View Full Version : Weezer

12-14-2002, 12:00 AM
I have recently been listening to alot of Weezer, I think they are a great band. All their songs off any album are just greatness... If you don't know who they are or think u heard them and think they suck listen to these songs;
"The Good Life", "Island in the Sun", "Hey Domingo", "Simple Pages", it was hard to not list all of their songs :) I reccomend them to anyone that likes some good rock to just kick back too...

12-14-2002, 12:45 AM
I'm a big fan of weezer too... they are VERY clean with their lyrics, which to me is a must!

hmm.... where's my sweater?

12-14-2002, 12:55 AM
Do you want to destroy my sweater?

My name is Jonas....

Oh yes :D

12-14-2002, 09:51 AM
Weezer Rocks my favorite is say it aint so

12-14-2002, 10:43 AM
pull this string as i walk away.....(the real name of this song is undone.)

hehe... 5th row center at jones beach baby.. the strokes were sittin behind me... i really dont like there new stuff. my fav of theres has gotta be say it aint so.

12-14-2002, 10:48 AM
Say it ain't so
Your drug is a heartbreaker
Say it ain't so
My love is a life taker

I love Say It Ain't So by Weezer..its great

12-14-2002, 11:23 AM
WEEZER RULLES!!!!! Damn there one of my favorite bands....

How come no one listed In The Garage and Slob and what about EL SCORCHO !!!!!!! you gotta love pinkerton... IT was River's greatest work, also, his own personal most hated, he wishes he never released it.

Personally i love Maledroit. Great cd. I also love Blue, Pinkerton, Green as well...

I saw em life, yes i did. Along with Saves The Day and Ozma... Damn that wasa great concert.

Weezer totally kicks everything. Deffinitely My favorite band. Rivers, Pat, Brian, and Scott Work to gether so well... I miss Mikey, but since his medical problems, its good that he left.

Also, who can forget Surf Wax America and Across The Universe Great songs... All of Blue Rules... All of pinkerton rules. All of Green Rules.. All of maledroit rules.. and you gotta, absolutely gotta love Burndt Jamb


12-14-2002, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
My name is Jonas....

That used to be my friends AIM name :D
He is a big fan of weezer. I dont mind them but watever.

12-14-2002, 01:03 PM
I'm a big weezer fan too. Their first cd is the best.

12-14-2002, 01:27 PM
yea..i needed somewhere to post this pic...so yea..

since weezer is a band,and so is rancid..

12-14-2002, 02:24 PM
RUBY SOHO!!!! im not a huge fan of rancid, but i like em, i saw them before....

"ive got a dungeon master's guide, ive got a 12 sided die."-Cuomo from "in the garage" rivers is also not afraid to admit he plays D&D... it takes a real man to admit that.... i also play D&D.. hehe.

If any one ever read the rolling stone article on him, it shows that rivers is an amazing dude, with how organized he is an all.

http://images.mp3.com/rollingstone/content/58/Images/00291180.jpg he looks a bit different from when "hashpipe" (i thought it sucked really bad) was recorded huh?

12-14-2002, 04:19 PM
Yep, sure does look different. I was going to add "In the Garage", but I forgot(too many great songs), but ya that is one of my favs.

12-15-2002, 04:21 PM
well, if you look at the Keep fishin video, he went back to the buddy holly look.

THe beard was just something new, and if im correct, that was from the hyper extended midget tour... which was an awesome tour!!!!!

also you will notice, he no lingr has the famous sticker guitar, that made me extremely upset to not see that

also, hashpipe rulled! who doesnt like a song about a male prostitute!

12-15-2002, 09:38 PM
I just heard the song "bringtening day", great song...

12-15-2002, 11:30 PM
In the Garage is my all time fave Weezer song, followed by Only in Dreams (I've got to totally sweet video for it that's a mix of Cowboy Bebop clips...).

I like some of their newer stuff, but the original album is the best IMO...


12-16-2002, 12:49 AM
My old stero was going to go in the night and I turned on the radio. Some good music was playing for a while but after about half an hour that sweater song came on. I took the indian war knife off of my wall and hacked the stereo to bits and then threw it out the window into a dumpster. I don't like weezer.

12-16-2002, 08:00 PM
hmm, that was nice of you to ruin our thread, thanks for that.... we really appreciate you raining on ( in our minds) a good thing.... Please, keep your negative comments to your self.

12-16-2002, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Crimson_Turkey
My old stero was going to go in the night and I turned on the radio. Some good music was playing for a while but after about half an hour that sweater song came on. I took the indian war knife off of my wall and hacked the stereo to bits and then threw it out the window into a dumpster. I don't like weezer.

Well... I don't... like... INDIAN WAR KNIVES!!!!:mad: YA... thats it.... or... or...ummm.... Turkey... eww... turkey sux... bah!!!!!:mad:

12-16-2002, 08:21 PM
What do you people find appealing about them? I guess I was not straight forward enough but I am used to a forum where a statement like that would get a well thought out response. What is it?

12-16-2002, 08:28 PM
I like them, because they make music that I enjoy, how much of a thought out response do you want? I like it, I listen to it, I talk about it. Did I ask, hey who out there dosen't like weezer? No. What kind of well thought out response do you want? Personaly I hate rap, why? Because its all about *****es, hos, nice cars, bustin caps, gangsta thuggin, taking drugs, breaking the law and being oppressed. None of which I care about, and I think rap is a thing that makes people think black people are bad people, they are complaining about being racialy proffiled, yet listen to the music they play loud and proudly. If they don't want to be thought of low lifes, then they shouldn't be trying to send out the message that they are. Ok, now that I pretty much fugged up my thread(all thanks to you, turkey...), say whatever you have to say.

12-16-2002, 08:31 PM
I apologize for changing the course of the convorsation. I was just interested and used to a place where one uses a different approach.

PS: Rap does stink