View Full Version : Why doesn't AGD do a little self promotion?

08-28-2001, 04:18 PM
I wasn't thinking recently about how come AGD doesn't appear to do a little self promotion outside of the tournament scene. What I'm talking about here is providing stickers, patches, posters, etc. to people who purchase AGD products. What made think of this was I recently subscribed to Paintball2Xtreme magazine. With my first issue along came two stickers of the magazine's logo. I immediately put one of them on my hooper and the other on my gear box. Not only that the issue had a photo of a player with their sticker on his equipment. Now if a magazine does this why doesn't AGD?

I have seen guys post threads looking for a place to find these items so obviously there's some demand for it. If we all want AGD to a recognized leader on and off the paintball field we need to get a little brand recognition going. What better way than to apply one of the coolest logo's in the market to your hopper, gear box or jersey.

What do you guy's think? Would any of you put an AGD logo on your hopper or gear box? Let's hear some feedback.

08-28-2001, 04:30 PM
you bet i would....i already have jt,diablo,custom products,air america stickers and a nuch more i can't remember right now....and it does wonders.....you'd be surprised at how many newbies look at it and ask what it is.....as long as you can explain everything....it's all good

the thing is is i also and a butt-load of banners of companies too......maybe AGD should try to sell those off too....

it's just good marketing and PR

just my opinion though!......

Come Out Guns Blazing !

08-28-2001, 04:51 PM
i already have an agd stivker on my hopper and there free too! if you ask nicely when you register your gun you get free stickers, i also have a banner that i got form terry at the iao! it is going up in my dorm room for all to see!

you ever notice how elves do everyting???

08-28-2001, 05:32 PM
I got a really nice RT poster not to long ago from AGD just for filling out a form on their website. AGD, bring that promotion back, it kicked butt!!

08-28-2001, 07:23 PM
I know that if you ask nicely AGD will gladly supply you with whatever you want. My point is why should you have to ask for stickers? It doesn't cost AGD very much to throw one in the box when they're packaging a new marker. Besides, the free advertising they get just by having someone stick it on their hopper or gear box is worth it.

08-28-2001, 07:40 PM
You're forgettion one thing though. AGD has been around for so long they no longer need to advertise. They're known by pretty much every player in the sport as the company that provides reliable equipment at steep prices (hehehe).

08-28-2001, 07:53 PM
In a way I kinda agree with Sun Warrior. Before you say "Everyone has to advertise", think about something first. When was the last time you have seen an advertisment for a Lamborginie? Lotus? Viper?

But Yet I also feel that though you can get free stickers by calling AGD, Why can't you buy them at your local store? I can buy several other companies stickers at mine but when I want AGD "Call them and ask" is the response.

08-28-2001, 08:59 PM
I agree about the stickers emaggot. I can go to my local Pb shop and they have a large basket of stickers out with a big sign that reads "FREE". There is almost every major manufacturer in there except AGD.....maybe they're just super popular stickers.

08-28-2001, 10:18 PM
Hey, no one really used agd products except the hardcore speedball guys at our fields. The only reason i got my micro, is that i got a good deal on it, and now I love it. It sucks that all these kids spend 500 bucks on crap guns, and they have no idea the mags are out there. Like it or not the new guys in paintball like colorful, cool looking guns. IF you make nothing but grey tube guns, they aren't going to sell like the stupid spiders. The emag design is great. AGD has a great rep, but out of the 10 guys I play with, no one knew what the heck i was shooting until i explained it to them. If agd is the mercedes of paintball, then it needs to get that same status by making the gun cool to own. I read these posts, and it seems like everyone kind of has a complex about owning a mag, its like "hey i have the best gun out there, but no one knows it".
EVERYONE should know it. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-29-2001, 12:27 AM
I work at pimpIT.com, you may have seen stickers around your town, I know you have if you live in southern cali. Anyways, thats what made this company so popular, about every other week we get in shipments of thousands of stickers, we hand them out to our reps (which we have hundreds of), at our sponsored events, to friends, and include about 5 with every purchase someone makes. Newspapers have done articles about all the 'vandalism', with pimpIT.com being the #1 culprit (sp?), since we give out all the stickers people put them EVERYWHERE. Freeway signs, gas stations, cars, everywhere, but since we just give them out free there is no legal action, except it gives us a lot of representation when someone sees a sticker that says 'pimpit.com', then they go and check out the site.

[email protected]
MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

Ever felt like picking up a knife and stabbing yourself, just to see what it'd feel like? Welcome to my world.

Bad Dave
08-29-2001, 04:05 AM
The flatlines come with stickers for sure.

