View Full Version : CO2 issues

12-14-2002, 04:12 PM
I know your first answer to this question and it is switch to HPA, but I cannot do this where I live there is nowhere to fill it up within 500 miles and a plane ride away. My friends and I all play with CO2 and it is the only air we can get. anyway to the questions

I have a classic valve (1 star) and an expansion chamber and am wondering a couple of things:

If i upgraded to a minimag valve (4 star) would this improve my CO2 play? It says on airgun.com that the minimag valve is better for CO2.

Also, should I get one of those in-line regulators to use in conjuntion with my xchamber? Would this make my gun any more consistant?

Thanks in advance

12-14-2002, 04:53 PM
1. Never heard that before....

2. No. If you do anything like that, get a Palmers Stabilizer.

12-14-2002, 04:57 PM
Minimag valve & classic valve are the same thing. Just milled different names on the side. (Stars are just for warranty purposes)

Yes, an additional regulator might block out your CO2 problems. BUT- make sure that you put the reg BEFORE the expansion chamber on the air line.

I suggest a palmers stabilizer. Have it mounted under your grip as a bottom line near your ASA. That way, you can still have your x-chamber.

Another idea would be to run remote. All that hose acts as a x-chamber.

One last idea is to make sure you have an anti-siphon tube in the tank if you are running bottom-line. It keeps the liquid out of the gun. The only sure fire way to keep the liquid out is to run the tank in a vertical setup.

And BTW- where does it say anything about the minimag valve being better on CO2? They are both the same valve.

**Edit**- Here's where it says it. NOTICE, however, it says it because you would be running a vertical setup. (Like I said earlier)

The vertical ASA also makes this marker a good choice for those wanting to run CO2 because it keeps the bottle upright and holds liquid CO2 out of the marker

Originally posted by Crap_Boy_Smith
I know your first answer to this question and it is switch to HPA, but I cannot do this where I live there is nowhere to fill it up within 500 miles and a plane ride away. My friends and I all play with CO2 and it is the only air we can get. anyway to the questions

I have a classic valve (1 star) and an expansion chamber and am wondering a couple of things:

If i upgraded to a minimag valve (4 star) would this improve my CO2 play? It says on airgun.com that the minimag valve is better for CO2.

Also, should I get one of those in-line regulators to use in conjuntion with my xchamber? Would this make my gun any more consistant?

Thanks in advance

12-14-2002, 06:33 PM
but still with vertical, it still does not guarntee you will not get liquid. if you just had your tank filled on a cold day and run co2 to a mag. Either way you hook it up. your gonna get liquid believe me. Only Sure way is to swithch to HPA. Scuba shops will fill your HPA for you. soo check around you might have some scuba shops close by

12-14-2002, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the info - is it hard to install an anti-syphon into a tank? There doesnt seem to be a canadian site that will do it without the gun - they will give me the kit to do this, but wont do it themselves. Also, I heard you can make an anti-syphon with brake line and such. Can this be done?

Yeah - scuba shop. None within 500 miles or so. Plus the only one I know of makes you have a licence and a scuba tank to fill - wont do paintball tanks. The closer place is a diving company that laughed at me when I asked- not many people dive in the north atlantic (labrador area) too damn cold.

12-14-2002, 09:58 PM
Ok, I was just looking at palmers stabalizers and there are a bunch of different ones. Which one should I get to mount under my grip and still be able to use my tank on the gun (Ie no remote) I cant seem to see one that will screw into an asa and still let a tank screw into it, or one that will mount on the gun (female?)

Anyway please let me know

12-15-2002, 04:00 PM
I think it's the Male Stabilizer that should hook up as a grip.

12-15-2002, 10:15 PM
Actually, you need to run the Reg AFTER you expand the gas. My advice----> buy the Direct Stabilizer that is ready to fit the MAG Valve. It will be a side mount reg at the valve. This will allow you ro run the ExChamber as a front grip and reg the gas after expansion.

There are pictures that show a set like this at Mr. Palmer's site.

12-15-2002, 10:48 PM

I once new a guy who had a sweet minimag setup that never really got liquid in his valves.
He had a 20 oz CO2 vertical on his back, connected to an 8 stage expansion chamber, then through a remote coil setup, then through a gas.through stock, then to another 8 stage exp chamber as the foregrip, then into the gun. It was a pretty sweet setup, and he was a good player with a reliable gun.
Also, you can usually get a scuba tank w/fill for about $250 that will get you 6-10 fills on a 68.3000psi tank. This may be a good idea, since I heard CO2 is set to be banned (or all but banned) by 2008.
It makes sense, and all of the rental tippmans are actually using steel 45.3000psi tanks, since they're like $60 brand new. Just something to think about. See ya!
Hope this helped,

12-15-2002, 11:43 PM
Sorry. You're wrong on that one... There are fluctuations that may occur in the gas line if you do it your way. The reg will block most of the liquid CO2 and any left over will hit the X-Chamber.

Originally posted by Pstan
Actually, you need to run the Reg AFTER you expand the gas. My advice----> buy the Direct Stabilizer that is ready to fit the MAG Valve. It will be a side mount reg at the valve. This will allow you ro run the ExChamber as a front grip and reg the gas after expansion.

There are pictures that show a set like this at Mr. Palmer's site.

12-16-2002, 09:00 AM
I'm not gonna argue with you........primarily cause I know I'm right........and so does everyone else here that understands CO2 dynamics. Expanding gas after it's been regulated is simply wrong, and the gun will never be as consistent as it could be, cause the gas will change pressures slightly as it moves from a liquid to a gas. Always, expand, then regulate. If need be, I can provide evidence from people like Glenn Palmer that show what I'm talking about.

12-16-2002, 09:45 AM
how far out does the mag stabalizer stick out? Where can I get the picture? HAs anyone here actually used this set-up and can vouch for its usefulnes??


12-16-2002, 11:24 AM


tank ------to----->Ex chamber ------to------>Palmer -------to----->MAG valve.

Per the info I have seen from Nerobro, mags like a higher input pressure, so CO2 at colder temps on a mag is not that great, however if it's all you got it's no biggie.

12-16-2002, 01:34 PM
I have used CO2 on a remote with a stabalizer and it worked fine (no x chamber). I had the stabalizer on the marker.