View Full Version : AGD Overview of Lords of Worr vs Magmasters

12-17-2002, 03:57 AM

I just got back from LA and had a great time with everyone at the AO meet and the big game. I wanted to fill you in on the highlights of one of the best scenario games I ever played.

First of all BIG THANKS to Evil Inc and Bad Karma! You guys scared the hell out of me with your organization and forward thinking. You guys won the thing for us hands down. Psycho Clowns you had my vote for craziest team, nice job!

Some of my highlights from the event:

Seeing the Evil Inc. trailer area. They had TWO tanks, bbq, coolers with gatoraid and pediaq (thanks that stuff works), guns of every shape and style hanging from the ceiling, huge bins of paint pods they would bring out on the field and TWO chairs for every player so they could meet people.

I shot more paint in one weekend than ever before in my life, 5 cases. At one point we were defending our base from the Worring mob in the trenches and I had the warped LX behind the edge of a net. The enemy kept popping up like prarie dogs and I hammered them back down. I was eventually able to hold them tight enough so my guys could run up and bunker them. Afterwards a lot of people came up and commented on the x-mags speed from seeing that go down.

I got to drive the tank and we loaded up with players and went hunting in enemy territory! The thing was hard as hell to drive but was a lot of fun. We drove into the town and watched the yellow players scatter into the buildings. I drove right up only to have a satchel charge fly out a window and hit the tank. I thought we were dead but my on the ball Evil Inc guys questioned the judge if he had been told about the satchel charge before he used it. You have to know the rules in these games and play them to the letter.

We used our Tommy Bucks (had my pic on them) to buy a helicopter. I had never seen how a helo worked and it was fascinating. It’s a stick with a small wood prop on the top and has a ten foot rope hanging off it. The pilot, who can never be killed, holds the stick and the assault force hangs on to the rope and off “flying” they go. They can not be shot at until it lands when the pilot touches the stick to the ground. Our guys flew to the enemy base where all the factory Worr guys were and unloaded on them. The pilot only had a certain amount of flying time so he returned immediately and lifted back off with a satchel charge. The charge had a maximum blast radius with 3 cards so he went back to the enemy base where they all surrounded him as he landed…..and blew up!!! That took out the entire enemy base camp!

The Evil Inc guys are very devious and work best at night. They team one normal player with a guy in a guilly suit. The two go out and find the other team and the regular player shoots at them using the guilly as cover and then backs off. The guilly sits there and the other team comes up following the retreat of the first player only to get barrel tagged by a bush!!

The field and teams were so perfectly matched that the skirmish line kept moving from one base to the other like a back and forth wave all day. On one assault they came in around the back of our base and I ran out alone to try and hold them off. I didn’t see a lead guy hiding behind a truck and he shot me and asked if I was the general. I told him yes and he exploded with excitement and started jumping up and down. I couldn’t help but laugh as he yelled for a judge to confirm his kill.

It was the first event of its kind in LA and everyone had a great time and wanted to see more. I really think scenario games are going to be the next big thing and Budd and I spent a lot of time talking about it. I am going to put up a poll to see how many scenario guys frequent the board and maybe we will dedicate a forum to them.

All in all it was a bunch of great people at a great event. I really couldn’t believe we won in Budd’s backyard!! (thanks Preacher)


12-17-2002, 05:36 AM
Sounds like it was a Blast! Wish I coulda..shoulda...woulda...:D :D ;)

Creative Mayhem
12-17-2002, 06:14 AM
That's great Tom! If only I could have been there....

C Mayhem

12-17-2002, 09:16 AM
hmm. I wish i was there too. that is a little far from my back yard though.

The Frymarker
12-17-2002, 09:54 AM
Sounded like a great time

Jack & Coke
12-17-2002, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by AGD
...I wanted to fill you in on the highlights of one of the best scenario games I ever played...

I had a X-mas party to host so I was busy last weekend... bummer! I wish a was there!!!

Originally posted by AGD
...Psycho Clowns you had my vote for craziest team, nice job!

I know Rock (aka roczilla on AO). He's a cool guy and is really crazy and funny. His clown uni's are unreal! I bust a gut everytime he toots the horn strapped on the back of his mask, and yells his sinister laugh...

12-17-2002, 03:48 PM
Tom your right on man the scenario was awesome .Non stop action .I was on Budd Orrs Team and we got slaughtered in points but it didnt matter it was fun from the start.My buddy was the guy Tom was talking about, he got all excited when he found out he took out Tom Kay.I cant wait for the next one to come to town ,If you missed it then you missed out,but do try to make the next one.

Sneaky Elmo
12-17-2002, 05:55 PM
Hey Tom it was great to play paintball with you again. It was much better shooting with you than against you at Shanterball. We will always have our trailer door open for you. That new Xmag is awesome I can't wait till they are out in stores so I can pick on up for myself. Anytime you need a XO or command staff feel free call me up.
To all the other teams and player on our side you guys ROCKED. Bad Karma it was great to see you again and for the first time to play one your side instead of shooting you. Crash we will just have to figure out another way to have are one on ones. Psycho Clowns thanks for all the help, and it was so funny seeing the other general's CP covered to T.P. Circle of Fire you guys sure can take a field we needed, thanks again.
Sin City Raiders, Radar it was great to see you again. Next time though please bring your own tank so I don't need to "loan" you our
:D. Plus it would be fun to take it out. heheh. Bud and all the Worr guys it was great to play with you again. But it was even more fun cover you in paint.
If I missed anyone sorry.
To the player there you all played stand up ball, thank you.
Ben This was a great game can't wait till the next one,

Tactical Paintball Gear
Team Evil Inc.