What a lot of it comes down to is that people look at the pros getting magazine space and base their own purchasing decisiions on these guys. how many guys want lasoyas series angel, etc.

good news for agd is that Pete Robinson will be going over to a modular emag soon.

08-29-2001, 05:38 AM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by SUN WARRIOR:
You're forgettion one thing though. AGD has been around for so long they no longer need to advertise. They're known by pretty much every player in the sport as the company that provides reliable equipment at steep prices (hehehe).</font>

true, but on my fields, they only hear about AGD quality through a few of us who use them. What about the fields where there are no mags, word of mouth is the biggest form of advertising, and if everyone is using cockers, and angels, then the newbies will want an angel, or a cocker.

I know when I go to a field, and get surrounded by newbies, askin about what that gun was, I show em, and they say they never seen one, and then they begin to ask questions, and talk about the sucky cockers(no offense, never liked em, never will) they all bought without knowing that the stock cocker is junk.

Of course I show them the gun, let them try it in a game, and then show them it is only the bolt that moves, and they are all impressed...

but how many people are as dedicated to promoting aintball as me?? not many that I see anyway.

I think AGD should do something to get back on top where they belong. Think of all the local shops that have the huge section for angels, and cockers, and the mags parts share the old dusty shelf next to the Tippman prolite parts http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Hopefully all the hype i am hearing about the modular Emag will do just that. I am even looking into makin a custom version for a sponsor of mine, who already makes Impulses 15oz. lighter than stock and a higher ROF. we will see...

just my $.02

RTP00440, Benchmark Offset Adj. HPA Cradle, Pro-Connect, 12"AA, 12"DYE SS, 12"Boomie, 14"JJ Ceramic, 68/4500 NitroDuck Tuffy, 12Revvie, Warp.
Team ArchAngels
No Skill, No Talent, All Heart" ~ Oh Pawlak

08-29-2001, 09:47 AM
Well, maybe we should all start doing what the refs at my local field did. A few years ago they made and agreement that each month they would all pitch in a buy a banner. Now, there are over 50 banners hanging in the staging area, 8 of them from AGD. Now, if Tom and gang can cut us a deal on Banners, why don't we all buy one and hang it proudly in our local field staging area?

08-29-2001, 09:48 AM
This is why I also feel that the AGD jersey is waaaaaay overdue.

08-29-2001, 10:39 AM
It's true that AGD has been around awhile. However, when I went looking or my first marker I had no idea who AGD was. If I saw 25-30 guys on a paintball field, all displaying AGD logos on their equipment I probably would have asked. Even if I didn't ask, the thought that this logo was so prominently displayed would have made think that it must be good stuff because everyone is using it. Chances are then that I would have found out more about them.

I also happen to be a mobile DJ and if you look in the back of industry magazines most vendors offer merchandise with their name or logos on it. Why do they do this? I think it's simple. They want people to see their name out there and be recognized and associated with this particular group of people.

Why wouldn't AGD want to do the same thing? I really think this goes a long way with the recreational players. Especially, since that's where most players will see and hear about your gear. It's also happens to make up the largest segment of the market. Those are the guys AGD and us need to influence. Get the AGD name in front of them and let the AGD products do the rest.

[This message has been edited by 2000Sabre (edited 08-29-2001).]

08-29-2001, 10:42 AM

You asked me in another thread if I played at Friendly Fire. I tried emailing you my answer you but the address I got from you profile came back with mailbox not found. If you send me an email message I'll reply back. Just don't want to take up space on the fourm with personal chatter. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by 2000Sabre (edited 08-29-2001).]

08-29-2001, 10:53 AM
I would proudly hang a banner high for AirGun Designs. Heck...just send me a banner sticker, and I will add it to my team banner...

RTP00440, Benchmark Offset Adj. HPA Cradle, Pro-Connect, 12"AA, 12"DYE SS, 12"Boomie, 14"JJ Ceramic, 68/4500 NitroDuck Tuffy, 12Revvie, Warp.
Team ArchAngels
No Skill, No Talent, All Heart" ~ Oh Pawlak

08-29-2001, 01:16 PM
I think it's nice to see that AGD feels so comfortable with there products and support that they don't need to constantly market there product as being the best because the people who play and use AGD know it the best and stick with it.

08-29-2001, 01:26 PM
I liken the AGD products to the Mangusta. Everyone knows about Ferrari's and Lamborginis(?) and such but the Mangusta is generally only known by a small cadre of elite performance driving enthusiasts.

