View Full Version : My new AR frame!

12-14-2002, 03:26 PM
I orderd a Proline Autoresponse frame off Ebay the other day, and it got here yesterday!! I took it down to the shop and put some stickies on it, and it looks sooo sweet! It looks to be in good condition and all, and the guy said the sear was recently replaced, AND it has a trigger stop installed in it by g3pb, so I can get that super short one shot pull too. I was just wondering who on here has had any experiances with these things, and what you guys do with them-whats the best set up-I hear people talking about long and short pulls, and whats best, but how do I adjust the trigger lenght? Also, I was wondering who on here has ever put any aftermarked on/off valves into their gun-I know that AGD says we shouldn't, and that they can really mess up our guns, but they do sounds like they make the trigger pull a little softer, which is something I can use with this frame!

12-14-2002, 03:47 PM
well dont worry the aftermarket on/offs dont do anything. also who cares if ur trigger isn't to soft right now u have a 2:1 firing ratio now!! oh yea...where u gonna use it? b/c i know fields wont let u since its more than one ball a pull.