View Full Version : Rt Valve???????????

12-16-2002, 03:42 PM
What is the rt valve?what does it help on your gun?please tell me all information on this subject because im not sur if i should get one or not!

12-16-2002, 03:52 PM
The RT Valve comes on an RT mag ...

What your talking about is the ReTro valve .. and yes it helps your gun. Its the same valve used in the Emags and Xmags. It has a faster recharge time so you can get more shots off smoothly, plus it works with a Reactive Trigger to help fine tune that trigger. The ReTro valve is no longer for sale though, cause in 2 weeks the XVALVE will be taking its place. The XValve is the same thing, but its aluminum so its lighter, and it has the infamous LEVEL 10 kit already built in.

If you have any other questions, do a search in the forums... there's bound to be numerous topics on the retro valve


12-16-2002, 03:53 PM
First off, welcome to AO.

Secondly, there's a nice feature on here called http://www.automags.org/forums/images/top_search.gif . It helps you find what you need to know.

As for your question, if you mean the ReTro valve, it gives your marker a "reactive trigger", and has a recharge rate of 26bps, meaning you won't have shootdown when firing at high rates. The ReTro valve only accepts compressed air or nitro as well. I don't think it's being made anymore, but you can buy one secondhand or wait for the X-valve to come out. The X-valve is basically an all-aluminum ReTro valve (which is half stainless steel and half aluminum), and has a Level 10 bolt. The level 10 bolt is a mechanical anti-chopping mechanism that pinches paintballs that are halfway into the breech.