View Full Version : The new DYE air systems

12-14-2002, 01:05 PM
Any one else looking for these? These actually look pretty nice..


I know there was a thread like this, but it was discussing it for comparison to the flat line.

12-14-2002, 02:09 PM
wow, those are cool, they look like a flatline. anyone know how much theyre gonna be?

12-14-2002, 02:45 PM
They the reg looks just like the flat line.

Knowing dye though, they will prolly be expensive :(

Im guessing around 300

12-14-2002, 03:51 PM
Those tanks are really nice, but I still want the 4500 Flatline. What I really want to get are the Dye ATC shoes. Gotta be the hottest PB shoes around.

12-14-2002, 03:56 PM
They are going to be extremly pricey, like all Dye products. Rumors are it will cost upwards to 550 dollers

12-14-2002, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
They are going to be extremly pricey, like all Dye products. Rumors are it will cost upwards to 550 dollers

Well knowing Dye, they should be worth it.


12-14-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by rdb123

Well knowing Dye, they should be worth it.


yeah, but what does DYE know about air-systems? I'm pretty sure they job this out, and then tag their name on it.

12-14-2002, 06:23 PM
Heh, well if those titanium tanks are light, I might just pick one up.


12-14-2002, 07:07 PM
You have to love the intergrated mounting rail. That looks a lot cleaner than the flatline's mounting.

12-14-2002, 07:09 PM
I wonder how well it will fit on my shocktech long drop though.


12-14-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367

yeah, but what does DYE know about air-systems? I'm pretty sure they job this out, and then tag their name on it. Wrong...These regs are being manufactured COMPLETELY in house at Dye. They are sure to be nice.

12-14-2002, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
Wrong...These regs are being manufactured COMPLETELY in house at Dye. They are sure to be nice.

Well, with that said, poo. I already have a commitment to buy Coffey's Angel AIR. Darn. I guess I'll have to save up for the 550 this DYE tank will probably cost. =\


12-14-2002, 11:26 PM
WOW?! 550.....shiznit forget that. Ill stick with PE :D

12-14-2002, 11:27 PM
lol. I'm choosing between this, Angel AIR, or AGD Flatline.


12-14-2002, 11:32 PM
Ya, both great air systems. I got a question to:

Whats so great about some air systems to others? I mean...they both hold n2. If its the reg, what exactly does the reg do? I mean, my PE is good, but what would make like a flatline, angel air, or this dye throttle system BETTER?

12-14-2002, 11:33 PM
Regulates more consistently reducing velocity spikes. Also, output is adjustable.


12-15-2002, 12:43 AM
Oh I see. Isnt that what verticle regs do too? Like if you got a good vert reg (gen-x, black ice, etc) will it be as good as a reg on a bottle like the dye or flatlines?

12-15-2002, 01:30 AM
Well you don't want to double regulate mags. A nice consistant air source is a good thing.

12-15-2002, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Hexis
Well you don't want to double regulate mags. A nice consistant air source is a good thing.

But I got an angel :-/

12-15-2002, 02:03 AM
i noiced some of the newer tanks are looking like the AGD flatline regs. the worr game ones look like it. i really want a 68/4500flatline tank as i have faith in their products.

also, what about those new dye pods? i might have to sell some of my pods and pickrthose up, they look pretty good.

12-15-2002, 02:13 AM
dye pack or dye pods? why get new pods, a pod is a pod, your gonna loose them and break them. i bought planet chrome and planet cclear pods for 2 dollers at nppl AC at the eclipse booth, i bout like 10 of them cause i loose them a lot :)

12-15-2002, 02:20 AM
no no, they're NEW pods. some timmes when i go to reach for them its already open and blah, out they go. they have a new design for the lid
http://www.dyeprecision.com/images/gear/harness/1.gif http://www.dyeprecision.com/images/gear/harness/2.gif
http://www.dyeprecision.com/images/gear/harness/3.gif http://www.dyeprecision.com/images/gear/harness/4.gif

and about loosing them, i dont really loose mine, i play scenario most of the time, so my pods go stragith back in my pack

plus they just look cool!. and hey, my moms my wallet so why not :D

12-15-2002, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
Wrong...These regs are being manufactured COMPLETELY in house at Dye. They are sure to be nice.

Wow, impressive. However, I've 'still got to see how well they run. Can't make any conclusions yet, got no data :D

I'r REALLY prefer if companies would start putting out real and meaningful numbers instead of just "Better consistancy than Brand X Regulator" I'm tired of all this guess work that we paintballers have to do with out equipment.

12-15-2002, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367

Wow, impressive. However, I've 'still got to see how well they run. Can't make any conclusions yet, got no data :D

I'r REALLY prefer if companies would start putting out real and meaningful numbers instead of just "Better consistancy than Brand X Regulator" I'm tired of all this guess work that we paintballers have to do with out equipment.

