View Full Version : IN YOUR FACE pb movie- something you should realize before you see this

paint magnet
12-09-2002, 05:08 PM
As many of you know, there is a paintball movie coming out soon called "In Your Face" and I believe Tom Kaye and Bud Orr have roles in it. While this is a great opportunity to show paintball to the non playing crowd, we certainly don't want to give a bad representation by doing stupid things that would "look cool" on the screen. For example, I saw one of the posters recently and it has (I'm assuming it's the main character) in his jersey and little camo pants walking off the field with no mask, and of course he doesn't have a barrel plug in because he's 'cool' and it's not 'cool' to have a barrel plug in. Also in the background, there is a guy with some sort of marker thing that looks like a super soaker duck-taped to a model 98 and camo(don't know about you but I've never seen anybody like that, and I've seen some pretty wierd stuff like personman in his pie suit:D ) Nothing wrong with the hot girls in Dye tank tops though... anyone else have any opinions on the matter?

12-09-2002, 07:59 PM
where did you see the poster?

i wanna see this movie now?

when does it come out?

12-09-2002, 08:01 PM
but look at all the people, in our sport that have their photos on the 'net' with no barrel plugs on their markers.

I can think of numerous "pro players" and "high profile" players that are guilty of this.

12-09-2002, 08:22 PM
Personally I leave my markers safety on and loaded with no barrel plug kind of laying around the house.. I dont see a problem with it, wouldnt leave it out while guests were here, and I never point them at people, and the wost that could happen is if I shot myself or something..
Now out on the field surrounded by people, thats a diffrent story..

12-09-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by personman
Personally I leave my markers safety on and loaded with no barrel plug kind of laying around the house.. I dont see a problem with it, wouldnt leave it out while guests were here, and I never point them at people, and the wost that could happen is if I shot myself or something..
Now out on the field surrounded by people, thats a diffrent story..

very dangerous. a relative of mine was shot by a .22 caliber once, and, yes, the saftey was on. They can malfunction.

12-09-2002, 09:33 PM
well if your worried about giving paintball a bad image to people who never played... i dont think people who never played know what a barrel plug is, or give a crap.

12-09-2002, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2

very dangerous. a relative of mine was shot by a .22 caliber once, and, yes, the saftey was on. They can malfunction.
Not talking about guns, has nothing to do with guns..
If I had a gun there is NO WAY I would keep it armed and laying around..
I never pull the trigger on my markers inside..
Unless Im dryfiring and sure there is no paint loaded..
Even then I touch the barrel to the ground as I shoot..

12-09-2002, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by personman
and the wost that could happen is if I shot myself or something..

I can think of several ways this could be bad. Both for you personaly, and for the sport in general.

12-09-2002, 09:40 PM
AGAIN!! if he shot himself, for instance, accidentally, in the foot, IN HIS HOUSE WHICH HE KEEPS HIS GUN IN, how in hell would that be bad for the sport!?!?!?!?

12-09-2002, 09:42 PM
I think he is talking about his own accident in his house... Im assuming thats the gun is on a table or on the floor where it wouldnt matter, as long as you dont hit your eyes. I dont usually barrel condom my guns in the house because they dont have a tank on them or they are in a safe direction with the valve off (just common sense when I throw the gun down, its thrown in a safe direction). I also dont wear a mask when I shoot my gun at the fence, I take a little common sense in safey when I have my own personal risks, but whenever there are other people around of course I take the full saftey measures (as far as keeping tanks off the guns, barrel condoming if needed, never paintballs+tank on the gun if im not going to shoot it) and of course in the field everything that is required there.

12-09-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Brak
AGAIN!! if he shot himself, for instance, accidentally, in the foot, IN HIS HOUSE WHICH HE KEEPS HIS GUN IN, how in hell would that be bad for the sport!?!?!?!?

How about you change "foot" to "eye." You'd have one more statistic "proving" paintball gun are dangerous.

