View Full Version : Free paintball/can food drive

COW staff
12-14-2002, 08:08 PM
Splat Action and Paintball COW are teaming up to bring you free play on Sunday Dec.29th. in Mallola, OR.
Bring 4 cans of food (minimum) and play for free plus get all day air for $5. Rentals will be $15 with 4 cans.

Added Bonus! Paintball COW will be giving away a free marker to the person that donates the most canned foods! and we will be having a drawing for more prizes including another marker!

All food will be donated to area food bank to help feed the hungry during the winter months!

One more way to show the community the players care!

Feel free to email us with any [email protected]

12-14-2002, 11:35 PM
wow that is a great idea. in fact thats ingenious. i wouldnt be surprised if someone brought $1000 worth of cans expecting an angel IR3 :)

12-14-2002, 11:50 PM
Oh man, if I lived in Oregon, I'd just go to Costco beforehand, hehehe.

12-15-2002, 12:53 AM
so what gun did they give away

COW staff
12-15-2002, 02:01 AM
We will be giving away an E Rebel vertical and standard plus random other prizes.
We are not making any money off this, as a matter of fact Paintball COW does not see any money they are strickly donated out of our pocket.

It's all about the food...bring as much as you can!

12-15-2002, 03:09 AM
KC Crusaders up here in washington is doing the same thing, kinda... bring in 4 cans of food, get 15 bucks off entry... and they have this game where its soccer on a paintball field... fun? :)

12-15-2002, 12:25 PM
One of the fields in IL, Paintball Blitz, is doing something similar as well on the 21st. I've been planing on being there for months, and am looking forward to it.