View Full Version : local Bs proshop, funny i guess

12-10-2002, 08:04 PM
ok, i found a Clear Halo B in stock at a store 40mins away.

they are holding it for me because i couldnt get down there today. They are asking 109 (which is pretty good)
But my friend was there today getting his whole new shocktech cocker put together and over herd them talking to some one about the halo hoppers....

customer:i need a faster hopper this chops(showing him a halo)
guy:o yes ive see alot of problems with them
customer:i had to punch it to get it jammed the other day
guy:YES my buddy ended up punching it right off his gun
customer: what so u sugjest? (sp)
guy: the new eggo II is the fastest (dunno what he called the eggo but he ment to say that)

so pretty much they are saying it jams and doesnt feed fast. I do know for fact that halob does feed fastest.. but does it jam?

sounds like a nooby question but im soo stunned that these people would say this. The whole stores staff agreed with the guy too.

what u think of this?

-Read below if u wanna hear a story-


let me add, i went there one day to get parts for my friends boblong and a mom and her younger son walked in, maybe about 12-13 years old. He asked them what would be a good started gun. He picked out a spyder xtra and they handed him a m98 and pretty much said spyders suck. That really pissed me off them saying spyderes suck (ive had my tl+ for 4+ years and still running strong)

Then this 15 year old girl that worked there chimed in saying "if u get a electronic trigger for the tippmen then it is just as good as an angel or EMAG :mad: , but with out the price tag.

i joined in saying no way would a m98 compair to even an stock cocker or automag. Her responce.. you are soo wrong becouse my boyfriend and his team all use custom tippments and won a pro tital.

i almost got sick.. im not saying tippmens suck, but a 15 year old girl is telling me that tippmenns are the best and sayinf her bf won a pro tital..

one of the things are is that they Want to higher me at 3 diff stores (including them) bc they know im very good with ever gun besides angels and right now emags. I hed even told them that. Also im on one of the best 3mans or north jersey. (im kinda use to people knowing who i am.. and for them to say bs infront of someone that knows their stuff is pretty lame)

12-10-2002, 08:28 PM
The evoulution II feeds faster than the halob according to smart parts test of both of them.

I heard about this from one of my friends who is sponsored by sp.

12-10-2002, 08:45 PM
Evo 2 feed at 17bps max while halo feeds at 20+. The halo is much faster only if you can pull the trigger that fast.

pimped mag 01
12-10-2002, 08:45 PM
yo baja im right there in holland twp nj what store i gotta go check it out heh we should play sometime:)

12-10-2002, 09:08 PM
the halo A had massive problems, its quite possible that the kid was talking bout his halo A. the eggo2 does not max out at 17 bps, in free drop tests its gotten over 20, ask eltwitcho on pbn.

12-10-2002, 09:13 PM
Many of you people are forgetting WHAT makes the HaloB so much more special than the Eggo II. It's not the feed rate so much as what angles it can feed that at, and how consistent it is. It is FORCE FEED people, FORCE FEED. That means there is FORCE behind the balls, more than just gravity. The Eggo two is a very good agitator, from what I know. The HaloB GRABS the balls and MAKES them go into the gun, whether they want to or no. The Eggo II does this to a lesser extents, but the HaloB can also feed at extreme angles, and very fast. I'd like to see an angle test of the two hoppers. However, from what I've heard, the Eggo II is not nearly as fast as the HaloB.

12-10-2002, 09:30 PM
the eggo throws balls into the gun... it can feed very well, almost as good as a halob.

sounds like that girl was just totin some stuff she didnt know about..... i, though would have still suggested the tippy over the spyder if the kid had the money for it, tippys are great and very upgradable and tippman effect shoots all tippmans and is an amazing team.

if its a halob you wont get jams, 2 people have them at my local field and they never have problems. the eggo2 is a great loader as well but it kinda offsets the gun balance from what i hear.

also, you might wanna copy/paste your post into microsoft word and edit the spelling errors;)(just kidding)

12-10-2002, 09:56 PM
you shoudl talk some sense into them, the halob is really great, go watch the halo movies on their website of the emags shooting 20 bps

12-10-2002, 10:03 PM
pimped mag, catch my on aim at bajaboagd my team and 3 others are all playin at my field. (im 10mins out of hackettstown)

everyone else thank u for clear that crap out of my mind lol.

