View Full Version : Spplat Attack DVD ... "Sorry Dude"

12-16-2002, 05:39 AM
I made it onto the Spplat Attack DVD! :D

I haven't watched the main movie yet, but in the extras on the DVD where they show the extreme paintball and outrageousness I'm first up after the Camera Man walks into a table. :)

We were clearing Armageddon and the cameraman man came around the corner at, me... I was a little jumpy and shot him down the lens, you can see spray appear on the lens.

You can see my clear hopper with blue paint, and then the cameraman gets pegged. :D and then me apologising hehehe Then he comes back around and you can see me and two others and my nice shiney C&C.

I'm saying 'Sorry Dude' and he's like no it's ok :)

It's right before the bit where he got shot in the nads (not my doing!)


12-16-2002, 05:59 AM
lol..will this dvd be in stores such as target,and kmart?

or will we have to "special order" them from paintball online stores?

i cant wait to see it..

12-16-2002, 06:05 AM
I ordered it from Amazon.com :D

12-16-2002, 06:06 AM
Then he comes back around and you can see me and two others and my nice shiney C&C.

oh oh! can I have your autograph? puhlease?

12-16-2002, 06:12 AM
Which part of your body should I burn it into?


12-16-2002, 06:19 AM
my fist! oh wait, what was the question again?

I think you took my soldering tips a bit too far!


12-16-2002, 08:25 AM
awsome -ke!

12-16-2002, 09:42 AM
<---First AO'er to see said event on film!!! :D:cool:

12-16-2002, 12:52 PM
Shouldn't you have said something like "sorry mate" or "oh bollocks" teehee :p ;)

12-16-2002, 12:57 PM
I think you can hear a muffled 'oh sugar' ;) and then me apologising, explaining about having quick reactions because of being used to getting mugged (often the last one in on my team!)

Only bit of me in the whole thing that I could find.

You get to see how they were busy playing strategies but we were just busy shooting the heck out of people.

manike :D

The Frymarker
12-16-2002, 01:13 PM
sweet that's funny, that poor camera guy, first he gets hit in the nads and then the camera gets hit.

I hope they paid him well.:D

I have to get this dvd

12-16-2002, 01:47 PM
That was funny! I saw that but didn't realize it was you. spazzed told me later! Good shot! And the poor guy wasn't protected LOL

12-16-2002, 02:29 PM
hehehe... I'm still laughing about this...:D

12-16-2002, 05:58 PM
Yeah you made it, but only for a few seconds :P.
We just see the barrel above the wall, and granted, we see you after with your shiny Emag C&C. Next time try to do better ;).

BTW the DVD is great. I like the part when a guy climb a hill, and shout "We'll assimilate them", or something like that.

@++ (Pand0ra, a bit jealous :P)

12-16-2002, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Pand0ra
We just see the barrel above the wall, and granted, we see you after with your shiny Emag C&C. Next time try to do better ;)

I think I played it perfectly... was in tight shooting, that's why you can only see the tip of my gun and hopper, then when I see the person coming I pull back and hit him with one shot over the top of the buildings corner.

How better could it have been played? He never see's me as a target, he just gets shot :D

He only see's me and my pretty gun AFTER he is marked ;)


12-16-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by manike

I think I played it perfectly... was in tight shooting, that's why you can only see the tip of my gun and hopper, then when I see the person coming I pull back and hit him with one shot over the top of the buildings corner.

Yeah I think so. It would have been perfect if it was a player, instead of a poor cameran :P.

Near year I'll be there too, to shoot William Shatner (or anybody else, like a cameraman, I don't care in fact :) ).


12-16-2002, 07:16 PM
Shoot first, ask questions (or apologise as the case may be...) later ;)

manike the cameraman killer

12-17-2002, 03:26 AM
I made it in 2 parts that was actually 1 long shot.
The first is when the Big Head explains the rules and says it might hurt. I guess I die well in that scene.
The second is the part leading up to when I die about 24 min. into the DVD.

I remember the cameraman running up, shoving the camera next to my face and all this paint flying in.

12-17-2002, 03:03 PM
WTG Manike and Seek

Manike I posted a while back asking if you were the nad shooter. (I thought I heard an English accent)

12-17-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by leopardhead
WTG Manike and Seek

Manike I posted a while back asking if you were the nad shooter. (I thought I heard an English accent)

The nad shooting is a whole different incident, they just cut them close together.

When I shot the cameraman it was down the camera, you can see the spray appear and him stick his face around to look at the front of the camera.

When they cut to him getting shot in the nads it's in the woods (not Armageddon) and a different incident altogether. I don't think that was me.


12-17-2002, 04:23 PM
oooh those rascally editors always making things that aren't real seem connected

12-17-2002, 04:58 PM
I was in the DVD once that I noticed, but it should have been twice, dammit!

The first time is me on a hill. You can see my name on the back of my jersey, plus the AO patch on my goggles. Yep, I managed to get an AO patch into the DVD :) The flex chinguard is folded up and I'm yelling something or other, I couldn't make it out.

The second time, though, would have been great, but the damn camera angle sucked. When Shatner rides the golf cart to sign the blue flag, there were a bunch of AOer's surrounding him, including me, Capo, Riotz, Havoc, and a few others. Mango might have been there too. But the camera only followed Shatner from behind and didn't do a wide angle shot to show that he was surrounded by borg. If it wasn't for that damn cloaking device we would have lit him up. We came pretty close to shooting him before the ref told us not to. Argh. Also, it seemed in the movie that he was uncloaked as he left the tent. The damn refs told us that we couldn't shoot him, those bastages.

Oh well, funny scene with Simon though, I liked it :)