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12-12-2002, 07:22 PM
Ugh... this semester has sucked horribly. But the marathon is finally over, yay!

To my knowledge, I passed all 6 of my classes! (18 credits)

Internet Programming - Not too bad. Now I know PERL and other stuff. 3 hours/week worth of work.

Symbolic Logic - This class sucked. Painfully tedious. 15 hours/week.

Operating Systems - This class sucked worse. Probably 20 hours/week worth of work.

Numerical Analysis - Sucked really bad. Can do all sorts of funky computer computational math crap now... and program with MatLab... 10 hours/week.

Programming Languages - Yep, sucked too... I did pretty good in this one though. 5 hours/week

Public Relations - Reminded me that if something can be graded subjectively, it will be. This should have been my easiest class, but I think I got my worst grade in this one. Professor didn't like me... computer science major taking class in room full of communications majors... I should have said I was undeclared. 10 minutes/week

Did all of this with little/no gas money... little/no food money... working 10 hours/week... and tried to have a social life too!

One semester from graduating and getting a real job... yay!

12-12-2002, 07:26 PM
I have another final next week, and am looking forward to a whole lifetime more of going to school and taking finals! I love to learn!

12-12-2002, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
I have another final next week, and am looking forward to a whole lifetime more of going to school and taking finals! I love to learn!

Ok, now that is just plain old icky!!! School is bad, I think I knew more before I started college - I think the college is stupifying me!! ahhhhh!!! (Only got 3 finals next week out of 5 classes so its all good!)


12-12-2002, 08:50 PM
Congratulations and good luck on your last semester.

**Just reading it was painful..........LOL

12-12-2002, 10:34 PM
Yeah. I should be studying right now.

12-12-2002, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by gimp
Yeah. I should be studying right now.

you couldnt be MORE right....me too

12-13-2002, 12:05 AM
African American History up till 1864 363 - Took the exam on Monday, the teacher was great, I have to say my favorite class all year

Russian 101 - I love the Russian language and culture, but it is hard, I hopefully will pull out an A, final was today

Asian Civilization up to 1500 243 - teacher was boring at times but it was alright, the class material was great, and I learned a lot, I turn in my 20 page final tomorrow

History of the Christian Church to 1500 - The teacher was a prick, he was one of those snobby professors who hate to teach and only like to research. He hates for people to ask questions. My 250 ID (short answer) test is tomorrow at 9 at night and it is 100% of my grade :(

Public Administration - the teacher is a GA, so doesn't have much experience, but he is ex army intelligence, sot he real world experience and stories are great, I have an A now, but the final is 50% so I am hoping I do well. It is tomorrow.

Econ 101- Not bad, I had the final on monday, I should have an A. In a class of 400+ (stopped counting with a couple of rows left) the teacher was alright.

12-13-2002, 01:02 AM
:( My last one is at 8am tomorrow morning. It takes me 45 minutes to get there without traffic...so tomorrow morning should be extra fun! (I need to leave at 6am to play it safe...and it's already 1am...but I can't help it...I didn't get off work too long ago...:( ) ...it shouldn't be allowed that you have to wake up that early...especially to go take a psych test and go fight ATL traffic...so tomorrow will not be cool...not only that...but before I go to bed tonight, I have to write a 10 page paper, revise 2-3 page papers, and finish writing an essay...so none the less...I will probably pull an all nighter, then sleep tomorrow until time for work! And...that's not cool because I'm supposed to go work on painting the house more tomorrow afternoon...aaaarrrggghhh...if I live until next monday...it'll be a miracle...and to top it all off! I miss boomer! :(


12-13-2002, 03:00 AM
I believe this semester is going to be my worst year of college yet, probably my worst year of school yet, as far as my grades go. I'll still be well above 3.0 cumulative, but this semester aint looking good.

Probably related to working 35 hours a week and having to drive over an hour to school 6 days a week for the first 3/4 of the semester.

Oh well live and learn.

12-13-2002, 05:30 PM
5 classes, 5 finals and done with all of them.

BUS 304 (Engineering Management)- Fairly easy class. Did well on all of the work and pretty well confident I got an A.

ENGR 355 (Thermodynamics)- Good stuff. Not as good as fluid mechanics, but it was fun, nonetheless. Got third highest grade on the final.

ENGR 236 (Electrical Circuit Analysis)- It's over! By far the class I cared about the least. About 2-3 EE classes all rolled into one and given to Civil/Mechanical Engineers in one term.

MET 363 (Instrumentation)- Learned about instruments used in the Mechanical Engineering field. Learned about Hall Effect Sensors a bit, Mass Air Flow sensors, etc.

PHY 223 (Physics III W/ Calculus)- The Physics sequence is now over. Learned about Optics, Waves, etc. Had a great teacher for all three terms of Physics.

Next term:

BUS 305 Engineering Resources
ENGR 212 Dynamics
ENGR 213 Strength of Materials
MET 375 Solid Modeling w/ Ideas
MET 414 Applied Aerodynamics

12-13-2002, 05:40 PM
Wow way to go Miscue, Black, and everyone else! I only had 4 classes this semester, only 2 had finals. I feel like such a slacker compared to you CS/Engineering guys. This is my last semester of college, takeing the leave of absence for the Police Academy (which I still don't know if I've been accepted or not). So far It's been a 6 month process, with Phase after Phase of tests. Started with 33 applicants, now down to 8 of us.