View Full Version : leaky minimag

12-12-2002, 04:01 PM
hello all
i have an AGD minimag and my prob is i believe i have a leaky trigger. the guy i bought it from said it had a trigger job and i shoot nitro w/ a remote system. as soon as i hook up the remote and air the marker up it leaks right away pretty bad.. but when i shake the marker around and tilt it to the left it sometimes stops..also when i pull the trigger and keep it in the pulled position it also stops.. but as soon as i release the trigger it leakes again...it does have a double trigger if thats of any help...ive never taken her apart so if you do reply can you type slowly and in lamens terms explain

thanks a whole bunch, appreciate the help


12-12-2002, 04:52 PM
when you hold a trigger on a mag, the on off comes in play. if it STOPS leaking then thats NOT the problem. the problem is in your powertube, you probably have a bad oring. try changing the oring, if that doesn't work get a pt spacer kit

12-12-2002, 06:14 PM
do you know which o-ring to replace? like i said earlier ive never taken it apart so i really am clueless as of which o- ring you are talking about...

thanks a bunch


12-12-2002, 06:27 PM
first off, i would highly recommend that you get ahold of an automag/minimag instruction manual and/or the level 7 instructional video. The video is very helpful. You can call AGD and i'm sure they'd be happy to send both out to you free of charge.

it would also be a good idea to buy an Automag O-Ring Replacement Kit (http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=18&CATID=6) this will also help a lot.

but before you take anything apart, i would really suggest you take the chance to watch the video, if you can get it.

12-12-2002, 06:48 PM
Half of the time a "trigger job" means someone messed up your trigger rod length. That's what I think the problem is at this point. The guy probably made it a little longer thinking it would give him a shorter pull but it's not letting the on/off pin come out all the way to seal.

Take out your sear and measure your trigger rod length. It should be 1.98"

12-12-2002, 06:53 PM
well ive had the marker for a year already and it just started.....ive used it all last winter and the beg of this winter..and never had a prob till 2 weeks ago

12-12-2002, 06:58 PM
ok, and the leak is coming from the on/off assembly area correct? Check that the on/off pin is not broken and that all the o'rings are in good shape. Most importantly, make sure everything is installed in the proper order(the pin should have the groove part go in last).

12-12-2002, 07:10 PM
i really appriciate the helpful info.... ill check it when i get home and let you know what i found...so i can have more to tell you later...again thank you


12-12-2002, 07:14 PM
Rocketfuel, First and foremost: Welcome to AO!!
Second, It would be a good practice for you to get a parts kit, and replace the O-rings in your valve, specialy if you play in cold weather!! This is even more important if you use Co2, you did not specify!! Havoc's advice is as always, sound. And as Schnitzel mentioned, do acquire a video and an instruction manual!! The video you will have to send for, but the manual, you can download directly from the AGD website!! Hope this helps!!