View Full Version : What do you think of Eminem

12-10-2002, 12:15 PM
Im writing a paper on what many would say is the most controversial rapper out there. Many people hate him because he speaks his mind and doesnt hesitate to say anything. Lots of people respect him for the same reason. I have to write a paper about both points of view. I was wondering what you guys thought of him. What do you think of his lyrics? Do you respect him?

Please, I kno there are a lot of Eminem haters out there, if your one of them please dont flame this thread. Just state the reasons why or why not you like him and what you think of his music.


12-10-2002, 12:26 PM
I dont like rap.

I don't know eminem (duh) but I am very biased against anyone who acts/talks like him. For some reason I just dont find a complete lack of formal education apealing...

Maybe if I liked his music I would feel differently.

12-10-2002, 12:31 PM
i like rap and r&b music but i hate eminem

why? i dont like his music, i dont like what it stands for and i dont like what he has said in the past, i think he is a disgrace, i also think that he is so popular with alot of kids because he is white

i have seen kids, like 11-14 year olds, run into best buy and grab the new eminem CD while there are 3 or 4 different various rap artists right next to eminem, i believe that he has the popularity because he is not a black person

i agree that not all rap music is sunshine and lolipops but eminem is the worst

12-10-2002, 12:45 PM
He has complet lack of talent! He compensates with money spent to hype his stuff. He is marketed so well, that he can do whatever he wants with his music, and still sell. he taken full advantage of this.

He also seems to have no morals. If you don't have enough respect for yourself to have some values, I don't respect you!

he has no basis for what he says, too! He plays the part of an "angry rapper" because he is paid to do it. He lives well, makes money, etc, etc......why all the whimpering eminem?

12-10-2002, 12:50 PM
he also just got back together with his wife, remember how much he "hated" her

what a tool

12-10-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Trigger_Happy
he has no basis for what he says, too! He plays the part of an "angry rapper" because he is paid to do it. He lives well, makes money, etc, etc......why all the whimpering eminem?

ya thats what i dont understand.

he raps like he has some horrible life and we should all feel sorry for him and understand why hes so angry....right

12-10-2002, 12:58 PM
..on the other hand, I really like his music. It's different enough from the standard rap genre' to catch my jaded ear. Whatever his beef with his Mom/wife/Dad/daughter/life is his hook. His is no different than any other rapper: "life in the ghetto sucks, even though I haven't lived there for 20 years, and now have enough money to buy it from the city, but I was raised near one and now my life sucks too, since I can't spend my money fast enough on women/cars/houses/bling bling whatever/and failing music publishing companies."

I don't really like him, per se', but his tunes are fun, and the music is easier to listen to than gangster or club rap.

12-10-2002, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Trigger_Happy
He lives well, makes money, etc, etc......why all the whimpering eminem?

He lived with his mother until he was 26 years old.

I only last week learned that he is 30 years old.

EDIT: I just realized I have went over a 1000 posts. I am a PW:( .

12-10-2002, 01:11 PM
Here is the question… how many people who “like” his music do so because of what they hear on the radio? I know there are a couple songs that I DO like, have catchy tunes, good beats, and simple lyrics. However, what you hear on his CD is another story, and you will not hear it on the radio.

I warn parents who just listen to him on the radio to get a hold of an actual CD before saying it is “okay” to let little Johnny get a copy of it.

12-10-2002, 01:57 PM
From "The Way I Am"

"When a dude's gettin bullied and shoots up his school
and they blame it on Marilyn (on Marilyn).. and the heroin
Where were the parents at? And look where it's at
Middle America, now it's a tragedy
Now it's so sad to see, in upper class ci-ty
havin this happenin (this happenin)..
then attack Eminem cause I rap this way (rap this way)..
But I'm glad cause they feed me the fuel that I need for the fire
to burn and it's burnin and I have returned"

Some of his lyrics do make sense. This one has always stood out in my mind.

12-10-2002, 02:05 PM
They had his grandmother on a talk show recently. He has been doing rap, according to her, since he was a kid. And, for the record, he did have a bad home life, while he was young. His Gram said that she never showed any affection towards him. His music? I can take it or leave it. His video for Trailer Park Girls, or whatever, is hilarious! The tunes are catchy, and, yes, he makes tons of cash off of his bad boy image. Realize, he isnt the only one who had a rough life. He just got lucky and made it big. Personally, hero worship is a bunch of hooie. If someone idolizes him, they are seriously misled. He doesnt seem to be a very nice individual, to put it mildly. But, he is only as controversial for as long as people buy into it. Remember all the controversy with Ozzie Ozbourne? Well this is kinda going the saqme route. he will burn out soon, then what?
On another note, it seems like, whenever a white kid makes it into rap, there is controversy that follows. Vanilla Ice...need I say more? Beastie Boys..they were hated my the rap community for the longest time. When Run DMC did the song w/Aerosmith, again, frowned down upon. See a pattern here? Is this fan based, rap artist based, or media based controversy? You decide.
Do I like what he stands for? No. Do I listen to his music? Yes. Great...I lost my train of thought.

