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12-13-2002, 11:12 PM
Hey, I'm back after like a three month hiatus from paintball and the AO. Heres my tale, back in sept. my parents said I had to buy my own car so I naturally threw a tantrum. not really. But I was angry. So I made the irresposible decision of promptly selling my paintball gear. Well, my parents suprised me on my birthday with a Jeep Cherokee Pioneer. So I had a car, but no gun or stuff. So I took the money I had plus some more and got a cocker and some gear. I played with that for about three weeks until I took a trip to Wintergreen Resort with my church. We were the people running the haunted house up there and I was janked with a position outside. Well, wouldn't you know it, the first run through, I slip and bank my knee on a rock. I sat there, swearing like a sailor, for about 20 minutes. Well, I finished off the night alright and had a good time. My knee was in shambles but I was gonna live, somehow. So a few days passed and my knee didn't get any better. It actually got worse, alot worse. By Thanksgiving break, my knee was a third larger and I was incapable of running to any degree. It was also a nasty shade of blue. I tried different cremes and gels. I tried heatpads. I tried everything. So finally my mom took me to see a doctor(she didn't learn about it until like a week ago). When I showed the doc my knee, she said it really concerned her. We took some x-rays and she set up another appointment(today). Well, I went in today and immediately she gave me a local anestetic for my knee. When it fully set in, she used a little knife to make a small cut right above my knee cap. Then she put a little tube in and I stopped looking at that point. After she was done, she put some glueish stuff on my knee cap and bandaged it up. The swelling was gone and my skin was slowy turning red again. I asked her what she did and she said she removed dead tissue in my knee. Apparently, I killed my knee. Ofcoarse I asked if it would return my knee to normal so I can go back to paintball and she responded with the magic words "YES". In two weeks Ill be able to play again! This is like a chistmas gift from God(not that Jesus wasn't)...So I'm back paintballing again and back to the AO. YAY!

Spray Painter
12-13-2002, 11:26 PM
that sucks. hope you get better soon and start playin some paintball:) my parents won't buy my car:(

12-13-2002, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Python14
I asked her what she did and she said she removed dead tissue in my knee. Apparently, I killed my knee.

12-13-2002, 11:33 PM
thats great that you're getting better!!!!!!! did the tube... vent your... dead tissue or something? I dont understand how exactly that worked :) glad you can play soon though

12-13-2002, 11:43 PM
now all ya gotta do is trade that cocker for a mag and your all set...

12-13-2002, 11:51 PM
Falcon:Yea, the little tube was a vacuum and a camera all in one. She had this little screen where she looked at whatever was in my knee and the litte tube sucked the dead tissue up. I think there was some solvent in the stuff she gave me(like the stuff maggots use to breakup detritus)that loosened the dead knee matter up. Needless to say, while the results are to my liking, I still get queesy thinking about it.

And yes, I do play to trade my cocker for a mag.

12-14-2002, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
now all ya gotta do is trade that cocker for a mag and your all set...

It's called water on the knee, or at least
it was way back in the day. Hurt's like you-know-what,
but if you get it drained early enough,
no lasting damage.
Hope you feel better real soon.

12-15-2002, 04:50 PM
Hey glad to hear your knee is getting better! :) Welcome back too :D

12-15-2002, 05:48 PM
welcome back man, knew u couldn't stay away:D


Creative Mayhem
12-16-2002, 12:16 PM
Welcome .yaddda yaddda.... now go play some ball!

Glad to hear all is well...

C Mayhem

12-16-2002, 01:15 PM
anyone elses knees hurt after reading that? I'm sitting here and suddenly I get a pain heh

oh and welcome back!