View Full Version : EMP's and paintball

08-30-2001, 02:24 PM
Just read an article in popular mechanics (or maybe it was popular science I don't remember, new issue though). It talked how terrorist could make an EMP bomb for $400 and send us back to the stone age. Then I thought someone could make a mini version and take out all the other electro guns. Switch the old E-Mag over to manual and boom! He,he. There was also an article on how it would be possible to make guns (not paintball) shoot a million rounds a minuet.

08-30-2001, 02:50 PM
An EMP blast would fry the circuitry it targets... I don't think you'd want to go face to face with a dozen angel owners after you just rendered their electros permanently out of commission. After all, they could still use them as club...

As far as a gun shooting a million rounds a minute, check this out: www.metalstorm-ltd.com (http://www.metalstorm-ltd.com) . There's a video of a 40mm testfiring rounds with 2 milliseconds between rounds. Wow.


[This message has been edited by krafty (edited 08-30-2001).]