is an extra step and the ball can snag on the insert. Go with a CP Pro Kit if you want inter changeable bores

Not only have I not experienced this problem, but the half dozen or so threads that I have seen regarding Freaks or other interchangable barrel systems and Mags on AO, I have yet to here anyone complain of this.

Please explain.


12-10-2002, 06:52 PM
To lazy to explain it out myself here is a quote, I generally agree with ReTrO Boy, and I see what he means.

Also I was just checking out on my Imp how the smaller inserts go. I'm not sure whats going on exactly but even at .679 I couldnt see a seam. I will check more into this on IOG

Originally posted by ReTro Boy (on Pbnation)

The freak INSERT is what makes it different! The other barrels gradually and smoothly work into their main bore size...(which I really don't think they do. The breach bore is usually the same as the bore size of the barrel...but I'll give you that just for the sake of argument)...where the freak does it immediately. Have you ever even seen one?!?!

Either way, here's something that you can't argue with.

In 3 different automags (2 powerfeed left and one vertical feed), Emags to be exact, we have had MANY barrel breaks with the Freak system. These were not bolt chops, but breaks in the barrel that start midway through the insert. After changing to boomsticks, J&J Ceramics and 2 piece barrels, All-Americans, OTPs and the stock barrels we didn't have one break. All we can conclude is that the barrel was the problem.

12-10-2002, 07:38 PM
I believe the question was..
which tip do you like?

straight barrel or curved barrel,

straight porting or flared....

Pick the one YOU really like.


12-11-2002, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl
dont go with a freak on a mag, the insert can cut small bore paint and medium bore. Its because the ball drops in the barrel then it changes to the freak insert, which is an extra step and the ball can snag on the insert. Go with a CP Pro Kit if you want inter changeable bores

I have a freak system for my emag, I have shot many cases through my freak and sometimes at high rates of fire. Never have I had that problem, nor have I heard of it. Surely smartparts would have tested the system...

Ok, I got curious/aggrivated, and had to check. I just took my freak off of my mag. On my back half, the insert is just out of center to the opposite side of the nubbin. It is flush on the right side and just barely showing a shadow on the left (nubbin side).

As for the design difference on the fronts, the Teardrop clears better on the field for me, the porting is shaped in a way that pulls the paint away from the ports. Before I got my level 10 and would chop a ball or two, the porting cleard after 6-7 shots max, while still putting paint downfield. My AA on my tippman usually requires turning my marker upside down and putting a rag or something over the end of the barrel to clear the ports. Or wait the 10-15 shots for it to clear.

Just my experience with both. I would choose the teardrop. :)

(all that just for an answer to a simple question :D )


12-11-2002, 08:19 AM
I find the straight AA easier to sight down. The curve of the TD seems to throw me off a bit.

12-11-2002, 07:42 PM
what bore are you using just curious?

Jack & Coke
12-11-2002, 10:44 PM



I just received my "Boomer" 10" Freak Front in the mail...

Thanks Joe!

Peeps dis y'all...

Jack & Coke
12-11-2002, 10:45 PM
other side...

Jack & Coke
12-11-2002, 10:46 PM
The insert fits snug-as-a-bug into the boomer tip - no play at all! Very nice fit indeed. CENTERED!

Jack & Coke
12-11-2002, 10:48 PM
14" AA (actually 13")

10" boomer

12-12-2002, 08:53 AM
I have long been an AA fan. Have one. Never even tried the TD until I got my Freak. I must say though I have become enamoured with my TD and won't go back.

I like the look - it is a little fancier than an AA, but not much still a clean design. I like the idea of porting pushed to the end of barrel rather than all along the way - but I have no proof that makes any performance difference at all. The AA might be just a tiny bit quieter, but I don't think it is enough to matter in any kind of game.

I like the idea of 3rd party tips. Those Boomie tips look cool, but too knobby for me. I'd love to see a Lapco tip - I've always loved the way my Autospirit sights.

As for this bit about the Freak causing breaks - that's hogwash! I've played with mine for 2 years with no evidence of such a problem. I know at least 10 others who also use them on all kinds of markers including various types of Mag, with no problem. There might have been a problem with a few specific units, but not the design in general.


12-12-2002, 12:14 PM
I've decided to go with the longbow......I should have it in about a month :rolleyes:

12-12-2002, 09:06 PM
I would like to stress small bore inserts, the theory makes sense and I see no reason why Retro Boy would have lied

01-22-2003, 12:36 PM
I think it depends on what style your gun is. If it has alot of smooth contours, like the Xmag or Angel, then go with the teardrop, as it, too has matching smooth contours. However, it is my opinion, that these contours look slightly out of place on a mag or any other gun that is either just a straight tube body, or has lots of hard angles rather than contours. The porting is the very similar internally and, as was mentioned earlier, there is no difference in perfomance. For most Mags, I'd use the All American. (I think the teardrop would look nice with the new ULE bodies, though)

01-22-2003, 05:28 PM
Its is mainly preference. I find the tear drop to be ugly so I would get the AA. I am not a fan of insert systems any way. I got a CP kit instead.

01-23-2003, 09:05 AM
Cryer, hehe well I've got a pewter SFL.

01-23-2003, 11:41 AM
All-American. I doubt that the teardrop has any better efficiency. Plus the AA is quieter ;). The first porting in the barrel emptys all the air behind the ball, and a Teardrop is only ported on the 4" tip of the barrel. So it has like an extra inch or two of solid space but that really won't make a noticable difference.


01-27-2003, 09:32 AM
I like the teardrop... they look a little better IMO, and I prefer the snappy sound.