View Full Version : Got my Halo-B back

12-14-2002, 02:50 PM
Wow I sent in my Halo-B for some repsirs and it was back to me within 5 days man it was sweet. Funny thing is though most of you know that I cut my halo to fit as a no-rise on my SFL. Well on the repair slip that I got back with my halo the guy wrote in big letters:
Note- Do NOT cut the inner feedneck!!!

I understand why he wouldn't want me to do it but needless to say I went right out to the garage and cut out the new one they put in there.:p

12-14-2002, 04:00 PM
Got to love the B......(this poor thread just needed to be replied to.

adam shannon
12-14-2002, 04:05 PM
my first halo-b was one of the ones with the faulty motors. odessey repaired it for free (expected with a recall) and their speed and customer service was excelent. while it was irratating that a whole batch of hoppers made it out with bad motors...their immediate attention to the matter and great customer service in getting it back to me in less than 7 days from the day i mailed it to them made the differance between odessey and some other companies ive dealt with.

12-14-2002, 04:25 PM
thats good to know about their customer service. I was gunna get an egg2, but i dont know now

12-14-2002, 06:23 PM
You won't get that kind of treatment from Brass Eagle, that's for sure. Go for the Halo. :D

12-14-2002, 07:47 PM
i've just heard so many feeding problems w/ the haloB

12-14-2002, 09:37 PM
Most, if not ALL, of those are user-induced problems either from faulty ball detents-, bad dwells, etc.

12-14-2002, 09:44 PM
Yep I had one o dem bad motors too. They fixed it right up.

I not sure why you are cutting the inner feed tube. Is it a lack of a "bell" to slip the neck into and you are putting it over a cut feed tube? If so you realy should invest in one of them Angel feed necks and not do it the way you are. It will feed better I think.

12-14-2002, 09:54 PM
but phil! us sfl owners want a no rise also, and shocktech nor agd have done a dang thing for us in that area. The java adapters are butt ugly, and create a highrise. We want to slip our hoppers over the feed neck.. ITs the best way, and it seems to feed really well... Id rather be using a halo b athen a 12 vt in this situation as well

12-14-2002, 10:56 PM
Yes cphilip like magman said I with a no-rise heres a pic to show you what I do. I also run my revy the same way and works great. And if I remeber correctly the halo works better on a shorter ball stack in the neck. Until the no-rise breeches are made available to us SFLers I'll be hacking up loaders to fit like this. :D

Load SM5
12-14-2002, 11:20 PM
And it works like a charm to. I was tearing away on mine in Hybrid mode and it never missed a beat. It feeds great. The remaining inner core meets right up with the top of the SFL feed neck.

Spaceman-It's kind of funny that they scolded you about cutting the core like that when Chris thought it was such a good idea at Shatnerball.

50 cal
12-14-2002, 11:58 PM
Do the upgrades for the A model work? I can score an A model for $45.

12-15-2002, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by 50 cal
Do the upgrades for the A model work? I can score an A model for $45.

Yup all HALO A's can be upgraded for I believe it is 35 dollars to the HALO B.

12-15-2002, 04:02 AM
Spaceman-It's kind of funny that they scolded you about cutting the core like that when Chris thought it was such a good idea at Shatnerball. lol so true.

I guess the repair/tech guys don't get out much to see what people can do with there loader.:p

12-15-2002, 10:47 AM
am curious about your problem with the bad Halo B motor.
can you guys describe what was happenning when you had the bad motor?

I might have gotten one of those on my Halo B

adam shannon
12-15-2002, 04:37 PM
for me it just stopped working...fresh batteries and nothing just dead. im not positive but i called and talked to one of their guys...mike maybe, im bad with names. anywho he said there was a bad batch of motors that were burning out after a short time. he said that they were aware of the problem and had hand selected a good batch of motors and that i should send it in and he would ensure that i got a new/good motor and that he would personally fix it and get it back to me asap.
i dont know if thats what he told everybody....but it works for me as he did exactly what he said he would do with no BS. i manufacture and ship products for a living so i know that manufacturing errors can occur beyond a sellers control. my personal feeling is that its impossible to be perfect...its customer service and what you do to fix a problem when it happens that matters , and odessey gave 110%. i recomend their products and can personally vouch for their excelent customer service and support.
maybe thats why brass eagle is suing them...jealous of their reputation for superb customer support. a small start up is making the giant conglomerate look bad.