12-17-2002, 06:59 PM
Hi Tom!

That was the first scenario game I've ever been to and the first scenario I've ever covered for PB2X. I had a blast being there and watching the scenario play out - Very cool!

Attached is a pic of Tom with the Clown Posse who gave Tom the "Clown Head Award" as a sign of their appreciation towards Tom. Toby, Rock, and the rest of their crew were alot of fun to watch and wow, what a sense of humor (of course, they better have, since they are a bunch of clowns!!)...

Can't wait to see you again, Tom...

<3, Bea

12-17-2002, 07:26 PM
Everyone was awesome at the scenario! From Psycho Clown Posse to Bad Karma, to Evil Inc, to the men in kilts.

I will back you up or take a bunker for any of you any day!

That X-mag is AWESOME!

12-18-2002, 12:57 AM
This was my first scenario game but I think im hooked. I have tryed to play all the BIG games in the area but there arent very many here in So.Cal, and this was the first scenario in the area since I started playing in 95, my only thought is Why not sooner? Every one there had a great time, there was lots of fast paced action and the teams were a good match. The prarie dog's in the trenches was fun, we all bunched up and rushed the trenches lead by Tom, half of the team bunkered the Worrlord's and the other half rushed in the trenchs and jumped acrost the trench tops to pick them off 1 by 1, Lots of fun. The Clown's were great to keep the game realy fun, they even made a late night "TP" run on Bud's base camp, you should have seen the look on Bud Orrs face:D I can tell you that man has a good sence of humor. Hope this is a start of many more Big games and scenarios here in So.Cal

12-18-2002, 01:49 AM
I also was up at the scenario game (I didn't play..having to pay $800 for brakes on an 18 month old car cramped that idea) but it was nice to finally meet Tom and Bud (and Bea of course) in person and chat with them. It looked like it was a great time and we have to really thank Ben Toricelli for putting on such a great event. I told Ben if he comes out here next year the only way I'll miss it is if I'm dead. I never got to suggest an idea for next year..but how about Tom and Bud team up next year and bring the guys from WDP across the pond..and we can have an America vs. England shootout...there you go..that's an idea.

12-18-2002, 06:00 AM
Hi Dirty Bunny!

I got to meet him, finally! =) Thanks, Dirty Bunny for the pizza! And we do need to thank Ben and also Bonnie Torricelli, for bringing the scenario to CA! WOO HOO! Lucky for me, I will be in FL most of the time in 2003 and will be able to play the scenarios Ben produces!

I'm a Dirty Bunny fan! <3

Dirty Bunny.... third (blue Dye jersey) from the left!

12-18-2002, 10:22 AM
and for all the uneduacted folk, that's Rogue Factor on the left end and MxRacer33 on the right end...hehehehehe..I even got to play with Josh Silverman's X-Mag....pppppprrrrrrreeetttttttyyyyyyyyyy.

12-18-2002, 12:56 PM
Thanks from Team StealthPossum (the men in kilts). We had a great time and can't wait for the next one. We promise to bring more men in kilts next time. Many thanks to Preacher and the men from evil inc for doing a great job running the missions for the Magmasters. The clowns and Bad Karma were great on and off the field. We hope to be able to see you guys again in the future.

12-19-2002, 04:06 AM
Wow sounds exciting. I have to brush up on my scenario lingo.

Hey Tom, does this mean we are going to win at Shatnerball next year? Huh huh does it? :D

12-19-2002, 10:31 AM
not to get off topic..but after watching the Shatnerball video, it was soooo obvious it was a fix it wasn't funny. You see Tom running smack dab into a whole shipload of Feds and Pacman goes off and does a mission in all of 5 minutes for a hundred points....oh well...it was for a good cause....and now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

12-19-2002, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
and for all the uneduacted folk, that's Rogue Factor on the left end and MxRacer33 on the right end...hehehehehe..I even got to play with Josh Silverman's X-Mag....pppppprrrrrrreeetttttttyyyyyyyyyy.

Huh, I have a box thats says "Josh Silverman" on it, that MY x-mag came in...I think Sprayingmango hustled me....;)

12-19-2002, 07:06 PM
Sweeeet! You guys played at Jungle Island! I love that field! Wish I coulda been there, but seeing as I don't even have a gun right now I probly couldn't have done much good!