Same with the Mag family of paint guns. Angel and Cockers advertise like crazy while ADG mostly relies on word-of-mouth and tournament advertising.

This creates a small but dedicated following of users and those are the companies that have longevity.

Three cheers for Tom and AGD.


brian terry
08-29-2001, 03:43 PM
a magman007 hope u like the banner ,tom im shure just had so much to do at zap he forgot,hope to see everyone at world cup in fla....

08-29-2001, 04:05 PM
oh yes i love the banner thank you again! You guys wanna know what made me buy my automag? Magazines! apg promotes enough in magazines that i bougfht my automag! the one add in apg with the rt pro is what made me buy my rt pro! the other thing was that i saw a lot of people using them and i had herd apg had a good rep! well thanks again terry i appreciate it!

you ever notice how elves do everyting???

08-29-2001, 05:50 PM
What do you think this site is all about?

08-29-2001, 09:15 PM
Before I let this thread die I just wanted to add one more thought. How long to you think AGD would last if they relied only on word of mouth? If they have only a small cadre of loyal users, how long is it before this small group moves to other markers because they can't find parts or their local pb shop doesn't stock AGD parts and products.

If we're relying on industry magazines to spread the word forget it. I don't know about you but have you've tried to find a paintball magazine in your average newsstand or bookstore? It's difficult or impossible for a casual buyer to find one locally.

Maybe this is why we see many posts on this forum asking why are people buying angels or cockers or someone else's latest product. I think it's because the masses don't know who AGD is? But if you asked the average person if they know who Amazon.com is or who Nike is they know, whether they read books or buy athletic products. That's because these companies have established brand awareness.

I know there are other avenues which AGD uses to advertise, all I'm asking is why don't they seem to help themselves by providing this type of stuff without having to ask for it? Why isn't it available for sale on their web site?

Just food for thought.

08-29-2001, 09:19 PM
I think you will like reading this... it covers some of those issues.


“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-29-2001, 09:33 PM

Thanks for the link. Was very interesting material. It's a little ironic that this afternoon while waiting for my car at the shop there was a front page article in the local community paper highlighting the reporters first experience with our sport. Very positive page and half story. Also, right next to it was another paper with a story about three teenagers being arrested for using their markers to terrorize their local community. With morons like that out there no wonder we never seem to get ahead.

Anyway, always enjoy a topic which promotes good healthy discussion.

08-29-2001, 11:12 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Chaos:
I work at pimpIT.com, you may have seen stickers around your town, I know you have if you live in southern cali. Anyways, thats what made this company so popular, about every other week we get in shipments of thousands of stickers, we hand them out to our reps (which we have hundreds of), at our sponsored events, to friends, and include about 5 with every purchase someone makes. Newspapers have done articles about all the 'vandalism', with pimpIT.com being the #1 culprit (sp?), since we give out all the stickers people put them EVERYWHERE. Freeway signs, gas stations, cars, everywhere, but since we just give them out free there is no legal action, except it gives us a lot of representation when someone sees a sticker that says 'pimpit.com', then they go and check out the site.


Regarding your misconception of no legal action. I can't say about CA but in NY , any company's sticker or advertisement found on a traffic sign or other such devices of public information can now be held accountable. This came into code about 5 years ago or so. Start up music labels were putting up stickers everywhere to promote their new albums. Especially on speed limit signs and exit signs of a lot of the local freeways and such around and in Manhattan. Cause a few accidents and a lot of lawsuits. Now, sticker use is practically illegal in NY. I only see the cardboard signs stapled around poles and such.

You may want to check you local areas code books to make sure you are not doing anything illegal. All you would need is one accident and an eager attorney to ruin your day.

Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.(this is not meant as a flame, just that that is what the courts would say if you pleaded ignorance.)

08-29-2001, 11:51 PM
Hasty8 makes a good point. By no means would I and I hope any other AO member advocate putting stickers or anything else in places where they don't belong. I'm just looking at this as way to let people know we're proud that we carry and use AO products. If done propoerly it's a win win for us and AGD.

08-30-2001, 12:07 PM
my field also gives away many stickers, but there is no agd ones because they sell them

and since i got my gun used along with my flatline..... im deprived of stickers. lol

i ended up buying some and i hope a sticker comes with the i frame!

08-30-2001, 12:32 PM
I find paintball magazines in my local book store and at my local news stand, i cant see why you wouldnt be able too? and any paintball player who has ever been to a large tourny knows who and what agd is! the agd buuth is usually the most popular booth there b/c people just walk by and gawk at the ingenuity of design and workmanship!

you ever notice how elves do everyting???