12-09-2002, 09:47 PM
seeing how its rather hard to shoot yourself in the eye, i dont think shooting yourself in the foot would make you a statistic. one time i shot myself in the finger, and its pretty hard to change that to my eye. if you look at the situation in real life, it is practically impossible to shoot YOURSELF, ACCIDENTALLY, in the eye, and if you can, you deserve to be sterilized. and besides that, im sure *everyone* who plays paintball looks up insurance statistics about who got shot in the eye. the truth is, theres a certain amount of responsibility you have using a paintball gun, and if you can't handle that dont play!

oh yeah, i talked to a guy who was shot, from less than 10 feet away, in the eye, unprotected, by a paintball gun, and he can see fine, and i dont think he will change the face of the sport forever becuase some moron with no common sense (surprisingly enough, he didnt shoot himself! can you believe it!?) shot him

12-09-2002, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Brak
it is practically impossible to shoot YOURSELF, ACCIDENTALLY, in the eye, and if you can, you deserve to be sterilized

I guess that's why no one ever shoots themselves accidentally in the head with real guns. :rolleyes:

12-09-2002, 09:54 PM
There is a problem with leaving a loaded Gun of any kind around. Things happen and there are accidents. We are lucky as paintballers to have such things as effective barrel blocking devices that are effective. So if your safety did malfunction your marker would only make a mess in the barrel condom or at worst shoot paint out the ports onto your mothers "Dry Clean Only" Clothes.

I can bet that if your parents took you to the hospital with a screwed up eye, from being "shot with your own paintball gun in your own home", that there would be a write up in the local newspaper. Thus sending a negative image to people unfamiliar wit hthe sport. Sure, all of us here would say "he must have not used his barrel plug" but anyone not familiar would say..." See Timmy, thats why your not ever getting a paintball gun."

My point being, We have the means to keep our selves and others from being injured, so why dont we use it? I sure there was a fool proof way to cap a gun barrel so kids couldnt fire a gun off accidentally.

Hopefully someday all advertisements or pics taken for publicity will have a disclaimer clearing up just why there is no barrel condom or goggles on the person. Until then we should be free to critisize until they do. Its not fair for anyone, including hollywood, to bring misconceptions to the sport. You could always assume people have common sense, but time and time again you will be proved wrong.

12-09-2002, 09:57 PM
TheTramp, that was a nice attempt at changing the tides, but im sorry, this is a discussion about paintball, not suicide, and i, and many other people, dont appreciate you putting a smiley face next to talking about people shooting themselves in the heads with guns.

12-09-2002, 10:02 PM
people who shoot themselves in the heads in their house usually are playing with the gun and are pulling the trigger at himself or a friend that happens to be there (usually the one who gets shot)

Also, I was talking about MY common sense, I know what that thing can do and im smart about it, but not overly safe about it (overly to ME, its not considered overly anymore when other peopel are there and when accidents can happen) because I know what it can do im not stupid. When there are other people around though, you need to be safe because you dont know what they can do.

12-09-2002, 10:05 PM
I don't think Tramp was talking about suicide. He's making a point. Many people have killed themselves accidently by putting a gun or pointing a gun at their head thinking it wasn't loaded and pulled the trigger only to find out it was loaded. It's a pretty simple fact, never keep a loaded gun or paintball gun laying around. Accidents happen because people are stupid. The best way to be safe is to never keep a gun or paintball gun loaded until you're ready to fire it. Never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. If you break all three of these rules, it usually ends up with yourself or someone else being shot. Don't break any of these rules and we'll all be safe.

Also, people who think they're safe can and do get complacent because they so use to being around guns. It's usually then when an accident happens because they forget what they're doing and stop paying attention to safety. There is many a long time owner out there who's fired a weapon accidently because they forgot to pay attention.

12-09-2002, 10:36 PM
The fact is, paintball guns ARE dangerous.

It's not about injuries, its the fact that these things shoot gelatin capsules at over 200 mph. They can kill, they can injure.

Jack Napier
12-09-2002, 10:51 PM
What a bad attempt at a movie.

