View Full Version : i have a good game for you!!!!!!!!

12-15-2002, 02:28 AM
i would like someone to find a shartley post that they dont agree with. lol even when he is disagreeing with me i find is points so well worded and placed that i start to accept his word as the word of GOD.
seriously now tho has anyone seen a shartley post that wasnt perfect? i want to see these lol.

12-15-2002, 04:19 AM
Friendly corner, perhaps?

Sure as heck doesn't belong in paintball talk.

But while it's here, I'll post my thoughts.

SHartley thinks before he posts. He conveys his thoughts on whatever the subject may be very well. He uses proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar (*hint*). He doesn't try to force you to believe anything. He posts, and lets you decide what you want for yourself (of course, with some, it takes him more than one post if they are just being inane or otherwise hard headed on a simple topic...).

I do, however, sense a bit of sarcasm in your post.

Accepting his word as the word of God? As flattering as that is towards him (and I do not wish to detract from that, if that's really what you feel), it seems childish and sarcastic.

Main thing---he thinks before he posts.

Mayhaps we should have more of that on these forums from time to time...

(I would suggest moving this to friendly corner...)

12-15-2002, 10:09 AM
I disagree with ALOT of Shartley posts...but he is still a great guy...

He uses big words to confoozle the stupid people:p(like me:o )