View Full Version : Body fit...!

08-29-2001, 04:48 PM
Interesting title, isn`t it...?
But all i wanna know is, Is the Body of an Rt Pro fits an Emag rail and vice versa...
Edit: By body i mean the breech...of course.
"Give me an inch... I`ll give you a bruise" -Andy Kopcok, team Image
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[This message has been edited by Whisky (edited 08-29-2001).]

08-29-2001, 04:54 PM
what about the origonal rt body also?

08-29-2001, 04:54 PM
I heard that they are not interchangeable. I would doubt it due to electronics and all that stuff. I need someone that can back it up here...

Double Trigger
ANS Shark Gill
14" SP All American
16" Custom Products
20 oz. (Flatline 68 for Christmas!)

Come back here! http://www.contrabandent.com/pez1/games/mm/mmxa/anim-zerodash.gif

08-29-2001, 05:00 PM
true, it is not interchangeable, but I was swapping with a guy and it is supposed to be the incompatible sear...but i am not 100% sure

[This message has been edited by PsychoMag (edited 08-29-2001).]

08-29-2001, 05:15 PM
Hmmm hope you`re wrong cause i am missing a nice trade here...

"Give me an inch... I`ll give you a bruise" -Andy Kopcok, team Image
Snap Snap
Bang Bang
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08-29-2001, 05:25 PM
ask tom!!!!!!! that is all i gotta say is ask tom!!!!!

you ever notice how elves do everyting???

08-29-2001, 07:08 PM
Tom can you answer this please...
Ok i did...
J/K you magman007, that is your body that i want anyway... well i mean your mag body, or should i say the body of your mag, you know what i mean ... lol

"Give me an inch... I`ll give you a bruise" -Andy Kopcok, team Image
Snap Snap
Bang Bang
You`re Out

08-30-2001, 08:17 PM
RT-Pro and E-Mag bodies are interchangable. RT bodies can't be used on E-Mags or RT-Pros.