View Full Version : My Day out at a Charity Paintball Event

12-17-2002, 08:03 PM
So I go back home for the holidays (for a week really, but hey still the holidays) and I go visit my old boss from my job in the summer. (Worked at a Steakhouse as a cook for the summer, mmmmm rare steak mmmm) Anyway, I was talking to him, and he tells me that the company was offered to participate in a charity paintball tourney (kinda), but no one at work wanted to play. Free paint, air, markers, food, coke, everything provided. I thought the ppl there were nutz, so I called a few of my friends and made a make shift 5 man team. (2 of us r on a team together, the other 3 had never played)
I called the lady (the organizer) to see what we needed to bring and got a list. Im sure it was funny seeing 5 grown men walking around Wal-Mart at 9 in the morning looking at Barbie dolls. Anyway, so we show up at the local field to play and see about 3 other organizations. I saw one team of about 10 guys all dressed in camo. Well they were from the Army, which was kinda disturbing, but hey, its all for a good cause. So the Army guys start forming a battle plan, where one guy would sacrifice himself, while the others attacked and flanked the opponents and blah blah blah. So then the last team shows up, with a keg. First thought was great, this will be interesting. Drunks (at 10 no less) with guns.
First game starts and finishes. We're up next, so we set up our stuff and Team Logan's (the name of the restaurant) was up against the Army guys. Well, start of the game, 2 mins later we were standing and they lost. One guy was mad cuz he got a Welt on his arm, and blamed it on me cuz I had an adjustable tank. Gotta love that logic
1) It wasnt that bad
2) He didnt want to leave the field after he got shot
3) It wasnt even me.

All the drunks were happy and making fun of the Army guys since they were the ones who were taking it really seriously with a diagram. They started drawing a battle plan, to make fun of the Army guys, but of something other than the field. I would elaborate more on what they were drawing, but I dont want to get banned. So 2 more matches took place, and were up again. We go up against this team, and I run out of paint, and rather than quit, I decided to freak out the players and the audience (the crowd by this point was yelling out positions of the teams and getting really into the game) by just ripping into the trigger. That helped my teammates move up and get the win. I was happy, but they wanted me to quit, cuz I was cheating for having a Full Auto gun. (My minimag never felt prouder than that moment) In the end, we ended up 2nd (we should have won first, but at the last moment an Amateur player joined the other team and whooped us) It was cool, cuz it gave some awareness to the sport in a respectable fashion, taught safety (even with the keg) and was overall fun. The biggest part was that more than 100 kids would have presents for Christmas this year. It was for a good cause, we had a great time, and hopefully the kids will have a great time with their new toys.

12-17-2002, 08:14 PM
sounds like you all had a lot of fun, was this at the hornetz field? Any pictures?

12-17-2002, 08:19 PM
Yea, well, it wasnt the best field out there, but it was fine. Hey cant complain, it was free.

12-17-2002, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Marek

3) It wasnt even me.