12-19-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by TNS2k2
hmm. I wish i was there too. that is a little far from my back yard though.

i feel bad. it was basicly in my backyard but i didnt go. i even have a get in free to the place this thing was at. its like having a house facing a football stadium but never going there :(.

pogo the clown
12-20-2002, 01:34 AM
We had a BLAST. We are going to do more. As well as keep you guys on your toes. I realy enjoyed how everyone was just having fun. We made some new freinds shot alott of paint and and got to try our new toys ( the bazoka ). We are going to do more of these definatly. We are thinking about the one in Jan at the prison up north. Thank you Tom and Bud For everthing. and to all the players "HONK HONK"
Toby aka "Pogo the Clown"

12-20-2002, 01:42 AM
I should have taken side bets on how long it would take the clowns to make themselves comfortable here on Ao...I had my digicam with me but I didn't end up taking any pictures of anything...but I know Bea did...she just can't let us see them yet ('cept for the one of bea, me and the other guys..hahahha)

12-20-2002, 06:50 AM
hey dirtybunny what do you mean by[ I should have taken side bets on how long it would take the clowns to make themselves comfortable here on Ao...] I've been an AO member for several months... the names Rockzilla..captain of the Psycho Clown Posse? U down with the Clowns?

Jack & Coke
12-20-2002, 01:56 PM
Just think 6-3", 220-230, solid muscle body builder screaming some insane laugh while dressed in a clown outfit... not to mention a nice guy, funny sense of humor, and a green gun.

That's what you get when you meet da Rock.

12-20-2002, 03:27 PM
why thank you for that glowing endorsement jack&coke.. why im blushing. :p

12-20-2002, 04:33 PM
I apologize for not noticing that..so when you gonna get the rest of the Posse up in here..

12-20-2002, 04:53 PM
Roc is kewl, in fact, all of the PCP came across as a great bunch of guys. Felt bad for the Worrmen as they didn't appear to have nearly as many kewl guys on their team as we did. Guess that is why we were able to take it to them in their own backyard.

12-20-2002, 06:01 PM
Budd and the Worrmen my not of had as many cool players but thanks to the clowns they had the best base camp on sunday:D

12-20-2002, 07:01 PM
I was on Budds Team .Dont feel bad for us cause we didnt have clowns on our team .We had a good Team and i think we could have one .But everyone on our team wanted eliminations no one really cared for the missions.we got beat by points,but we know what to do when the next scenario rolls around.

12-20-2002, 07:23 PM
Honk Honk...hey dirtybunny....where's up here? the clowns would love to come but where? I know for fact the clowns will be playing at another scenerio in monterery california Jan 17th through 19th. its put on by team Black Cats. its going to be in an abandoned prision. Its gonna be soooo cool. http://www.blackcat-productions.com its called tomorrow never dies..I think Sin city is gonna be there too:D

12-21-2002, 02:27 AM
Sorry..i've been working on about 5 hours of sleep a night the last week, I've finally been able to squeeze a nap in. What i meant Roc, was when are you gonna get the rest of the clowns to represent here on Ao...give a Ao a little scenario flavor. You don't only have to be a mag blaster to be up in here....*HONK*..hahahhaahaha

12-21-2002, 06:55 AM
honk.honk...OK dirtybunny ill go to work on it well we already got another clown on AO by the handle of POGO THE CLOWN. I'll work on the rest of them..........

I can't go to sleep cause the clowns will get me!!! :eek:

12-23-2002, 01:02 AM
Hey Roczilla,

Candyman here from Evil Inc. If the PCP's are coming to Tomorrow Never Dies next month Pre-reg soon since they are supposedly running out of available spaces. (only 150 left) Also if you guys want to run the Dark Side again request to be on the World League Team and you guys can help us defeat Bond and MI6.... There are alot of roles player positions still available on the Elite Squad. And any other AO members who would like to try a real CQB game this will be one intense game.....

I also wanted to thank Tom for the great weekend of play and his support of Evil Inc.

Jason "Candyman" Imbach
Tactical Paintball Gear
Evil Inc.

12-24-2002, 03:35 AM
yepper..the clowns will be at tommorrow never dies and were registering twelve clowns[like the christmas song:D ] and we will be running with the evil side cause we're just little stinkers. see you on the wild side........

.come to the dark side luke...the clowns power is strong!!

Evil Preacher
12-24-2002, 01:57 PM
Ok, so I am a little slow on posting on the game, but I want to thank everyone for playing.

Tom it was great to be your XO, and I would do it again if you need me.

Bad Karma, great to see you again, who would of thought that you guys would be alseep at 10 pm on a Friday night, and then stay up and play on a Saturday night, great job, thanks for the help.

I want everyone to understand, 90% of the people playing this game have never played this kind of game before. I hope they had fun and learned a different view of the game. If they tell their friends, the next game will be better. We need to be sure that games like this come to CA, but it is beyond just the players to promote the games. Field owners need to work with all the local stores and promote the games. For how short of notice this game was promoted pretty good in the local stores, but we need more time to do it.

I would like to thank Ben for pulling off this game in the short time of changing fields, and I welcome him back to CA next year (yes he has asked me to general one of the games next year).

Again I want to thank everyone that made the time to play this game before the holidays, it was hard on them I am sure, heck it was in the middle of finals for school. Lets hope that we can get more games in CA to introduce people to the game.

Thanks Tom, it was a blast