View Full Version : Help with Slug body design.

12-12-2002, 11:45 AM
Okay all I am going to invest into a slug body and I need some help laying out my design ...

The design is pretty basic, but I need help drawing it out so to speak.

I want a dragon image cut into the body along the following lines ...

The image of the dragon will be raised from the body, meaning I want to keep the basic tube design with the dragon flowing from front to back.

The front will be the head with each side of the head connected on the top, and an open mouth basically forming the start of the barrel. If possible I want to leave enough metal to allow two of the gothic spikes to be screwed in as horns.

From there it will flow down into a neck which will go to about the back of the feed tube.

From there the body will flow up into wings. The idea here is to not actually remove much from the back end, to just cut a little into it to make the wings. They will actually touch together along the top. Something like the angel wings on the angel intellifeed sight rail.

I am planning on using a short angel gate feed with it also, along with the kapp autococker ball detent. I was thinking about getting a hole drilled and tapped for a second ball detent like on Impulses, Angels, Shockers, etc ...

LMK what you think, and if you can help me with the drawing of this.



12-12-2002, 12:59 PM

Let me tell what I'm doing to help design mine, it might help.

First of all, I'm planing on attacking mine with a dremel and other various implements. A hand carved piece of art, as compared a milling prototype.

Modelling clay. Get a 1" piece of steel conduit from home depot (or where ever) and wrap modeling clay around it. Make the clay the length of the sluggo.

Now, use that to pinch, cut, test, and model your design, to see if it will work.

Once you like what you see, let it harden and now you have a excellent model for the actual construction.

And the rest of the pipe can be used in other aspects of your career. :)