yeahthatsman- i cant spell for my life:rolleyes: (but thank god i dont have spelling tests anymore bc i wouldnt be honors..;) ;) ) heh my last spelling test was like 3-4 year;) ago

12-10-2002, 10:57 PM
an Evo II and a HaloB will preform in PRACTICALLITY hte same

yes, they will and the Evo is about $40 cheaper :)

12-10-2002, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by halB
the halo A had massive problems, its quite possible that the kid was talking bout his halo A. the eggo2 does not max out at 17 bps, in free drop tests its gotten over 20, ask eltwitcho on pbn.

I did a drop test on my Halo A the first day I got it (Halos were pretty new at the time). I got slightly in excess of 19 bps.

---Everything from here on is heresay, if you know I'm right or know I'm wrong please say so.---

The Halo B, on the other hand, shows its true speed not so much in drop tests, but in actual use. Because of the way the disks are sprung for constant pressure, the Halo B will only achieve its true maximum feed rate when it is on a gun.

12-10-2002, 11:10 PM
Well, first time I saw the eggo I thought what an ugly *EDIT* Decide to circumvent the cuss filter again, and you will get a 3 day ban. Army loader. I shot one on a Race Framed Dark Cocker and it changed me. Now I'm thinking of getting a clear one. I wouldn't mind a Halo B, but I do mind the price tag. If the B was in the $80 for the poor college student like myself, I'd pick one up at the drop of a hat.

Now, BajaBoy, for those people at your shop telling that kid that Spyders suck, they are just as good as Tippmann's as beginner guns, both are easy to work on and upgrade. Although Spyders have more of a leg up in the advantage when it comes to upgrades. Both guns make good beginner guns, until said user is ready to step up to a real gun, like an Automag :D

12-10-2002, 11:25 PM
I would take a halo b over an eggo2 any day. Eggos necks break easily, look ugly, have a weird opening, and add like a foot and a half to ur gun. But i still play with a 12v cuz i dont want to spend a 120 on a hopper right now. And we didnt have them a few years ago so y do we need them now?

12-10-2002, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by paintposse
And we didnt have them a few years ago so y do we need them now?

Like the computer you're on right now? :D J/K

Creative Mayhem
12-11-2002, 03:30 AM
I still play with a VL2000 with the shredder kit. It's all I need for the moment. But whenI get my Xmag.... then we'll see.

C Mayhem

pimped mag 01
12-11-2002, 02:56 PM
baja what store was it i want to go there and see what they say (this on place tried to sell my friend a gun on the fact it had chrome lol):)

Wc Keep
12-11-2002, 03:18 PM
i would also like to know the name of this store so i can go and laugh in their faces

adam shannon
12-11-2002, 04:00 PM
i have a 12v revolution with evil impeller and x-board, an evolution 2, and 2 halo b's (one on warp one regular)...my experience is this...

when i had the evo 2 on my impulse it couldnt keep up and i had to run the vision eye on. when i used the halo b i didnt even need to run the vision eye on. just my experience. the halo is faster for me and my style of play...but i actually use the evolution 2 on my micromag since it is smaller, lighter, and i actually really like the way its set back on the marker not front heavy. plus the level 10 kicks so much @$$ i dont need to worry about chops anymore from the evolution.

i even chopped the evo 2 feed neck down about an inch to get it tighter. my setup is so small and tight its a total departure from my impulse. the way the evo 2 rides further back adds so much to the center of ballance being over the tank as opposed to further forward as on standard markers...snap shooting and quick peak shots are a breeze now. consider the ballance not just the speed when your shopping for a hopper...speed is over rated and for little kids that cant shoot straight when you can snap a small bursts and get the same result. my 2 cents.

12-11-2002, 05:58 PM
the comparison of balance using your gun might not be the best guage of what it reallly the best. Your drop forward is definitely not the typical drop used by a player. I mean, your drop puts your tank's weight in the center of the gun, so any loader that isnt far back like the eggo is going to offset the balance. my .02:o

12-11-2002, 08:15 PM
i had a halo b, and it was nothing but problems, and i just got my egg2, and it is great. i like how it looks, and it is a whole lot cheaper than the halob.