View Full Version : Las Vegas Pan Am report and pics!

12-10-2002, 01:13 AM
Hello gang! I'm back from the Las Vegas, 2002 Pan-Am:)

Smooth is the only word to be said for how the tourney was operated. Big HOOAH's to Dan Bonebrake and his Pan-Am team of tireless workers:) This year, they covered two tennis courts with astro-turf and padding, and added another field over the top of an abandoned race track. Despite a section that was 2' higher than the rest of the field didn't seem to matter to anyone. Two more fields were added using the volleyball area. And, once again, the indoor roller-hockey rink was converted to a five man field. This means, that no games were played on the infamous desert dirt, dust, rocks, and chunks of re-bar! The AKALMP Excaliber Joust was enjoyed with great enthusiasm, filling the grandstands with cheering spectators (WARPIG.com will have all the winners names). AO member RamboPreacher competed, and performed his patented full field assault and push attack all the way to the far end....and then was quickly shot out! But, it was beautiful to watch:D

Although some heated tempers flared up, at no time did I see, or hear about, any thrown equipment. The judges were fair and worked hard for the whole 5 days. I never heard any complaints about them either. Congrats on a well reffed and judged tourney:)

Due to floor-space constraints, those company's with big rigs or trailered display's, were situated at the outside edge of the parking area. I thought they should have been allowed to set up against the main building. As it was, they were outside of the flow of foot traffic between fields and team locations in the lot.

The only real debacle of the weekend, was the night games using glow-in-the-dark balls. The bags of balls were not subjected to a bright enough light source for a long enough time. Every light in the building, nearly, had to be shut off so as to barely see anything on the field, you could not see any hits on players. The only time you could see the balls, you had to be on the far ends of the field and see them hit the net in front of you. Hopefully, next year they will have a better set-up, and make this a talked about event.

I was set up with Jeff Sabitini, of Paintball Daddy's, at his table and display booth. Warps and Intelliframes were in some demand, and lots of guys came by to pick up a LX. I was kept reasonabley busy installing new parts and componants, and teching guns and Flatlines. I rebuilt RT # 0211 back to full working condition. This was the first time it had been taken apart in 6 years of playing with it....and it showed! All three banjo bolt O-rings were toast, but still held pressure!, and the PT O-ring was a goner and leaking. The bolt was so worn, as not have a reversed bevel anymore for the sear to catch on! Jeff and I easily talked him into a Level 10!

Not many 'Mags in the tourney this year. Most teams were more fully sponsored than in years past, Timmy's and modified 'Cockers were dominant. A surprising lack of Angels was evident, perhaps due to the more amateur level of the Pan Am, who knows?

I had many hundreds of photos to share, happily stored in the camera's memory...until I hit the wrong button twice. Yup, all deleted, including three great videos. Yes, I feel about this small.

But I did go around Sunday and try to salvage some of the event for AO, so lets see some of those!

First up, the indominatble Dan Bonebrake, rushing to another crisis to be fixed on the spot:

12-10-2002, 01:15 AM
Dawn Mills, keeping all the scores straight and true. She does this for far too many tourneys across the country, and is so good at it. HOOAH to you Dawn!

12-10-2002, 01:18 AM
Bill Mills, finally resting at tourney's end. Keeping you informed on WARPIG is an all day, and late night job. HOOAH to you Bill!

12-10-2002, 01:21 AM
The beautiful and gracious Bea Youngs, with her big boyfriend (who wishes to remain anonymous). Bea played too, on a pick up team.

12-10-2002, 01:25 AM
RamboPreacher and JesusFreak (with the mask on head), waiting for their Stock game to begin. Team GAGG, and The God Squad, representing for the CPPA. Nicest bunch of people you could ever want to meet, and Rambo can really bring it on during a prayer meeting! hooah Brent, it was really a treat to meet you and JF and the CPPA gang:)

12-10-2002, 01:28 AM
Here's Glen Palmer. If you must have a custom made marker, there is none finer than a Palmers.