12-10-2002, 03:11 PM
i dont like most of his music but he does have talent.
he's wearing an alf shirt!

12-10-2002, 03:18 PM
I like Eminem's music a lot actually, for several reasons. One, he's funny. I have a twisted sense of humor much the same as he does, so to me his lyrics seem rather amusing. Especially because he would be the first to say (and has before on record) that his lyrics are meant to be taken in jest and NOT seriously. My friends all feel the same way. Maybe we all have similar senses of humor...I don't know. But, he stands out much the same way Insane Clown Posse does in the fact they rap about drastically different things than the normal mainstream of rap. Em's got his moments where he may say a few lines like other rappers, but by and large his lyrics usually revolve around topics other "regular" rappers don't even touch.

Who raps about painkillers, trailer parks, sailors, and inspector gadget? It is this different presentation of his subject matter than the usual "Bling bling jewelry, crystal, hoes, cars, and big screen TV's" you get get with him unlike other rappers. Second, he's good at his craft. Like his musical beats or tunes, or even his content or not..the man is fast and has a very slick and complicated lyrical delivery. If you listen to rap a lot (I do) you know that there are a lot of mediocre rappers out there that think that just because two words ryhme and they end two versus with them it makes you a lyricist. Not necissarily...there can be (and I say CAN be because a lot of rappers don't take the time too or know how) a lot of work involved in setting up how your words fall together.

Listen to some of Em's songs closely..look at the word arrangement. Some of his words set up a ryhme several versus down into the song, not just the next line. They follow a flow, a pattern that adjusts to the beat and timing. Now, as far as he goes as a person...I don't know him personally, I've only seen him in the mainstream. Unfortunately, this is a bad place to try and form a good opinion about him from because most of what he does is calculated to play to his image. I think he's foolish for making so many enemies out of a lot of respected musicians when he doesn't really have too...but it keeps up his "I don't give a ...." bad boy image. Remember, Puffy was all down with the bad boy image until his close call with real jail time changed him to P. Diddy (still rating as one of the dumbest names for an entertainer yet.)

Think about Em's lyrical content as a comedian would his schtick. His "I'm opressed, poor, and have crazy relationships" is his material. It's what his whole process and music is based on so if he stopped the "whining" he would have to completely reinvent himself.

12-10-2002, 03:45 PM
Yes, he can say strings of words fast, and yes, many rappers suck worse than him.....Is it skill?

12-10-2002, 03:50 PM
That's all subjective. I say yes, but that's me.

12-10-2002, 04:05 PM
I totally know it's subjective. All I'm saying is my opinion. I'm not bashing anybody (except maybe eminem, himself). I just wanted to give my opinion sice that is the purpose of the thread.

What am I saying? I'm saying that I love a good debate, but don't get upset when I debate you. Like you said, it's all opinion. Thanks!

12-10-2002, 04:28 PM
Ohhhkay...somebody's a little keyed up today. Sorry bro, I wasn't really bashing you. I wasn't even debating you actually...I simply replied that whether or not the man has skill is all subjective to the person listening (and then what they base "skill" at something on). I really didn't reply in a way that sounded sarcastic or insulting to me, so if you took it that way then you misunderstood me.


12-10-2002, 04:53 PM
he is very talented as far as lyrics go, and he has alot more to offer i find than other rappers. i saw him at HFStival last may and hes pretty good live.
but i am very tired of white kids trying to act black.

12-10-2002, 04:54 PM
i think in the beggining he was great because he was for real and backed what he said but now its all the same stuff but theres no feeling behind it. i think that now hes just doing it for money, but i dont know becuase i dont know him so i will reserve any further judgement until i actually meet him(not likely but thats the only way to find out for sure)

12-10-2002, 05:04 PM
lol...i hate him personally..

the only song i like by him,and the only rap song i like at all..is Eminem-as the world turns

12-10-2002, 05:42 PM
I don't know if there's anyone out there that can hold a candle to him when he's doing freestyle... he's a master.

I don't have much of a taste for rap... but once in a while an artist catches my attention... and Eminem caught my attention enough to have a short lived interest in his stuff... I actually bought his first CD.

