View Full Version : trouble shooting PT Xtreme

12-16-2002, 04:11 PM
A couple months ago a friend of mine bought a PT Xtreme. After two games he blew something inside the gun causing it to leak down the barrel. He confronted the manual and it claimed that there wa a cup seal malfunction. He replaced the cup seal and nothing changed. The gun still leaks all its co2 from the barrel when 12 gram is installed. We are at a loss, does anyone know what to do??

12-16-2002, 04:15 PM
Toss it and buy a PGP.

Actually, you likely blew an o-ring, replace them and it may work. However the quality control on them is so atrocious you'd be better off replacing it with a PGP, which will last for decades.

12-16-2002, 04:53 PM
i hate to break it to you, but PT extremes are horrible. they always mess up and break, and when you fix that you will just get another problem. i know someone who had one and had to get it fixed a lot and had to put tape around the feed hole to keep it from double feeding and it was too much of a hassle so he didtched it

paint magnet
12-16-2002, 07:05 PM
Had one, hated it so much I played w/o a gun and tried to trade it for a pizza, the guy wouldn't even take it. I will never own another 32 degrees product as long as I live. Get a PGP