View Full Version : CenterFeed Barrels

12-11-2002, 11:12 AM
Im told there is a difference between centerfeed and right/left feed barrels for the mag. So how does one get barrels for a centerfeed body?

Load SM5
12-11-2002, 01:44 PM
Your store should be able to get them for you directly from the factory. J&J, Smart Parts and I think CP and DYE all make centerfeed barrles for the mag. If you have mag barrels already there are a few guys on this site that can modify them for centerfeed use.

12-11-2002, 04:32 PM
Thanks load, I was just curious, because I really want the J&J Edge set.

12-11-2002, 08:47 PM
Or, you can get the Equation kit, that will fit any 'Mag, H/L, H/R, or Centerfeed!!