Yeah, I know I hate that. They barely release any technical data.

Like where on WGP or anywhere does it show the weight of your marker?


12-15-2002, 09:08 AM
i like thoose pods, how much are they?

12-15-2002, 09:22 AM
I don't think they are for sale yet.


12-15-2002, 10:11 AM
well i'll give it to DYE, it should be good, but it should also be expensive(not sure about that 500 quote) but they will be expensive seeing that they're machined out of a solid bar of titanium, titanium is an expensive metal to buy, and expensive to machine. but i would def say they're worth looking into :D

Creative Mayhem
12-15-2002, 10:26 AM
HEy all.. the 550 dollar price tag is dur to the fact that it is made out of TITANIUM. Not exactly one of the cheapest materials around. Not to mention they have to recoup losses on the initial run of these new systems.

C Mayhem

12-15-2002, 11:04 AM
bah, you all realize they made it out of titanium just to jack up the price right? Why is everyone saying, oh its going to rock, im going to pay 550 for one etc. WE DONT KNOW HOW THEY PERFORM PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Tere probabally a crappy high out put tank anyways, since no one in their mother runs high pressure any more, well excppt for us maggers. We will probabally get dropped out again. IT prolly goes up to 600 like the angel air and stops.

12-15-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by magman007
bah, you all realize they made it out of titanium just to jack up the price right? Why is everyone saying, oh its going to rock, im going to pay 550 for one etc. WE DONT KNOW HOW THEY PERFORM PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Tere probabally a crappy high out put tank anyways, since no one in their mother runs high pressure any more, well excppt for us maggers. We will probabally get dropped out again. IT prolly goes up to 600 like the angel air and stops.

A titanium alloy could/would make it a lot lighter, although i agree that some of it is for the flashy name/ability to charge more.

Also... what exactly does your second statement mean? It's probably high-output because no-one runs high output anymore? I'll assume you meant low output, but high-output tanks are used by mags, angels, blowbacks, timmies? and more... hardly just us mag-users.

12-15-2002, 11:55 AM
no, im saying, they probabally have a crappy high out put. If angels use so much high output, why does their angel air struggle past 600? also whi is their direct imput around 225 if you dont use the mini reg? timmies are low out put tank users, as well as bushies, impy's etc. Mags and some blowback low end semi's are all that seem to use a high output any more.

Sure, you can use a high out put tank on these markers, but they are regulated down by their reg. You cannot use it on a mag (low our put) because low out put tanks usually dont go over 400 psi, and the mag reg needs 200 psi over to really make the regulator work.

The dye tank probabally does not put out at high enough pressures to work an e-mag, or an rt, to any ones specifics.

12-15-2002, 12:01 PM
Ok, so you're saying an Angel AIR won't work well on my SFL Emag? I've been thinking about buying one.


12-15-2002, 12:08 PM
Looking at the pic of the adjustable tank, how do you turn it on? I really like the on/off of the flatlines.

I do like the built in dovetail, nice idea. Weird tank sizes though.

12-15-2002, 12:18 PM
titanium is a funny metal. for the most part, aluminium is better/lighter. almost always, in fact. titanium is over twice as heavy as Al. its also runs between 28-50+ per pound.

only in super high strength parts (parts that NEED to be made of steel or similar) that have tight space requirements is titanium worth it (jet engine parts...). most other parts can be made lighter and cheaper, albiet a little larger, out of aluminium.

remember the titanium 'mag valves? well, the ally ones are out, not the Ti ones, because they are actually lighter. the titanium valves werent.

titanium currently has no place in paintball... :rolleyes:

12-15-2002, 12:21 PM
well, you see, the angel air can olny put out about 600 psi, your sfl will want about 750 -1000 psi depending on your likes and disslikes, save your angel air money, and get a max flo, dyna flo, or a flatline. they will put out what your lookin to get

12-15-2002, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by magman007
bah, you all realize they made it out of titanium just to jack up the price right? Why is everyone saying, oh its going to rock, im going to pay 550 for one etc. WE DONT KNOW HOW THEY PERFORM PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Funny how the above completly is ignored when this was written in the same post:

Originally posted by magman007

Tere probabally a crappy high out put tank anyways, since no one in their mother runs high pressure any more, well excppt for us maggers. We will probabally get dropped out again. IT prolly goes up to 600 like the angel air and stops.

All we have is a couple images of the tank. We can all pretty much agree that is looks very nice. We don't have a real clue about price. We don't have any clue about performance. Let's wait to condemn this product until we know more about it.

12-15-2002, 01:25 PM
well hexis, while you say my post was contradictory, it most certainly was not. Everyone is glorifying the tank, and its true we do not know how it performs. We also do not know its out put pressure any ways. But like most dye products, it is high performance, but not the highest.