12-09-2002, 11:34 PM
Yea, well in reply to these messages, I set a reply for all the conditions I take with my gun/s.
1. When uneducated guests come I always put my gun in the closet.
2. I think I use the 'safety' more than anyone I know.. when I finish playing a game, as soon as I get hit, I automatically switch it on. Quite a nice habit if you ask me.
3. Whenever I am out shooting trees I always use the safety as well, uncounciousally, if I am not going to be shooting, its on. I do not however wear my mask at this time.
4. When handleing the gun inside, I am ALWAYs sure the gun is on safety. If it isnt, well then it shouldnt be gassed up.
5. Whenever I'm dryfiring, the gun is pointed to the ground, and I have made sure no paint remains in the breech.
6. Whenever friends are over, and we are shooting, everyone stays atleast 5 feet backwards from the shooter, however I dont have an abundance of masks so we try to trust that the shooter isnt going to whip around, flip out, and shoot the bystander 100 times in the head..
7. I try not to point my marker/s at people..
8. I dont use barrel condoms/plugs all that much in my house. However, on guns that might not have a safety, barrel condoms are always on and no contact with the trigger is made until the holder is ready to fire.
9. I kind of agree with brak on this shooting in the eye issue.. you have to be a real dumbass to point a gun at your eye that is gassed up and loaded, cocked, safety is off, ect.. Though, keep in mind that ricochets do happen, the guy who works at my favorate pro shop (very friendly guy) had a ball ricochet and hit him in the eye while he was working on a gun. I dont know the details on what happened, but he is never letting a gun in without a barrel blocking device again. His eye is messed up now and I dont think he can see very well out of it.

Trust me, I'm not that stupid when it comes to safety..
IMO its ok to leave guns laying around gassed up and loaded, as long as the right precautions are taken.
The youngest person in my family is 11, and though I think he is stupid, he is smart enough not to play around with a loaded paintball gun (he actually owns my old tippmann).

12-09-2002, 11:55 PM

Hopper, air system barrel. No plug...

12-10-2002, 12:12 AM
Anyway, to get back to the movie....

I have a copy, and just finished watching it (picked it up at the Pan Am).

The only "actor" that came across as natural....is Tom...well, and the two real Dynasty guys that couldn't get picked up by any team! (The only cute part in the whole thing)

Umm..it was a chore to watch, but discipline won out over common sense, and I sat through the whole tape. Remember the trailers we all watched and laughed at a few months ago? The ones shot on video tape? The ones we were sure were only concept scenes, since they were acted so bad? Guess what? That IS the movie. It is all shot in video method. Yes, the dive behind the hay-bale is there. Yes, the "ninja" roll into the stand-up is really there.

And most sadly, there is an enormous amount of un-needed cursive language in it, including the "younger brother", who seems to be about 10 years old or less.

The story is your a-typical good guy/bad guy genre', but does it rather badly. The whole time I was thinking about the silly movies we made in high school on 8mm film. They were bad then, and this is bad now. If you really have to have it, then go ahead and buy it. Otherwise, just watch it at your local store and save your money for paint.

12-10-2002, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Brak
it is practically impossible to shoot YOURSELF, ACCIDENTALLY, in the eye, and if you can, you deserve to be sterilized.
Remind me never to stand near Brak...

Although it might be worth it to see the kid sterilized.

Anyways I have no interest in paying to watch other people play paintball, so with Army's review I now have 2 reasons not to spend money. Yay.

12-10-2002, 01:34 AM
Bummer...oh well, off to buy some more Traumahead videos.

12-10-2002, 08:41 AM
Nice to see the barrel plug/goggle Nazis are at it again. Why don't you just get yourself a secret police force together and grab these henious offenders of paintball law during the night and hual them off to be indoctrinated. Give me a freeking break. Find something better to do with your time other than "OMG! no barrel plug in this movie/TV show/artical! Burn them at the stake!"

12-10-2002, 09:25 AM
I have not seen the movie and from what I did see of it, I never had any interest in buying it anyway. And from the story line, and what I saw, I never thought it would be a “great” thing for paintball anyway…. I am not a fan of the idea that “any press is good press” and “any exposure is good exposure”.

Seems to me that this movie has things in it that I would not really enjoy watching anyway, above and beyond the paintball aspect.

