View Full Version : TK and his MagMasters beat the WorrLords!!!

12-16-2002, 01:54 AM
If you haven't heard by now, TK and his MagMasters won a decicive victory over the WorrLords.

I got to the field about 7am, put on my ref gear & grabbed my shield. It had been a long night in that worrlords had almost overrun the base camp. But the fearless Mags held them off and started the new day with a vengence.

An ingenious plot was hatched by TK's XO, two asassins were dispatched to do their worst. I ran across one of them on the trail. He ID'd himself and said there was no ref at the WL camp to witness the kill. I told him I would go to the camp but could no more.
I watched as he came into the camp wearing the red armband of the WL, as was legal per the rules. He sat down on the hillside and waited to see if Bud's bodyguards noticed. Slowly he worked his way into striking distance. He had to touch Bud with his barrel to complete his mission. Just as he got within three feet of his goal, Buds XO grabbed him and two others and assigned them a mission. He looked over at me and I was doing everything I could not to laugh. All I could do was slightly shrug my shoulders in a silent way of saying... so goes the spy game.

The last battel was an all out seige on both base camps. The Mags took it to them and kept it on. Just after the final mission started it came over the refs radio that the asassin finally found his target. And soon after, a sachel charge took out what was left of the WorrLords HQ.

I was stationed at the Mag's HQ for the last mission, all the action was at the other end. The WL's never even got close.

Congrats to TK and his loyal hord.

12-16-2002, 02:23 AM
WooHoo! AGD whoops on WORR in Cocker Country (SoCal). Oh Yeah!

12-16-2002, 06:02 AM
go TK and MAGsters!!!

12-16-2002, 10:07 AM
Wish i coulda been there.

AGD Represent!

12-16-2002, 10:54 AM
Way to go TK and MAGMASTERS!!!!

Take no prisioners!


12-16-2002, 12:42 PM
WOW! That sounds like it was an incredible game! :) Way to go TK and the MagMasters!

12-16-2002, 03:56 PM
I wonder if a video/DVD was made a la Shatnerball ;)

12-16-2002, 06:25 PM
Congrats Tom and everyone who got to play! Way To Go!!!!

Hmmmmmmm I wonder if Tom is gonna celebrate tonight or if he's already crashed out in bed LOL

Spray Painter
12-16-2002, 06:35 PM
sounds like you had fun. wish i could have been there to support the mag team.:)

12-16-2002, 08:45 PM
The Mag Masters took the day. Great scenario too! My props to Millenium Paintball, Jungle Island Paintball and Airgun Designs, Mr. Worr himself was a pretty cool guy as well. Tom is a great player, not quite the ideal general. Whether he was marking guys out left and right or driving the tank, he always seemed to have a great attitude. Very easy to talk to and very approachable. The Mag Masters had a definite advantage over the Worrmen as we had a lot of diverse guys show up, whereas Worr had mostly his factory team and sin sity raiders to help him out.

Whether we were cracking up at the Psycho Clown Posse or taking objectives with the likes of Bad Karma, taking orders from most of the Evil Inc. guys as they were the ones acting as Commanding officers most of the time, or playing hard with the men in kilts, we all had a good time, good attitude and played honestly. Every Mag Master I met was nice, helpful, and out to have a good time. Though this was my first scenario, it definitely won't be my last!

12-16-2002, 09:26 PM
Welcome to AO soaklord!