Also, i was using that as another statement. Everyone is saying, this tank will rock etc etc, well we need some one to contradict dont we? Im offereing myt opinion on what will happen, and myopinioin on how it will perform, because i do not think it will be the best tank out there. Im saying the same as you. Be quiet until we know more.

Also, you can see dye is at it again. Im sure they will probabally be the olny ones to make tank covers for those sized tanks. so if you purchase one, you will need a dye tank cover as well. Smart marketing if you ask me.

who else will make covers to fit them? i doubt any one will

12-15-2002, 01:30 PM
The owner of my local shop who sponcors us went to world cup and got an awesome new Nitro Duck. This tank has the tuff skin and it is a screw in adjustable. You like have to turn a ring at the neck of the tank to adjust it, so it doesnt look that bad. The wholesale is around $260-thats good price/good tank.

12-15-2002, 01:31 PM
ok, i may retract my previous statements, if i can get some clarrification. here it is from dye's site

The new 4500 psi adjustable Throttle Titanium air delivery system is the ultimate in air management technology. Made from a solid bar of 6AL-4V titanium, the Throttle 45 TI will
perform like no other air system on the market. Fully adjustable range of operation and balanced uniform air movement provide consistent shots at low operating pressures. The Throttle remains consistent even as high as 30 cfm

now it says, consistent at low pressures, then also even as high as 30 cfm. can some one tell me what 30 cfm is? if that is a hih pressure, as im assuming it is, i may have to shove my foot in my mouth.

edit sig removal

12-15-2002, 02:03 PM
cfm = cubic feet per min, it's a measurement of air flow. Actually that paragraph leads me to think they are aiming at the low pressure crowd. Still we know next to nothing.

magman007 you are contradicting yourself. You say be quiet till we know something real, then in the same paragraph you say you want to be the dissenting voice. There are a few choices here; Reserve judgment on stuff we know nothing about. Judge it as a rocking product, or Judge it as overpriced crap. I’m reserving judgment on what we know nothing about. You have clearly judged it as overpriced crap. That’s fine and all, just don’t pretend to advocate one thing, then do another. I'm saying it sounds and looks like a nice product, but we don't have a clue about performace.

Also, who cares about if no one else makes covers. DYE covers are the best thing out there. Everything else is just neoprene with some Velcro. As long as dye makes covers for all sizes of tanks I’ll be a happy person.

BTW 6AL-4V is a Ti/Alum Alloy. So DYE may be on the money with choice of material.

12-15-2002, 02:35 PM
Hexis, thank you for the clarification, i must admit, you are right, i am judging it as overpriced crap, i do this with most dye things.

Atleast, their clothing line is right on the bal with pricing, i will admit, that 15 dollars for a teeshirt is what i would normally pay.

THeir tank covers do rock, but the best, im not sure. i have seen some great ones out there. And i will admit i own a dye tank cover, but i have seen some better ones, or atleat ones that catch my eye more.

i tihnk, we al just need to be quiet, my self included.

Also, does any one know if those bottles are tuff skinned? they appear to be that way.

Also, sorry for being contradictiry, i was trying to offer my opinion, yet also get the point across we dont know a dam thing about the system. thank you for helping me in getting that point across.

edit sig removal again

12-15-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by sniper1rfa
titanium is a funny metal. for the most part, aluminium is better/lighter. almost always, in fact. titanium is over twice as heavy as Al. its also runs between 28-50+ per pound.

Lol, well that's pretty funny because their Ti-Boomsticks (made out of Titanium) are advertised to give the strength of stainless steel, but the light weight of aluminum.


12-15-2002, 04:07 PM
I think this answers our question; a direct quote about the screw in from Dye's website:

"The Throttle Preset is a technologically advanced yet simple hassle-free regulator and is quickly becoming the favorite style among professionals today. The Throttle Preset is factory set to an efficient 850 psi. This unique design provides maximum unrestriced air flow at a constant output pressure which is more than suitable for any marker available today. As with most preset systems, this regulated air system should be used in conjuction with a good in-line reg, such as our Hyper Reg, so all you have to do is just screw in and play."

Looks like they should work fine on an SFL or any mag for that matter.


12-15-2002, 04:18 PM
yes, but we were arguing about the adjustable. presets are usually either high or low output, but mostly high output. 850 is standard for a pre set tank, that will work fine on your sfl, but an adj is nicer, for more tweaking...

the air will not put out enough to run your sfl efficiently

12-15-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by magman007

the air will not put out enough to run your sfl efficiently

I'm under the impression that you own an SFL yourself. What do you use on it?