Now as for barrel condoms and safety…. I think you can not put a blanket statement on every situation. Do I think barrel condoms/plugs are a good thing and it is good to be strongly enforced at Public / Business Fields…. Yes. Do I think that they “need” to be in place every time a marker is touched or even when simply being stored? No. And do I think they need to be on for every photo-op? Hell no. And do I think that in a photo-op if the plug is not in place a mask should be worn? Not always, no.

If the photo-op is about shooting while in a GAME situation, yes.

I think too many folks take things out of context. The picture of Army with his Marker on top of his Truck is CLEARLY a staged photo-op. Of course he has a hopper and gas source on the marker. And a barrel condom/plug would have detracted from the look of the marker. I can also assure you all that NOT having a condom/plug in this situation does not in itself mean it was an “unsafe” situation.

I don’t think pictures of folks without barrel condoms or masks on is necessarily “bad” for paintball… showing people doing stupid things with paintball markers, and BEING unsafe, is… and they are not one and the same.

12-10-2002, 12:41 PM
I think its also important to realize that so many people are irresponsible or just plain stupid (ignorance is not a valid excuse at any fields I play at) that the fear of no protection is a legitimate one. I've stood next to kids who have accidently fired their markers indoors while moving them around. I've watched adults fire next to and even close to over people with no masks on.

I'm sure we all have these stories of stupidity. In a perfect world we wouldn't need seatbelts or gunlocks, let alone barrel plugs.

Yes there are people I feel totally safe standing near with a real or paintball gun. But if I dont know the guy, I have every right to expect him to be as safe as possible. Just because someone else knows he's safe doesn't mean jack to me or my eyes.

12-10-2002, 01:21 PM
when does it come out?

12-10-2002, 02:08 PM
Plain and simple...If there are balls in the loader, the gun is gassed up, and there are people around with no mask on, a barrel plug or condom should be used. Things happen, safeties fail. Does the gun need to be stored with a barrel blocking device on? No, but the gun should not be stored gassed up and with paint in it. Should your photos be taken with or without a barrel plug, if the gun is gassed up, then yes, if it is not, then there is no reason.

Bottom line, life is too short to be stupid when it comes to things like this. Even though I am very experienced with paintball markers, I would hope people would value my safety enough to have a barrel-blocking device on their "Live" gun when I am around and not wearing a mask.

AKA: Personman, if I am a visitor at your house, please put a barrel plug in your guns, cause I don't plan on showing up at the door with a mask on;)

paint magnet
12-10-2002, 05:03 PM
Wait, so it's already out? I thought it was going to come into theatres or something. Oh well, if it's not that great I can buy some paint or something instead.

Matt Davis
12-10-2002, 08:29 PM
well all you people that think you cant get shot in the eye or its hard to. I know a guy that was workin on his angel and he would take te barrel of everytime to look down it and the first time he didnt guess what he lightly tapped his trigger by accident and bam. He lost vision in that eye it is slowly coming back now but not close to what it could be if he was smart.

12-10-2002, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Brak
TheTramp, that was a nice attempt at changing the tides, but im sorry, this is a discussion about paintball, not suicide, and i, and many other people, dont appreciate you putting a smiley face next to talking about people shooting themselves in the heads with guns.

You have to be kidding me. I'm going to asume that you didn't really think I was talking about suicide.

Nice try at trying to start a huge brawl.

12-10-2002, 11:57 PM
but in reality not very many people get shot in the eye with a paintball gun. I've seen more people with balls smaller than there eyes get shot in the nards. And if u don play with a mask u could get out of the way from a guy shooting at . Its not like a real gun were the bulluts go super straight. But if ur playing at a friends house u probly dont use a safty or plug. And if u shoot ur gun in ur house its not like a bb gun were if u hit somethin solid the ball bounces back. And if u wear goggles when u go waste paint on a tree u are probly those people who accually were the glasses when u shoot a bb gun. Also it isnt even funny joking about suicide or compare it to paintball. Some people know people that have done it. Its not too funny when ur goin to a funeral.

12-11-2002, 12:24 AM
Gee, does that mean that myself and the others who won a video at the AO chat party may actually see them sometime this millennia? :-/
