View Full Version : Cricket's Everywhere

12-13-2002, 02:08 AM
Okay so early this morning, in a dorm room down the hall a couple guys played a prank on a couple girls. While the girls were out of their room (which they left unlocked). A couple guys snuck in with a bag of 600 live crickets. Which they emptied in the room. And not just in the room but in the girl's bed's dresser's and closets. So now we have crickets all over the building. Crawling under people's doors. All of the girls were freaked out, i have to admit it was kind of funny. So now we have smashed crickets all up and down the hall's it's plain nutz.

12-13-2002, 07:51 AM
As a RA in a resident hall, let me just say...

If I knew of someone doing that, they would have hell the rest of the time I was that person's RA. That's mean and introduces an insect problem into the dorm. Now, not only do the housekeepers have to clean up you guy's mess, they'll probably have to bring in a bug person to spray.

That's ALMOST as bad as the resident who decided to test the 24 hour quiet hour policy earlier this morning and stood outside his door hollering for me to get up, and as soon as I started opening my door, he slammed his shut.

I'll never understand some people....

12-13-2002, 09:34 AM
On a freshman floor, Daos?

As a hybrid of the two... half-RA, half-Resident, I think it's funny as hell, but you'd get a kick in the *** for doing that on my floor. If I had one that is ;)

12-13-2002, 10:02 AM
We used to rule our floor when we were freshmen.

Our one RA, Jessica, was always too busy with her boyfriend to bother yelling at us. Our other RA, Peter, well, we had some incriminating pictures of him and made it clear that if he wanted to keep his position he'd keep his mouth shut :) If you are a 21 year old RA, don't come home from a party sloshed and then proceed to drink some more with your 18 year old floormates.

Crickets is ok, but annoying. There are much better ways to screw with people :)

12-13-2002, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I'm a freshman RA.

Let me tell ya how much fun it is dealing with drunk freshmen who just don't understand why they're getting in trouble=)

Or even better yet, the pot smokers who claim to have incense that just smells like pot...:rolleyes: Incense is illegal here too dummy... (no open flames whatsoever)

Ah well. Enough of my ramblings=)

(*edit to remove sig)

12-13-2002, 12:41 PM
I didn't realize that we had so many RA's on the forum. Anyway to update the situation matenince was roaming the halls this morning with lysol or something and spraying the base of the walls. Well anyway lysol owns crickets poor little guys.

*Edit* haha 69th post

12-13-2002, 02:16 PM
HAHAHA!!! Thats fantastic. When I used to visit my best friend up at Stevens Institute in Hoboken, NJ we used to penny lock the doors on people. So fun! :D

12-13-2002, 03:28 PM
Last year, we had the worst floor in hte building...

This is no joke, on a floor w/ 60 people, and perhaps 1/3 at the most partying, we managed to destroy our furniture, twice, get it taken away multipletimes, and go through a minimum of 2 kegs a weekend.