12-10-2002, 01:31 AM
AO Member EPTerry, showing off with Big Red. This is one kid that I really enjoyed talking to. He knows what he wants to say, he talks with a vocabulary that would shame many adults, and he knows his 'Mags. He's also has his Dad talked into playing:) It was good to meet you buddy!

12-10-2002, 01:34 AM
One more game to go! This ref was just about to fall down from exhaustion after 5 full days of running while getting far too many "accidental" hits:)

12-10-2002, 01:41 AM
Don Boule, age 55, of Total Chaos of Arizona. Just goes to prove, that age and treachery will always win out over youth and enthusiasm:) Nice guy, nice team.

12-10-2002, 01:48 AM
This is a new modular panel system for setting up a field anywhere you want. Bunker City Co. of Fresno Ca. has tested these foam and plastic panels for 3 years in the cruddy weather that is the Central Valley of California. The indoor field ran out of Sup'air bunkers, so Dan asked BunkerCity if Pan-Am could use their display models. They held up perfectly, and were actually quieter when hit than the inflatables. Being modular, any three panels can be made into stand-ups, lay-downs, snakes, center tees, corners, just about any form you want to create. Excellent design.

12-10-2002, 01:49 AM

12-10-2002, 01:51 AM
...and of course, what would Vegas be without the coolest things on wheels? LOL, it took up all 4 gas pumps:)

12-10-2002, 01:57 AM
A couple of the many trophies that went out. The Joust winner also took home a custom built Excalibur from AKALMP.

12-10-2002, 01:58 AM
Jeff in the booth, laying on the smooth to a customer!

12-10-2002, 02:00 AM
Total Chaos reviewing their last game in the Semi's. See how they are higher than the bunkers? This field slopes down at this point.

12-10-2002, 02:02 AM
The tired Refs and Ultimate Judge, talk over their performances after the last game of the finals.

12-10-2002, 05:59 AM
so..uh..who won??

thanx for the pics army,hooah to you!

12-10-2002, 06:00 AM
Fantastic series of pictures Army! Thanks

12-10-2002, 07:26 AM
Nice pictures.

12-10-2002, 07:55 AM
bummer on the lost pics..... but the ones you still gots are good too!!!!

Creative Mayhem
12-10-2002, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the pics Army. They're great.

C Mayhem

12-10-2002, 12:14 PM

It was nice to get the chance to meet you. I saw a young man walking around in the parking lot with a red C&C X-mag. Did you have it on display? I did not get a chance to go by the booth to see if it was there.

12-10-2002, 01:05 PM
AHhhh! The red X-mag! I had a bunch of super pics of it too! That was the last one purchased and sent from AGDE!

Red Xmag, red HALO-B, red tank cover, red drop....*Army squeals like a girl and swoons:D*

12-10-2002, 01:14 PM
I've seen that gun! Isn't it gorgeous! :)

It reminds me of a Ferrari. Glossy red with lovely flowing lines. The C&C looks just stunning in red. Also looks good in simple glossy black... but I digress.


12-10-2002, 02:22 PM
I have to agree! It was a very very sweet marker.

12-10-2002, 11:26 PM
A great time was had by all. :)

I thought my fellow CPPA members were teasing me about how fast I was, saing I was "blazing" (pun intended). Then I saw a video of me out-sprinting the 17 year old on our team, when I made a dash to teh flag, full out and he only made it to the "20".

I just got back from class, had a big test, so hadn't had much time to post or get pics ready, but rest assured I have some to post.

I thought about using my BTM, but it isn't fully broken in yet, and I am extremely comfortable with my 5-year old blazer.

Glad to have finaly met in person:
AO/CPPA member epterry
and many others...
on another note of finalys... I got to meet Bill and Dawn Mills in person. I have known them for, well, alot of years (I won't say how long, cause it might seem to "age" them and they are still young!), and the last time I had opportunity to meet them in person (back when they lived in CA), I was within a half hour drive, when I was stricken with kidney stones, and had to turn around and drive back to the hospital.

