View Full Version : How many shots?

12-15-2002, 03:40 PM
With my minimag w/ a magic box how many shots should I get out of a 45/4500 and a 68/4500?

12-15-2002, 04:42 PM
take off the magic box, it kill you eff

with the magic box off you will get about 600 shots on a 45/45, 900 on a 68/45

12-15-2002, 04:47 PM
okay thanks. I bought my minimag used soI didnot buy the magic box. what is the point of it? Everyone says they just suck. The guy told me to never touch the box though just send it to agd to be worked on. Can i take it off myself?

12-15-2002, 05:17 PM
the magic box increases the size of the air chamber, runing your air chamber at a lower pressure, taking more air, and longer to fill the air chamber. this gives you a lower rof, and uses more air than a standard mag.

i believe that once the magic box is on there, it is on there for good.

your efficency depends on a lot of things, like what you chrono your gun at, what length of barrel, if you have a lvl 10 in there (lowers it a bit), if you are shootin a small paint in a really large barrel.... so it is hard to give you any good numbers.

i would say 900 for the 68 4500 with a full fill, and 600 for the 45 4500 with a full fill (conservative numbers). also, you will almost never get a full 4500 fill, because the pressure will drop in the tank a little as the tank cools off from the fill.

12-15-2002, 05:29 PM
you will get even les of a fill with a 3000 :)

12-15-2002, 06:00 PM

Are you sure the box doesn't come off? that sucks. why on earth would anybody put one on then?

12-15-2002, 06:31 PM
Because Low Pressure was the rave until smart folks like the ones you'll meet here on AO dispelled it as a myth.

Don't tell your guys at the pro-shop that though, they probably aren't in on it yet.

Check out the Shocker, for instance. Smart Part's great new closed bolt electro for great accuracy and low pressure operation. It does operate LP, and it does get great accuracy, but no better than a mag and it gets about 1/2 the shots to a fill that a mag does.

12-16-2002, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by sniper05
Are you sure the box doesn't come off? that sucks. why on earth would anybody put one on then?

back in the day, they would give you better range, accuracy, make you more attractive to women. now that they have stopped hyping that product, it has stopped ignoring the laws of physics. ;)

i would like to get my hands on a hypervalve (custom made for fox river games, smaller air chamber, and higher pressure than a standard air valve)

12-16-2002, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by 314159

back in the day, they would give you better range, accuracy, make you more attractive to women. now that they have stopped hyping that product, it has stopped ignoring the laws of physics. ;)

i would like to get my hands on a hypervalve (custom made for fox river games, smaller air chamber, and higher pressure than a standard air valve)
pi, I believe fonta did that to 1 or all of the handlebar emags. Called it Hypering, i think. I was all set to trade my angel for it (kid on PBR has it now, its been passed around like a cheap....mattress). I was psyched as hell, but then potato and phil in the chat said i couldnt get it :P They told me it has tons of issues, and since Fonta no longer works at AGD no one will work on it and you're basically screwed.

Anyhoo...if u wanna test your luck go for it :)