View Full Version : No more JT after 2003

08-29-2001, 06:57 PM
I just talked with the guy who owns the local store. He told me that after 2003, there will not be anymore jt products. Brass Eagle is going to take over everything and label it all as BE products.

When in doubt, duck. When certain, don't bother, you're already screwed.

08-29-2001, 07:27 PM
oh well, i guess i'm off to buy 20 flex-7's. better stock up on them.

08-29-2001, 07:35 PM
Don't believe everything you hear in the stores, but this wouldn't shock me. Support the underdogs and don't buy any of the new BE/VL/JT products.

08-29-2001, 07:44 PM
yeh flamebo you got the idea, instead of supporting jt , why not suport some other company, especially when jt sold out.... not necessarily thier quality, but mainly thier reputation.

there are plenty of other mask companies that can beat the performance of any jt mask, but finding those companies is somehow harder than i thought, until then i got my spectra!

08-29-2001, 08:31 PM
Try a V-Force Morph.
www.vforcepaintball.com/home/index.shtml (http://www.vforcepaintball.com/home/index.shtml)
I hear they are nice, but have never used them, so I can't tell you if they are good or not. Be original- buy a V-Force!

"It dosen't matter if you're skinny, dosen't matter if you're fat, you can dress up as a sultan in your onion head hat!"
Cake, Title:Fasion Eagle CD:Fasion Eagle

08-29-2001, 08:34 PM

Team Chicago Ambush
call name Wookie

[This message has been edited by Monsta (edited 08-29-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Monsta (edited 08-29-2001).]

08-29-2001, 09:03 PM
v-force is manufactured by BE. just to let you know

08-29-2001, 09:09 PM
No, V-Force is manufactured by Leader. Leader makes lots of safety equiptment for other sports. They USED to make the BE masks, but then JT started making all of BE's masks after the buyout. So now leader is making quality stuff. Im getting a morph if my feild will ever order it for me. They look REALLY nice!


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08-29-2001, 09:56 PM
I use scotts. Now I REALLY hope they stay in paintball http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

08-30-2001, 10:21 AM
Yeah, i have seen the v-force masks, they look really nice, especially the morphs. I think they are about the same price as the JT Ize masks.
I think scott makes masks for police and military use, so they won't be selling out to any paintball company.

08-30-2001, 12:32 PM
The only problem with purchasing a non-JT goggle (and I'm all for it) is that you cannot guarantee yourself the ability to find replacement lenses in the future. I am now in the market for new headgear; not because I don't like my set, but because I cannot find ANY replacement lenses for what I consider to be the best goggle system out there: Vents Predator.

I am seriously considering the V-Force Morph, but I want to be sure that 4 years from now, I can purchase replacement lenses with ease.


68 Automag Powerfeed (CF05045)
Being rebuilt and modified with your help.

[This message has been edited by ben_JD (edited 08-30-2001).]

08-30-2001, 12:38 PM
Be would never do that, the reason is that all of the pro teams would not stand for it!. they would all go to v force or raven, the pros would not stand for something like that. no pro in thier right mind would be repersented by be unless they were heavilly paid

you ever notice how elves do everyting???