(BTW, Army - I think I shot the other jouster first, but I don't argue with refs, so I must have been mistaken.)

12-11-2002, 12:41 AM
Nice pics Army!! Thanks for helping us out.


12-11-2002, 12:49 PM
Great picts Army. Thanks for Representin!

Raising Storm
12-11-2002, 01:28 PM
Nice pics!!!1

12-11-2002, 06:52 PM
Nice pics man...

I heard it was an awesome event other than check it getting screwed over:(

12-11-2002, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by blnk162
Nice pics man...

I heard it was an awesome event other than check it getting screwed over:(

What happened?

BTW, Great pics ARMY!

12-12-2002, 03:21 PM
kapp were savages and tore down the field with mass hits on them.

12-12-2002, 07:43 PM
Click here for the RP picture page of PanAm, and LV (2002) (http://www.citylifeworshipcenter.org/RP/CPPAPanAm2002/PanAm2002CPPA.html)
There are some pics that probably should be deleted (bad/fuzzy, etc), but for now, just dumped them all out there, with this page of thumbs and links.

here is a couple samples:
(yes, that is a battery strapped to that PG. this was LittleMatt's first experience in Stock Class, and he normaly plays using a JAE, impy, so to help him be more comfortable with my pumpless PG, we "electrofied" it - hehehehee)

12-12-2002, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
[B(yes, that is a battery strapped to that PG. this was LittleMatt's first experience in Stock Class, and he normaly plays using a JAE, impy, so to help him be more comfortable with my pumpless PG, we "electrofied" it - hehehehee) [/B]

pumpless as in the pump is gone or as in semi auto cause i hat to burst ur bubble but stock class is pump guns lol;)

12-12-2002, 08:10 PM
Do you know what a PG is? it is pre-pump. you have to pull-cock the bolt to load a ball and cock the hammer back.

Our team was the only team to have "TRUE" Stock Class Markers! (Most folks know how I feel about the AT nelson based, though wasn't an issue on the flat, level indoor field) - heheheheee

12-12-2002, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
Do you know what a PG is? it is pre-pump. you have to pull-cock the bolt to load a ball and cock the hammer back.

Our team was the only team to have "TRUE" Stock Class Markers! (Most folks know how I feel about the AT nelson based, though wasn't an issue on the flat, level indoor field) - heheheheee

yes i do know what a PG is. but i was questioning wether you just messed up and ment to say PGP ( even though its closer to a P68) cause i didnt see why you would put "Pumpless" when it never had a pump to begin with... im not attacking you im just expressing my view, but it seems you are not taking it that way. lighten up, dont worry, be happy ;) :D

12-12-2002, 08:42 PM
It was kinda funny, cause nobody there knew what we had. we had the crowd shouting at us to put our pump handles back on. it was hilarious.

12-12-2002, 08:45 PM
well thats why i thought you just messed up and ment to say PGP cause iv been playing paintball for like 6 years and always had a fasination with old gun, and well i just learned of the PG like a week ago so i figured you didnt know ether... ah assumptions.;) i want to play pump w/ a KP at a tourney, now that would be fun:D

12-12-2002, 09:35 PM
ahhh - that makes sense. I have been playing since the beginning (early 80's), and am the webmaster of the OGOG (Old Gun Owners Group - www.pentestone.com/OGOG).

Anyway - back to the topic - it was kind of dissapointing that almost nobody knew what we had, at a Stock Class tourney, but guess I expected too much. Dan Bonebrake knew what we had, though and he gave us special permission to use barrel plugs cause barrel bags won't fit over the three tubes. hehehee.

Little Matt
12-15-2002, 05:52 PM
hehe, Don't make fun of my upgraded version of a PG. I bet you guys wished you a an electro PG. No one could ever do it before. It just took a genious like me to figure it out. lol.

yeah, I never played stock before, and personaly I thought it was a scary experience. lol. I really missed my impy.

Little Matt
Team G.A.G.G.