View Full Version : splinter cell?

12-17-2002, 06:50 PM
its about time i got a new xbox game and since i'm getting a gift certificate to the local game store i am thinking i'm gonna get splinter cell.

i was wondering if you guys have played it? if so how was it? thanks

Archangel Damien
12-17-2002, 07:00 PM
it is a good game it offers some what of a challange not to much thought

12-17-2002, 07:11 PM
it looks like a rip of of MGS...

12-17-2002, 08:13 PM
I'm playing that game right now. In my opnion this game is great. If you like doing stealth missions and sneaking up on people this is the game.

12-17-2002, 08:47 PM
Fatal Frame and Reckoning are on my current playlist..damjned good games :p

12-17-2002, 08:52 PM
It is a very good game. Realistic lighting makes it very fun to play. Hiding in the shadows right in front of somebody is pretty cool. The missions can be rough sometimes considering you are a wussy and die after like 2 or 3 shoots.

All in all good game though.

12-17-2002, 09:04 PM
Get 4x4 Evolution 2.. its an awesoem 4x4 offroad racing game where you can customize everything on your car from headlights to lift kits to turbo engines..
Its a really sweet game IMO, I got hooked on it when my friend and I rented it..
Only costs like 20 bux, one of the cheaper xbox games..

12-17-2002, 11:26 PM
Instead of spending money on a game, buy a mod chip. My roomate got his for 60 bucks. It's no solder, and works fine. Now all games are free, so you can get all you want.

12-17-2002, 11:35 PM
What does the Mod chip do? How does it make the games free?:confused:

12-18-2002, 09:55 AM
Mod Chips override the copy protection built into Console games. This allows you to copy games using a CD-R or DVD-R drive (depending on the source disk type). Faily illegal, but you csan buy them over the net. Morally, you decide. Some think the game folks charge an immoral amount for their games...

Later ~ Jonesie

12-18-2002, 11:36 AM
true, some believe that about overcharging for game titles. But untill you've worked on a game being produced and actually see first hand the amount of work that goes into a game. That 40-50 bux is right. Then again there are those games that just suck and seem like a huge waste on a companys part to even produce.

So you can't copy DVD's with a CD-r-rw drive then?

Splinter Cell looks Phat,

12-18-2002, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by spawnboy
So you can't copy DVD's with a CD-r-rw drive then?

Except for the newer DVD/CD-RW 'Hybrid' drives, you can't even read a DVD in a CD-RW drive, much less write one.

Sony has a new drive out that Reads/Writes all flavors of Recordable DVD, and CD... $350 or so. Add that to the $60 for the Mod Chip and it's worth actually buying the 8 games or so..

12-18-2002, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by gimp
Instead of spending money on a game, buy a mod chip. My roomate got his for 60 bucks. It's no solder, and works fine. Now all games are free, so you can get all you want.

I have that mod chip..well the Matrix one...works great...but I still purchase games..after all if we didnt support them somewhat, what would there be to rent? ALso I mainly got it so I could load linux on there and run all my emulators :p

hehe nothing like playing mario brothers on xbox :p

12-18-2002, 04:08 PM
This game rocks! I have so much fun trying not to get caught...

12-18-2002, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by gimp
Instead of spending money on a game, buy a mod chip. My roomate got his for 60 bucks. It's no solder, and works fine. Now all games are free, so you can get all you want.
Thats stupid, lame, and unsupportive..
Dont do it..
Picture this, you are making the Xbox, and you put 600+ Hours into the system, and 200 or so into each game.. you sell them at a reasonable price for their design, and there are people ripping the games off the internet and burning them onto a cd for free.
Is that really fair to you? No.
Does it make you want to make a second Xbox? No.

12-18-2002, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by personman

Thats stupid, lame, and unsupportive..
Dont do it..
Picture this, you are making the Xbox, and you put 600+ Hours into the system, and 200 or so into each game.. you sell them at a reasonable price for their design, and there are people ripping the games off the internet and burning them onto a cd for free.
Is that really fair to you? No.
Does it make you want to make a second Xbox? No.

600 hours? the xbox took like thousands and thousands of man hours to develop. I can tell you, being a game developer in training, it takes thousands of hours to create a game to, saying you have a skilled team.

I dont belive in stealing console games, but i do steal computer games, from my friends of course. Console games take to much effort to copy :)

Anyways, my mom bought me Splinter Cell along with my genx3 for xmas :):D :D