Personally, I find him to be very intelligent... and it's apparant to me in his music and lyrics. The persona he imaginatively created and portrays, the lyrics he uses... it's all part of the show. It's an act folks. When an actor gets in a plane crash in the movies, he didn't really die in case you didn't know. It's an act! Actors who play doctors on TV... they're not really doctors. This is much like Eminem's lyrics/music/showmanship... Eminem is a fictional character... if he fooled you into believing his story... then he did a good job as an actor.

He has shock appeal. "I can't believe he said that!" He knows what shocks you... so he shocks you... and some people like it and enjoy the show. Not all, but enough to sell a few albums. People are upset with him? That was his goal entirely! He wins. That's EXACTLY what gets him the attention he wants... and obviously he's doing well for himself in doing it.

If you pay attention, his stuff is tongue-in-cheek... a parody on gangster/thug rap... pop culture... he makes fun of it, you just have to catch it. Personally, I think it's hilarious. He's a rapping clown with a bad mouth. He also makes a mockery of people who are sensitive/squeemish and can't handle what he says. He throws it in their face... and uses their uproar to fuel his success. Getting upset with Eminem? Public uproar and controversy... it's what keeps him around and popular.

I agree, his stuff is for a mature audience, absolutely. This does not mean an 'adult' necessarily... a lot of adults should take heed of the lyric advisories... they don't understand it and can't handle it.

But, I don't see anything wrong with what he does or says. And equally, I don't see anything wrong with people taking offense to him... it's understandable.

12-10-2002, 06:15 PM
I personally can't stand him or what he sings. Most of his lyrics make me sick.

He is certainly not a wonderful individual. Beating ones wife does not impress me at all. And, if she did get back with him shame on her.

Alot of people have had a hard life but don't act like him.

12-10-2002, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
Im writing a paper on what many would say is the most controversial rapper out there. Many people hate him because he speaks his mind and doesnt hesitate to say anything. Lots of people respect him for the same reason. I have to write a paper about both points of view. I was wondering what you guys thought of him. What do you think of his lyrics? Do you respect him?

Please, I kno there are a lot of Eminem haters out there, if your one of them please dont flame this thread. Just state the reasons why or why not you like him and what you think of his music.


Speaks his mind? Please, he just tries to stir up dust to get free air time on the news and media so all the little 12 year olds will buy his CDs.

I really don't like Eminem, even if killing his girlfriend and making fun of minorites is whats on his mind, there are plenty of other ways to express it without making your self look like a moron.

Lyrics? I think a trained monkey can write better lyrics, and I don't really see much talent in what he does. I bet if his face wasn't all over the news everytime he made a song about killing some minoirty, then he wouldn't be doing it.

I have no respect for that man


12-10-2002, 07:38 PM
I'm not a big rap fan at all. I will occasionally listen to some N.W.A. or Dre every now and then. As a person I just don't like Eminem. He does right some catchy lyrics that aren't too bad. He does have a style that is a bit more appealing to me than other rappers. I think he's done exactly what he's set out to do and that was to create controversy. Everyone says that he's so great for saying anything he wants but what about Marilyn Manson, he did it and created a ton of contro versey and most importantly free publicity and then faded out after a while. I think the same will happen with Eminem. After a while people will get tired of the same songs and same game that he plays.

12-10-2002, 08:01 PM
He is definitely talented - there is no denying that. His music is catchy, and I have to force myself to not like it.

He is so ruled by his emotions, and has absolutely no self control - it's ridiculous. I get tired of his angry at everything attitude. As others have said, he's not the only one to have had a hard life, and thats no excuse/reason to accept him. I just cannot enjoy the music of a man whom I cannot respect...

12-10-2002, 08:31 PM
he doesnt make his own music, he's shipped it by his producers who steal the beat from an old song and redo a beat over an over. then, eminem slaps on "rhymes" that are shallow, and demeaning to anyone who has a high school degree's intelligence. since rap is only sold commercially because its marketed to suburban crackers, its no surprise that everytime a white boy comes out of the "ghetto" with a catchy beat he becomes popular. eminem is merely another vanilla white, with a make believe past to make them legit.

12-10-2002, 09:24 PM
heres a thread about rap from awhile ago.
and heres what i have to say about it:

as for music sucking or not, who are any of you to decide? all i can say is you sound like a bunch of little music-hitlers, trying to tell people whats good and bad. so if you dont like music then dont listen.
just about any music takes talent, because if it didnt then everyone would be able to sing or play an instrument. so by saying that rap or any other kind of music "sucks" really makes you look like a music nazi.

