View Full Version : X-mag Production Question

12-12-2002, 02:52 AM
Now I'm not an expert on cnc machining or mass production, but why is it that there are huge(and I mean HUGE) numbers of markers like Timmys and Angels and custom 'Cockers being produced and circulated, but sparce numbers of X-mags (CnC or not) out there.

Is it because of the way that they are being produced? The material? The shape of the marker itself? complexity in design? Quality Control? Etc??

12-12-2002, 07:39 AM
because xmags are handmade.

12-12-2002, 12:33 PM
Hand Assembled...not hand made

I'm not sure to be honest. I think it is a scarcity of bodies like you said, probably because AGD is running 1 machine when the big companies are running several. And the Xmag CnC is more complicated than the others I think.

Also, some parts are made in Europe, and some are made in the US. From making the parts, to getting them on the right side of the Atlantic, to getting em annoed together, then assembled and tested, plus all the shipping time between those steps, it is understandable they would take a while.

I do not know if they are being made constantly or not, but i'm sure eventually supply will catch up with demand, let's just hope it happens before the next big thing hits the marker world!

12-12-2002, 12:59 PM
the gun has just had alot of development time. Give tom 5 months to get production ramped up and you will be able to order one and get it the next day. For all intents and purposes this is a toally new mag desighn. Very few if any parts are being carried over unmodiifed from the old emag.

12-12-2002, 02:42 PM
so what were seeing could be called a inital production/prototype run.

12-12-2002, 03:55 PM
All I can say is that the wait will most likely be well worth it =)