12-15-2002, 05:03 PM
Magman, I run 800 on my RTPro, and have no problems with it. And seeing as the valves are the same, there should be no difference in the way the guns operate except for the fact that the SFL is electroninc. So, unless that board chews up another 50+psi, it should run just fine. Besides, if they buy the adjustable tank, then they can crank it up as high as they wish.

Oh, and Ron - it shows the weight of most every marker that WGP produces right on their web page. In fact, it's the first fact they offer about the 'gun - other than its name.

No offense, but half the stuff posted in this thread that's either wrong or just speculation could have been left out if you'd done one thing - ACTUALLY READ ABOUT THE PRODUCT. If you just speculate and assume based on little to no facts, guess what - you're doing the exact same as the people we have been trying to convince otherwise for many years.

You all back up Mags with information and attempt to prove people wrong about the "Myth of mags chopping" but when it's another product by another company being discussed, who cares, right? Simply because it isn't AGD producing this tank it must suck, and because some kids on the PBNation board nicknamed the new Spyder anti-chop bolt "LX" let's all freak out and point out who owns the name "Level 10" just because they are giving OUR PRODUCT PROPS for being one of the first bolts to effectively stop bolt chops.

Until there is some information available - not that half of you would read it anyways, but some would - let's not judge it, allright? It's not available either, so you can't pull that "I heard" crap, either. What we know (or SHOULD know) is right on that page that barely anyone went to, and the rest of it will be released later when the product is out.

I swear, when people post how AO is better than places like PBNation, I just think "for how long".


12-15-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by OldSchoolMag
...Oh, and Ron - it shows the weight of most every marker that WGP produces right on their web page. In fact, it's the first fact they offer about the 'gun - other than its name....

Ah sorry, I was thinking about something else at the moment; mainly because I couldn't readily find the output on Centerflag tanks very easily. Therefore, I had to go run over to ActionVillage to find it.

Point well taken though.


12-15-2002, 05:32 PM
magman007, please dont go spouting off informations about what gun works well on what

i know for a fact that a impulse works much better using a high pressure out put tank than a low pressure, because at high rates of fire a low pressure tank will starve the max-flow regulator which neeeds a high pressure input

12-15-2002, 05:45 PM
well, yeah. because for barrels, strength isnt an issue, so they can make it really thin. however, you could do the same thing with an aluminum barrel and still not break it. and if both have the same strength, do you want it for 45 bucks a pound, or 1.50?

im sure you could bring the barrel down to like 3/32" thick without sacrificing too much strength (excluding threaded areas). :)

12-15-2002, 06:03 PM
Ron, yes i have an sfl

OSM if you read, i stated earlier that a retro likes about 750-1000 psi, those are the usual opperating pressures, altho i have herd around 650 and up before

I said 850 will work fine, as i was relating to the 850 preset tank

now chris, what if your running a bottom line maxflow, and single regging the impy? i dont think you want to blow 800 psi into that little solenoid now do you? i didnt think so....

My information about markers and imput pressure, including the angel, was stated clearly enough, i thought you had understood that.

Any information i have gotten wrong, please feel free to correct me, but i will elt you all know, i study my markers just for occasions like this.

Ron, i currently use an 850psi out put system x tank. it does its job, but im looking to get something a little more adjustable, and probally looking into a flatline reg

any more accusations or questions?

12-15-2002, 06:08 PM
the air will not put out enough to run your sfl efficiently

You don't do well keeping consistant with your views, do you?

I was telling you that you were wrong in your above quote, and instead of just accepting it modestly like Ron did, you tried to turn it around like everyone is against you. Let's not turn this into a flame war allright?


12-15-2002, 06:14 PM

sorry, i thought after i posted, hmmm i wonder if that is what he is talking about. Im sorry for that, and for all the controversy... hehe! are we ok now? the angel air goes to about 600 psi, and will not supply the rt valve well

12-15-2002, 06:35 PM
OH! I agree with that full heartedly:)

Sorry about that before, yeah - we're good now.


12-15-2002, 06:37 PM
haha, its my fault entirely for not Capitalizing the proper name and not being clear enough. I do that some times. Glad everyone is happy!:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

12-15-2002, 07:05 PM
magman, you are talking about something very different than what i was talking about......

you are thinking about someone buying a impulse WITHOUT a standard bottomline maxflow that it comes with, you are thinking of a Maxflow tank system.....in that case then YES you are using a low pressure reg that is going DIRECTLY INTO THE GUN

i was referring to using a LP screwin or adjustable tank on the stock maxflow that comes with the impulse, then you would end up starving the reg at high ROF

and besides, most imps have pressure release valves that go off at 240 psi so you dont blow your solenoid

12-15-2002, 07:13 PM
yes, and i was reffering to most top of the line markers being low pressure markers because of their noids.... i used the example of the angel, and that was meant to carry for the other markers as well, sorry this was un clear.