View Full Version : Perfect picture to include in AGD's next ad..

12-12-2002, 04:21 PM
I was thinking about this, and I was like hmm..
How many people would buy a mag if they saw this? :eek:

12-12-2002, 04:25 PM
i think thats what those pics were for years ago. Why would they want to advertise Classic mags anyways when the real money in in the RT's and EMags?

12-12-2002, 05:47 PM
Yeah. No offense, but that WAS an ad campaign. I think they brought that Miata with them and showed off the strength of a carbon fiber frame.

Also, no offense, I don't buy markers based on how many compact cars they can hold:), though I do like those pictures.


12-12-2002, 05:54 PM
That's weird that you'd post this cause I just mentioned that pic to joeyjoe a few days ago and how it coulda been a good ad campaign. It's a cool pic though. I don't think an angel could do that that's for sure.