12-10-2002, 10:08 PM
many of you people criticize his life, actions, and past expiriences with other people. i could care less what he, or other artists that i listen to, do outside the recording studio. all i do is listen to his music. i think he has very good beats, and his lyrics are very catchy. many of his songs have meaning, if you were to lsiten to the actual words. in terms of talent, i believe he is a top ranking rapper. what he does with that talent, is up to him.

i bought his newest cd, the eminem show, and listened to the whole thing with my dad. although my father disagreed with the profanity, he did understand the lyrics and a few of the stories eminem gets across in his songs.

12-10-2002, 10:18 PM
I don't like him. Now, I don't generally like rap, but everyone once in a while, there are a few songs that I like. I have only 13 rap songs on my comp (I'm not counting Pimp Daddy Welfare). Anyway, I think Eminem's voice is annoying, I don't really like his beats, I don't think he's funny, and his whole schtick (sp?) is old. However, I respect that he says whatever he wants, and calls soceity on some problems, even if I don't like his music.

12-10-2002, 10:23 PM
i think its funny how whenever he was on trial for one reason or another, his album sales jumped.

12-11-2002, 04:51 AM
I don't like rap at all.

Eminem sells his records with shock and the whole "You can't say that, but I did" sort of thing.

My attitue towards him, is that I'm indifferant to his music.

...Now the people that listen to his music is a differant story. I see that there are quite a few intelligent people that do listen to his music. What Makes me angry are people who are just buying his records because "that's what's on MTV" or "that's what I hear on the radio"

Personally, I think he's just a "flavor of the month" and we'll forget about him in a few years.

...Either that, or he'll get tons of plastic surgurey, and hang his kids over a balcony.

12-11-2002, 12:11 PM
Just the mere fact that someone like eminem has risen to the level he has is indicative of the ruined, degenerated state of hip hop today. Eminem is effectively the male Brittany Spears of Hip Hop, hes just a trendy fad which will pass the way of Vanilla Ice, Hanson and the Spice Girls soon.

12-11-2002, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
...Either that, or he'll get tons of plastic surgurey, and hang his kids over a balcony.


12-11-2002, 01:12 PM
Personally I find his music hilarious! Tounge in cheek to the max. It's nice to hear a rap song that, for once, doesn't include the phrase "Put your hands in the air, wave em like ya just don't care" or "rollin on dubs" or "throwing 'bows". As for artificial imaging. Eh, that's the industry now. Although, if you really want to hear a controversial rapper go and buy a copy of Tech N9ne. Or download it free. Or just find out what the FTI campaign is about.

12-11-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Trigger_Happy
Yes, he can say strings of words fast, and yes, many rappers suck worse than him.....Is it skill?

Originally posted by AcemanPB
Lyrics? I think a trained monkey can write better lyrics, and I don't really see much talent in what he does.

Well then why aren't you guys rich. Let's hear the lyrics you guys have put together.:rolleyes:

It does take talent.

Also to say he does it for the money is kinda dumb cause here's a little tip, all musicians on the radio are doing it for the money. The only ones that aren't doing it for the money are the ones that aren't making any.

Just the mere fact that someone like eminem has risen to the level he has is indicative of the ruined, degenerated state of hip hop today. Eminem is effectively the male Brittany Spears of Hip Hop, hes just a trendy fad which will pass the way of Vanilla Ice, Hanson and the Spice Girls soon.

So what exactly should we listen too. Oh that's right it's the old if it's on the radio and not underground it's not cool arguement.

I bet when Eminem was underground he was good.

I've yet to grasp the concept of how the second an artist is put on the radio they lose all talent and coolness.

12-11-2002, 11:04 PM
I, personally, do not listen to rap all that much, but there are a couple rap groups/individuals I like:
1.Wu-Tang Clan
2.Mos Def
3.Jurassic 5

To say that Eminem has no talent, is to be completely unfamiliar with rap, and what true talent is. Listen to rappers like Jay-Z, The Big Tymers, and other "talented" rap groups...and tell me he is not a hell of alot better at what he does. His lyrics...while maybe a little rough, are why I like him. He is NOT "selling out" by toning them down, the man says what he wants to...and I respect it. It may help his sales, but that isn't why he does it.

...and Obsolete, I know exactly what you are saying. CKY has recently been hated on by fans because they "sold out" (read:became popular). I cant stand the kind of people that only like music when it is underground...(unknown=talent?)

12-11-2002, 11:48 PM
I think he is one of the best rapers out and certainly the best free style ive heard. No matter what anyone says rap takes talent rymes are hard to put together. Rapers in my opinion are modern day poets and get all my respect.
My list:
1. Kottonmouth Kings
2. Eminem
3. Snoop
4. Twizted
5. ICP
AND many others